Автоматически нравится видео каналов, на которые вы подписаны
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This userscript automatically likes videos of channels you're subscribed to on YouTube, after you've watched at least half of the video.
| | Tampermonkey | Greasemonkey | Violentmonkey | Userscripts
| ------------------ | -------------------------------- | ------------ | -------------------------------- | -----------
| | Link (Beta) | - | Link (Beta) |
| Link | Link | Link |
| Link (Beta) | - | Link |
| Link | - | - | Link
| Link | - | - |
You can configure the settings by clicking the 'Settings' button under 'YouTube Auto-Liker' in your userscript manager.
Setting | Description | Default |
Debug mode | Log debug messages to the console | off |
Check frequency | How often to attempt liking the video | 5000 ms |
Watch threshold | The percentage of the video watched before liking | 50% |
Like if not subscribed | Like videos from channels you are not subscribed to | off |