
Greasy Fork is available in English.

Manga OnlineViewer

Shows all pages at once in online view. MangaFox, MangaReader/MangaPanda, MangaStream, MangaInn, AnyManga, AnimeA, MangaHere, MangaShare, Batoto, MangaDevil, MangaCow, MangaChapter, 7manga, MangaPirate.net and MangaBee/OneManga.me manga sites. Fakku, HBrowse, Hentai2Read and Doujin-moe Hentai sites.

Устаревшая версия за 06.06.2014. Перейдите к последней версии.

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Supported Sites

  • MangaFox
  • MangaReader/MangaPanda
  • MangaStream
  • MangaInn
  • AnyManga
  • AnimeA
  • MangaHere
  • 7manga(BoxManga)
  • Batoto
  • MangaDevil
  • MangaChapter
  • MangaBee/OneManga.me/Manga2u/MangaSky/MangaCow/MangaMofo/MangaDoom
  • Starkana
  • EatManga
  • ManagBird
  • MangaLyght
  • Scanlators sites that use FoOlSlide

And these Hentai sites:

  • Fakku
  • Doujin-moe Non-members
  • Pururin
  • Fufufuu
  • HBrowse
  • Hentai2Read
  • Luscious/Wondersluts
  • HentaiMangaOnline
  • ExHentai(e-hentai) [May get you banned or ip blocked, use with moderation]


These should work with numpad keys or not.
+ and = : Global Zoom in pages (enlarge)
- : Global Zoom out pages (reduce)
* and 8 : Global Restore pages to original(toggles Fit width if oversized)
5 : Global Fit window width
Arrow Right and "." : Next Chapter (When avaliable)
Arrow Left and "," : Previous Chapter(When avaliable)


Full Themes
Global and Individual images zoom
-In(Global one may stretch images beyond window width)
-Restore original(Toggle fit width if oversized)
-Fit width
-Fit width if oversized[Default on]
Auto reload Images
-Counter for loaded Images
-Individual image reload, just in case
Goto Page


This scripts loads all pages(images) from the current chapter of the manga showing them in one page in a list type structure, witch helps reading faster.

Please note the this script may he a heavy on resources on a few sites, so please open only one tab of each site at a time and wait it finish loading.

I'll try to keep this script updated, however I hardly-ever visit some of the sites in it so please if you find it no longer works, post it in the discussion, and have patience.

It uses jQuery. Should be compatible with Firefox(Greasemonkey) and Chrome(Tampermonkey).

I allow this script to be posted or used anywhere so long it gives me credit and provides a link back to this site. I allow parts of my script to be used freely.

Rules For adding new Manga Sites

  1. The site must have rare/unique mangas
  2. If the site have mangas in multiple languages it must have an English version
  3. The site must be strong enough or else my script may crash it
  4. The site must not be exclusive to a handful of manga titles
  5. Hentai sites only need to follow rule 3 and 4


In case the owner/admin of one of the supported sites does not want my script to run on their site, I will make it disabled by default for them. So user will have to manually activate it.


2014-06-06 8.18 Fixed MangaBird
2014-06-05 8.18 Fixed AnimeA
2014-05-25 8.17 Fixed MangaHere and Moved to GreaseFork
2014-03-29 8.16 Fixed SenManga Raw and MangaDoom
2014-03-28 8.15 Fixed Fufufuu
2014-03-26 8.14 Fixed SenManga Raw
2014-03-26 8.13 Small tweak to FoOlSlide
2014-02-18 8.12 Fixed SenManga Raw
2014-02-14 8.11 Fixed Starkana
2013-08-20 8.10 Added Update links
2013-10-02 8.09 Fixed Fakku, added return link on the bottom
2013-09-30 8.08 Fixed MangaChapter
2013-09-28 8.07 Fixed MangaChapter
2013-09-18 8.06 Added MangaLyght
2013-09-09 8.05 Adjust Layout
2013-09-07 8.04 Adjust Layout
2013-09-07 8.03 Fixed MangaInn
2013-08-30 8.02 Fixed Hotkeys blocking browser hotkeys, fixed batoto webtoon, adjust mangareader
2013-08-29 8.01 Fixed SenManga
2013-08-29 8.00 Layout Improvement, Fix Chrome compatibility, Improved Zoom
2013-08-16 7.00 Large code clean up, Individual page functions
2013-08-02 6.00 Full Script Overhaul