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Autoscroll to set Y-position on specific Hosts
// ==UserScript==// @name ScrollTo_Y | Vivre// @description Autoscroll to set Y-position on specific Hosts// @version 0.2 - 27.02.16// @author Vivre// @namespace @include *// @grant GM_getValue// @grant GM_setValue// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand// ==/UserScript==// ***********************************************************************// NOTE// Original ScrollToY was published on by "@namespace"// It stopped runing and the author was unavailable.//// This now is an updated and altered version of the original.// It offers a Greasemonkey menu entry to set and save the desired scrollTo-position for the current host.// HowTo:// Scroll to a certain position on a given page that you'd like to become the default scroll-position// whenever you visit that side. Than choose "ScrollTo_setY" from the GreasemonkeyMenu to save// this specific setting. A simple alert will popup to varify the setting took place. [*see below]// A setting can be changed anytime by repeating the above described procedure.// A setting-value of '0' will remove the given host-entry from the setting on the whole.//// enjoy ~ Vivre// ***********************************************************************//// version 0.2 - 27.02.16: new: checkZero() to remove obsolete values// version 0.1 - 22.02.16: initial release//// ***********************************************************************// * Setting:var showAlert = 1 // assign 0/1 to en-/disable the verifying popup// ***** Scrolling to stored y *****var ys = eval(GM_getValue('ys', '({})'));var host = location.hostname.replace( /^www\./i, '');var y = ys[host];function scrollToY() {window.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset, y);}if (y) {scrollToY();// if (y && window.pageYOffset != y) // Wait for images to load and extend page// window.addEventListener("load", scrollToY, false);}// ***** Storing host and y-scroll value *****function GM_setY(){ys[host] = window.pageYOffset;// Wrapped in setTimeout for (!showAlert) {setTimeout(function() {GM_setValue('ys', ys.toSource()); checkZero();}, 500);} else {setTimeout(function() {GM_setValue('ys', ys.toSource());if (ys[host] == 0){alert(host +": set value - " +ys[host] +"\n\n*"+ host + "* will be removed from the setting");checkZero();} else {alert(host +": set value - " +ys[host]); }}, 500);};// ***** Remove obsolete valuesfunction checkZero() {if (ys[host] == 0){var settings = GM_getValue('ys');settings = settings.replace('({', '').replace('})', '');newset = new Array();if (settings){set = settings.split(',')for(var i=0; i<set.length; i++){if (!set[i].match(':0')){newset.push(set[i]);}}newset = '({' +newset+ '})';GM_setValue('ys', newset);}}};};GM_registerMenuCommand("ScrollTo_setY", GM_setY);// alert('end of script');