At least part of the world will became a bit less important now.
// ==UserScript== // @name It's Not Important // @namespace lainscripts_it_is_not_important // @version 1.5 // @description At least part of the world will became a bit less important now. // @author lainverse // @match *://*/* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esnext: true */ (function(){ 'use strict'; var imptt = /((display|(margin|padding)(-top|-bottom)?)\s*:[^;!]*)!\s*important/ig, rplsf = function(str,grp){return grp;}; function unimportanter(el, si) { if (!imptt.test(si) || == 'none') return 0; // get out if we have nothing to do here if (el.nodeName === 'IFRAME' && el.src && el.src.slice(0,17) === 'chrome-extension:') return 0; // Web of Trust uses this method to add their frame var so = si.replace(imptt, rplsf), ret = 0; if (si != so) { ret = 1; el.setAttribute('style', so); } return ret; } function logger(c) { if (c) console.log('Some page elements became a bit less important.'); } function checkTarget(m, c) { var si = m.getAttribute ? m.getAttribute('style') : null; if (si && si.indexOf('!') > -1) c+=unimportanter(m, si); return c; } function checkNodes(m, c) { var i = m.length; while(i--) c = checkTarget(m[i], c); return c; } var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { setTimeout(function(m) { var i = m.length, c = 0; while(i--) { if (m[i].target) c = checkTarget(m[i].target, c); if (m[i].addedNodes.length) c = checkNodes(m[i].addedNodes, c); } logger(c); },0,mutations); }); observer.observe(document, { childList : true, attributes : true, attributeFilter : ['style'], subtree : true }); window.addEventListener ("load", function(){ var c = 0, imp = document.querySelectorAll('[style*="!"]'), i = imp.length; while(i--) { c+= checkTarget(imp[i], c); } logger(c); }, false); })();