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Ctrl+Paint: Add missing Next and Previous buttons

There are no navigation buttons for some video pages of tutorial series. This script adds missing buttons like Next or Previous.

// ==UserScript==
// @name Ctrl+Paint: Add missing Next and Previous buttons
// @namespace https://github.com/T1mL3arn
// @description There are no navigation buttons for some video pages of tutorial series. This script adds missing buttons like Next or Previous.
// @author T1mL3arn
// @version 1.2
// @icon https://static1.squarespace.com/static/50a3c190e4b0d12fc9231429/t/50f87f8ce4b0b3f0a2deeb1d/1537054440579/
// @match https://www.ctrlpaint.com/library*
// @match https://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/*
// @run-at document-end
// @noframes
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM.deleteValue
// @grant GM.listValues
// @license GPLv3
// @homepageURL https://github.com/t1ml3arn-userscript-js/Ctrl-Paint-Add-missing-Next-and-Previous-buttons
// @supportURL https://github.com/t1ml3arn-userscript-js/Ctrl-Paint-Add-missing-Next-and-Previous-buttons/issues
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
// lib section
let log = console.log;
let err = console.error;
function findHeader(elt){
let prev = elt;
while(prev = prev.previousSibling)
if(prev.tagName == 'H3')
return prev;
return null;
function mapsListItemsToNames(list){
let items = list.querySelectorAll('li a');
let r###lt = [];
return r###lt;
function mapListItemsToLinks(list){
let items = list.querySelectorAll('li a');
let r###lt = [];
return r###lt;
function readSeriesFrom(document){
let lists = document.querySelectorAll('ol, ul');
let r###lts = [];
// skip empty lists
if(list.children.length == 0)
let header = findHeader(list);
let links = mapListItemsToLinks(list);
if(links.length > 0){
let names = mapsListItemsToNames(list);
// just to be sure
if(names.length != links.length){
throw `Count of links isn\'t equal to count of names\nProblem in ${header.textContent}`;
name: header.textContent,
videoNames: names,
videoLinks: links
if(r###lts.length == 0)
throw 'There are no tutorial series at all!';
return r###lts;
async function findTutorialSeriesDataForCurrentPage() {
const data = await gm.getValue(TUTORIAL_SERIES_KEY, null)
if (!data)  throw "Cannot find data for tutorial series"
let path = window.location.pathname;
let videoIndex;
let index = data.findIndex((seriesData)=>{
videoIndex = seriesData.videoLinks.findIndex((link)=>path != "/" && link.indexOf(path) != -1)
return videoIndex != -1;
if(index == -1)
return null;
let seriesData = data[index];
seriesData.currentVideoIndex = videoIndex;
return seriesData;
function addButtons(seriesData) {
function getButtonHtml(href, label, name) {
return `<div class="button-block sqs-block-button" data-block-type="53" style="${btnCss}">
<div class="sqs-block-content">
<div class="sqs-block-button-container--center" data-alignment="center" data-button-size="small">
<a href="${href}" class="sqs-block-button-element--small sqs-block-button-element" data-initialized="true">
${name ?
