Greasy Fork is available in English.
A more Powerful Image Viewer with info panel support for Pixiv, deviantArt, imgur, Seiga Nico and NEW: Image rotation and flip added.
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Generic image viewer that allows hotkey resize options on images displayed in browser.
This script is designed to work in conjunction with:
Information panel is supported on,,,, and Youtube (Youtube Filter). The panel may have links to Artist Gallery Page, User/Artist Page and Illustration Page.
Supports Image Search Engines: IQDB, SauceNAO, ImgOps, Google and TinyEye
Hotkeys (from 2.2.32):[A] => Auto-Height[S] => Auto-Width[Z] => Auto-Stretch[X] => Enlarge/Shrink to Client Area[Q] => Reset Size[W] => Reset other transformation (rotate/mirror)[D] => Rotate Left[F] => Rotate Right[X] => Mirror Horziontally[C] => Mirror Vertically[E], [Num 0] => Change colour scheme (down)[R], [Num .] => Change colour scheme (up)