Greasy Fork is available in English.
Makes getting more friends super easy.
Okay, so this script will record every person it sees when you assist them on the Monster Live Feed. That means clicking each "assist your fellow agent" and not the "Assist All!" button at the top. Its so hard right?
First, it will go to your 1000 person long team page and record every person it finds there. This prevents the script from adding people you are already friends with. Then it goes to the Monster Live Feed page and waits until it has seen over 20 people on that page.
After it sees 20 of them, it will automatically go to the friend invite page and add any people that have sent you invites while you were waiting, then send invites to any new names it saw. Then return to the live feed for some more assisting.
It should very quickly add lots of new friends for you.