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Easy and simple auto-hunt and auto-assist script for the Ghost Trappers Facebook Game
Welcome to the new and fun way to play Ghost Trappers!
This script is simple and easy to use Ghost Trappers auto-hunter and auto-assist LF.
Works on Chrome, Firefox, Comodo Dragon and Chromium web browsers. No configuration needed, just enable the script and you will catch ghosts like never before!!!
If you care for your fellow ghost trappers, then rate and share this script. Everyone needs to play GT like the top 100+ do.
Take care: Only share with people you truly trust and never admit to using it if confronted. Use an anonymous source if needed.
New in version 4:
To edit these options simply click the desired option buttons at the bottom of the page.
New in version 2.10:
New in version 2:
This Script greatly modified from very popular autohunt script:
FB - Ghost Trappers Smart Autohunt V2 [by iispyderii & Jaryl].
Changes made to the original script:
Don't get caught!!! Take precautions:
Good links:
Here is a really good script for Live-feed (old way of assisting)
This is the best script for Mousehunt hunting:
* Update:
Chrome's latest update does not allow scripts to be loaded manually if they are not from the Google App Store, to fix that you will need to install Tampermonkey from the Google App Store. With Tampermonkey enabled, you can click install on this page to install the script.
Alternatively, you can install scripts the old way in Comodo Dragon, which is another good browser based on Chromium (as is Chrome).
ghost trappers autohunt ghosttrappers auto hunt ghosts ghost trapper trappers auto hunt autohunt autobot auto bot botter smart autohunt simple ah ghost monster livefeed monsters live feed captcha entry automatic hunting ghost trappers auto hunting ghosts javascript script tampermonkey greasemonkey easy