Greasy Fork is available in English.
A userscript that adds code folding to GitHub files
// ==UserScript== // @name GitHub Code Folding // @version 1.1.5 // @description A userscript that adds code folding to GitHub files // @license MIT // @author Rob Garrison // @namespace // @match* // @match* // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM.addStyle // @grant GM_addStyle // @require // @require // @require // @icon // @supportURL // ==/UserScript== /* global $ $$ on */ /** * This userscript has been heavily modified from the "github-code-folding" * Chrome extension Copyright 2016 by Noam Lustiger; under an MIT license * */ (() => { "use strict"; GM.addStyle(` td.blob-code.blob-code-inner { position:relative; padding-left:10px; } .ghcf-collapser { position:absolute; left:2px; width:10px; cursor:pointer; } .ghcf-collapser:after { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; content:"\u25bc"; opacity:.5; transition:.15s; } .ghcf-collapser:hover:after { opacity:1; } .ghcf-collapsed.ghcf-collapser:after { transform:rotate(-90deg); opacity:.8; } .ghcf-hidden-line { display:none; } .ghcf-ellipsis { padding:1px 2px; margin-left:2px; cursor:pointer; background:rgba(255,235,59,.4); position:relative; z-index:1; } .ghcf-ellipsis:hover { background:rgba(255,235,59,.7); } `); const blocks = {}; const ellipsis = document.createElement("span"); const triangle = document.createElement("span"); triangle.className = "ghcf-collapser"; ellipsis.className = "pl-smi ghcf-ellipsis"; ellipsis.innerHTML = "…"; function countInitialWhiteSpace(arr) { const getWhiteSpaceIndex = i => { if (arr[i] !== " " && arr[i] !== "\t" && arr[i] !== "\xa0") { return i; } return getWhiteSpaceIndex(++i); }; return getWhiteSpaceIndex(0); } function getPreviousSpaces(map, lineNum) { let prev = map.get(lineNum - 1); return prev === -1 ? getPreviousSpaces(map, lineNum - 1) : { lineNum: lineNum - 1, count: prev }; } function getLineNumber(el) { let elm = el.closest("tr"); if (elm) { elm = elm.querySelector("[data-line-number]"); return elm ? parseInt(elm.dataset.lineNumber, 10) : ""; } return ""; } function getCodeLines(codeBlock) { return $$(".blob-code-inner", codeBlock); } function toggleCode({ action, codeBlock, index, depth }) { let els, lineNums; const codeLines = getCodeLines(codeBlock) || []; const pairs = blocks[codeBlock.dataset.blockIndex]; if (!pairs || codeLines.length === 0) { return; } // depth is a string containing a specific depth number to toggle if (depth) { els = $$(`.ghcf-collapser[data-depth="${depth}"]`, codeBlock); lineNums = => { el.classList.toggle("ghcf-collapsed", action === "hide"); return getLineNumber(el); }); } else { lineNums = [index]; } if (action === "hide") { lineNums.forEach(start => { let elm; let end = pairs.get(start - 1); codeLines.slice(start, end).forEach(el => { elm = el.closest("tr"); if (elm) { elm.classList.add("ghcf-hidden-line"); } }); if (!$(".ghcf-ellipsis", codeLines[start - 1])) { elm = $(".ghcf-collapser", codeLines[start - 1]); elm.parentNode.insertBefore( ellipsis.cloneNode(true), null ); } }); } else if (action === "show") { lineNums.forEach(start => { let end = pairs.get(start - 1); codeLines.slice(start, end).forEach(el => { let elm = el.closest("tr"); if (elm) { elm.classList.remove("ghcf-hidden-line"); removeEls(".ghcf-ellipsis", elm); } elm = $(".ghcf-collapsed", elm); if (elm) { elm.classList.remove("ghcf-collapsed"); } }); removeEls(".ghcf-ellipsis", codeLines[start - 1]); }); } // shift ends up selecting text on the page, so clear it if (lineNums.length > 1) { removeSelection(); } } function addBindings() { on(document, "click", event => { let index, elm, isCollapsed; const el =; const codeBlock = el.closest(".highlight"); // click on collapser if (el && el.classList.contains("ghcf-collapser")) { isCollapsed = el.classList.contains("ghcf-collapsed"); index = getLineNumber(el); // Shift + click to toggle them all if (index && event.getModifierState("Shift")) { return toggleCode({ action: isCollapsed ? "show" : "hide", codeBlock, index, depth: el.dataset.depth }); } if (index) { if (isCollapsed) { el.classList.remove("ghcf-collapsed"); toggleCode({ action: "show", codeBlock, index }); } else { el.classList.add("ghcf-collapsed"); toggleCode({ action: "hide", codeBlock, index }); } } return; } // click on ellipsis if (el && el.classList.contains("ghcf-ellipsis")) { elm = $(".ghcf-collapsed", el.parentNode); if (elm) { elm.classList.remove("ghcf-collapsed"); } index = getLineNumber(el); if (index) { toggleCode({ action: "show", codeBlock, index }); } } }); } function addCodeFolding() { // Keep .file in case someone needs this userscript for GitHub Enterprise if ($(".file table.highlight, .blob-wrapper table.highlight")) { $$("table.highlight").forEach((codeBlock, blockIndex) => { if (codeBlock && codeBlock.classList.contains("ghcf-processed")) { // Already processed return; } const codeLines = getCodeLines(codeBlock); removeEls("span.ghcf-collapser", codeBlock); if (codeLines) { // In case this script has already been run and modified the DOM on a // previous page in github, make sure to reset it. codeBlock.classList.add("ghcf-processed"); codeBlock.dataset.blockIndex = blockIndex; const spaceMap = new Map(); const stack = []; const pairs = blocks[blockIndex] = new Map(); codeLines.forEach((el, lineNum) => { let prevSpaces; let line = el.textContent; let count = line.trim().length ? countInitialWhiteSpace(line.split("")) : -1; spaceMap.set(lineNum, count); function tryPair() { let el; let top = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (count !== -1 && count <= spaceMap.get(top)) { pairs.set(top, lineNum); // prepend triangle el = triangle.cloneNode(); el.dataset.depth = count + 1; codeLines[top].insertBefore(el, codeLines[top].childNodes[0]); stack.pop(); return tryPair(); } } tryPair(); prevSpaces = getPreviousSpaces(spaceMap, lineNum); if (count > prevSpaces.count) { stack.push(prevSpaces.lineNum); } }); } }); } } function removeEls(selector, el) { let els = $$(selector, el); let index = els.length; while (index--) { els[index].parentNode.removeChild(els[index]); } } function removeSelection() { // remove text selection - const sel = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection; if (sel) { if (sel.removeAllRanges) { sel.removeAllRanges(); } else if (sel.empty) { sel.empty(); } } } on(document, "ghmo:container", addCodeFolding); addCodeFolding(); addBindings(); })();