Greasy Fork is available in English.
Shows number of credited works after names on IMDB site
// ==UserScript==//// @name IMDB works#// @description Shows number of credited works after names on IMDB site// @match *://**// @version 1.0.7// @author wOxxOm// @namespace wOxxOm.scripts// @license MIT License// @grant GM_addStyle// @run-at document-start// @require ==/UserScript==var SELECTOR = 'a[href^="/name/nm"]';var CACHE_FRESH_DURATION = 30 * 24 * 3600 * 1000; // 1 monthvar CACHE_STALE_DURATION = CACHE_FRESH_DURATION * 2; // keep stale data another 2 months, then killGM_addStyle('.number-of-works, .number-of-works span { opacity: 0.5; transition: opacity .25s ease-in-out .25s; }' +'.number-of-works span:before { content: "/"; }' +'.number-of-works:hover { opacity: 1.0; }' +'.number-of-works:hover span { opacity: 1.0; }' +'.number-of-works:before { content: " ["; opacity: 0.5; }' +'.number-of-works:after { content: "]"; opacity: 0.5; }');process(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR));setMutationHandler(document, SELECTOR, process);if (location.pathname.match(/\/name\/nm\d+\/?$/)) {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {parseNamePage(document, {cacheKey: 'works#' + location.pathname.match(/\/name\/nm(\d+)\/?$/)[1]});});}function process(links) {var now =;for (var link, i = 0; (link = links[i++]); ) {if (link.querySelector('img') ||!link.textContent.trim() ||link.children[0] && link.textContent.trim() != link.children[0].textContent.trim() ||link.nextElementSibling && link.nextElementSibling.matches('.number-of-works'))continue;var id = (link.pathname.match(/\/name\/nm(\d+)\/?$/) || [])[1];if (!id)continue;var cacheKey = 'works#' + id;var cache = (localStorage[cacheKey] || '').split('\t');if (cache.length == 2 && +cache[0] && cache[1]) {showWorksNum(link, cache[1]);var isFresh = +cache[0] > now;if (isFresh)continue;}doXHR({url: link.pathname,link: link,cacheKey: cacheKey,onload: parseNamePage,});}}function showWorksNum(link, num) {num = num.toString().replace(/\/(\d+)/, '<span>$1</span>');if (link.nextElementSibling && link.nextElementSibling.matches('.number-of-works')) {link.nextElementSibling.innerHTML = num;} else {link.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<span class="number-of-works">' + num + '</span>');}}function parseNamePage(doc, options) {var credits = []'#filmography .head'), function(e) {return {num: +(e.textContent.match(/\((\d+) credits?\)/i) || [])[1],type: (e.querySelector('a[name]') || {name: ''}).name,};});if (!credits.length)return;var creditsSum = credits.reduce(function(sum, e) { return sum + e.num; }, 0);var rxIgnore = /^(self|archive_footage|thanks)$/;var creditsSorted = credits.sort(function(a, b) {if (rxIgnore.test(a.type))return 1;else if (rxIgnore.test(b.type))return -1;elsereturn b.num - a.num || (a.type == 'actor' ? -1 : b.type == 'actor' ? 1 : 0);});var worksNum = rxIgnore.test(creditsSorted[0].type) ? creditsSum : creditsSorted[0].num + (credits.length > 1 ? '/' + creditsSum : '');localStorage[options.cacheKey] = '' + ( + CACHE_FRESH_DURATION) + '\t' + worksNum;if (, worksNum);}function doXHR(options) {if (document.readyState == 'complete') {sendRequest(options);return;}if (!doXHR.queue)initQueue();if (!isDupe()) {doXHR.queue.push(options);doXHR.queuedUrl[options.url] = options;}function sendRequest(options) {var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', options.url);xhr.responseType = 'document';xhr.onload = function(e) {options.onload(xhr.response, options);doXHR.activeRequests--;poolQueue();};doXHR.activeRequests++;xhr.send();}function initQueue() {doXHR.queue = [];doXHR.queuedUrl = {};doXHR.activeRequests = 0;document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {cleanupStorage();poolQueue();});}function isDupe() {var dupe = doXHR.queuedUrl[options.url];if (!dupe)return false;if ( == true;// this request's link element will use the will-be-cached data from the earlier queued requestoptions.url = '';var _onload = dupe.onload;dupe.onload = function() {_onload.apply(null, arguments);showWorksNum(, localStorage[options.cacheKey].split('\t')[1]);};return true;}function poolQueue() {while (doXHR.queue.length && doXHR.activeRequests < 16) {sendRequest(doXHR.queue.shift());}}}function cleanupStorage() {setTimeout(function doCleanup() {var now =, i = 0;for (var k in localStorage) {if (k.lastIndexOf('works#', 0) === 0 && (+localStorage[k].split('\t')[0]) + CACHE_STALE_DURATION < now) {delete localStorage[k];}if (++i % 100 === 0 && - now > 10) {setTimeout(doCleanup, 1000);return;}}}, 1000);}