<span style="${videoNameCss}">${name}</span>` : ''
function arrayToCss(acc, val, ind){
return ind%2 == 0 ? `${acc}${val}: ` : `${acc}${val} !important; `;
let btnCss = ["flex", "0 1 auto", "align-self", "auto", "margin", "10px"].reduce(arrayToCss, '');
let videoNameCss = "font-size, 11px, text-transform, none, color, #DDD".split(", ").reduce(arrayToCss);
let btnContCss = [
"display", "flex",
"flex-direction", "row",
"flex-wrap", "wrap",
"justify-content", "space-around",
"align-content", "center",
"align-items", "center",
"padding", "15px",
].reduce(arrayToCss, '');
let buttonsWrapper = document.createElement('div');
buttonsWrapper.setAttribute('style', btnContCss);
let videoBlock = document.querySelector('.sqs-block.embed-block.sqs-block-embed');
if(videoBlock == null)
throw 'There is no video block';
videoBlock.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', buttonsWrapper);
let names = seriesData.videoNames;
let links = seriesData.videoLinks;
let index = seriesData.currentVideoIndex;
let nextHtml = index+1 < names.length ? getButtonHtml(links[index+1], 'NEXT', names[index+1]) : '';
let prevHtml = index-1 > -1 ? getButtonHtml(links[index-1], 'PREVIOUS', names[index-1]) : '';
buttonsWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', prevHtml);
buttonsWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', nextHtml);
function patchSeriesData(seriesDataList) {
try {
let data = seriesDataList.find((seriesData) => seriesData.name.indexOf('Painting With Color') != -1);
let index = data.videoNames.indexOf('Color Constructor Pt.2 Exercises');
data.videoLinks[index] = 'https://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/color-constructor-pt2-exercises';
} catch (e) {
err('Patch-1 error', e);
// remove the first series cause it has next/prev buttons
index = seriesDataList.findIndex((seriesData) => seriesData.name.indexOf('Digital Painting 101') != -1);
if(index != -1)
seriesDataList.splice(index, 1);
throw 'Patch-2 error';
return seriesDataList;
const TUTORIAL_SERIES_KEY = 'tutorial_series_key';
const ETAG_KEY = "etag"
let global = this;
let gm = {};
try {
if(typeof GM != 'undefined')
gm = GM;
else {
gm = {};
gm.info = GM_info;
'GM_addStyle': 'addStyle',
'GM_deleteValue': 'deleteValue',
'GM_getResourceURL': 'getResourceUrl',
'GM_getValue': 'getValue',
'GM_listValues': 'listValues',
'GM_notification': 'notification',
'GM_openInTab': 'openInTab',
'GM_registerMenuCommand': 'registerMenuCommand',
'GM_setClipboard': 'setClipboard',
'GM_setValue': 'setValue',
'GM_xmlhttpRequest': 'xmlHttpRequest',
'GM_getResourceText': 'getResourceText',
}).forEach(([oldKey, newKey]) => {
let old = global[oldKey] || window[oldKey];
if(old && (typeof gm[newKey] == 'undefined')){
gm[newKey] = function(...args){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try { resolve(old.apply(global, args)) }
catch(e) { reject(e) }
[ ${gm.info.script.name} ] inited
Script handler is ${gm.info.scriptHandler}
} catch (e) {
log('ctrlpaint+ inited partialy. Something went wrong.');
// structure sample
let series ={
name: 'First Steps',                /* Name of chapter */
videoNames: ['welcome', 'tut01'],   /* Names of all videos in this chapter  */
videoLinks: ['#', '#'],             /* Links to each video in this chapter */
currentVideoIndex: -1               /* Uses to find previous or next video in this chapter */
async function fetchLibraryPage() {
// with this Cache-Control header I get cache hits
const url = 'https://www.ctrlpaint.com/library'
let response = await fetch(url, {headers: {"Cache-Control": "max-age=0"} });
if(!response.ok) throw `Cannot fetch library page at ${url}`;
return response
async function parseAndStoreTutorialSeriesData(response) {
let pageText = await response.text();
let libraryDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(pageText, 'text/html');
let tutorialSeries = readSeriesFrom(libraryDocument);
tutorialSeries = patchSeriesData(tutorialSeries);
await gm.setValue(TUTORIAL_SERIES_KEY, tutorialSeries);
await gm.setValue(ETAG_KEY, response.headers.get('ETag'))
(async ()=>{
lastTutorialData = await gm.getValue(TUTORIAL_SERIES_KEY, null);
lastETag = await gm.getValue(ETAG_KEY, null)
// update all - it is the very first time or the previous version of the script
if (lastTutorialData === null || lastETag === null) {
const response = await fetchLibraryPage()
await parseAndStoreTutorialSeriesData(response)
} else if (lastETag !== null) {
// ETAG is set, so lets check it
const response = await fetchLibraryPage()
const currentETag = response.headers.get('etag')
// new etag, so I need to parse data again
if (lastETag !== currentETag)
await parseAndStoreTutorialSeriesData(response)
// check if current page is a VIDEO page
if (window.location.pathname.startsWith("/videos/")) {
let seriesData = await findTutorialSeriesDataForCurrentPage();
if(seriesData != null) addButtons(seriesData)