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Greasy Fork is available in English.


Adds links to torrent and other search engines

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Kinopoisk+
// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/en/users/899-lain-inverse
// @description Adds links to torrent and other search engines
// @include     https://kinopoisk.ru/film/*
// @include     https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/*
// @include     https://kino-teatr.ru/*/movie/*
// @include     https://www.kino-teatr.ru/*/movie/*
// @include     https://*.kinorium.com/*/*
// @version     4.4
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant       GM.xmlHttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
// Script based on script with the same name by https://greasyfork.org/users/3348-xant1k
// Updated to work with CSP and without omdbapi.com which now requires API key
'use strict';
const isKP = location.hostname.endsWith('kinopoisk.ru');
const isKT = location.hostname.endsWith('kino-teatr.ru');
const isKR = location.hostname.endsWith('kinorium.com');
let favicons = [
if (location.hostname.endsWith('kinopoisk.ru')) {
let f = favicons[0];
favicons[0] = favicons[1];
favicons[1] = f;
// get movie name
let movie, year;
let en_title_selector, ru_title_selector;
if (isKP) {
en_title_selector = 'span[class*="_originalTitle_"]';
ru_title_selector = 'h1[class*="_title_"][itemprop="name"]';
if (isKT) {
en_title_selector = '.info_table_data > strong[itemprop="name"]';
ru_title_selector = '#page_name > h1[itemprop="name"]';
if (isKR) {
en_title_selector = '.film-page__subtitle [itemprop="alternativeHeadline"]';
ru_title_selector = '.film-page__title [itemprop="name"]';
let movie_name_block = document.querySelector(en_title_selector);
if (!movie_name_block || movie_name_block.textContent === '')
movie_name_block = document.querySelector(ru_title_selector);
if (movie_name_block)
movie = movie_name_block.textContent;
if (movie === '' || !movie) {
console.warn('[K+] Unable to locate movie title.');
// drop unneccessary parts from the movie title
movie = movie.replace(/\s\([^)]+\)$/, '').replace(/, The$/, '');
// get year
if (isKP || isKT) {
let param_selector, value_selector;
if (location.hostname.endsWith('kinopoisk.ru')) {
param_selector = '[class*="_row_"] [class*="_title_"]';
value_selector = '[class*="_row_"] [class*="_value_"]';
if (location.hostname.endsWith('kino-teatr.ru')) {
param_selector = '.film_top .info_table_param';
value_selector = '.film_top .info_table_data';
let params = document.querySelectorAll(param_selector);
let values = document.querySelectorAll(value_selector);
for (let [id, val] of params.entries()) {
if (val.textContent.includes('Год')) {
year = values[id].textContent;
if (isKR) {
let year_item = document.querySelector('.film-page__date a');
if (year_item) year = year_item.textContent;
console.log('Movie:', movie, 'Year:', year);
let movie_enc = encodeURIComponent(movie);
let links = [
//SCENE, 0-day
{ action: 'https://www.kino-teatr.ru/search/', method: 'post', acceptCharset: 'windows-1251 utf-8', inputs: { 'text': '$MOVIE $YEAR'} },
{ action: 'https://www.imdb.com/search/title', method: 'post', acceptCharset: 'utf-8', inputs: {
'title': '$MOVIE',
'release_date-min': '$YEAR',
'release_date-max': '$YEAR' }
function submitAsForm(o, movie, year) {
let form = document.createElement('form');
form.target = '_blank';
for (let name in o)
if (o !== 'inputs') form[name] = o[name];
let input;
for (let name in o.inputs) {
input = document.createElement('input');
input.name = name;
if (typeof o.inputs[name] === 'string')
input.value = o.inputs[name].replace('$MOVIE', movie.replace(/\s/g, ' ')).replace('$YEAR', year);
else input.value = o.inputs[name];
let xhr;
try {
xhr = GM.xmlHttpRequest;
} catch(ignore) {};
if (!xhr)
xhr = GM_xmlhttpRequest || (() => console.log('[K+] Escalated XHR is not supported.'));
function reloadFaviconIfBroken(e, domain) {
let img = e.target;
if (img.clientWidth > 5) // probably loaded fine
return; // usually Yandex returns 1x1 image for missing favicons
method: 'GET',
url: `${favicons[1]}${domain}`,
responseType: 'blob',
onload: res => {
if (res.status !== 200)
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = e => {
img.src = e.target.r###lt.replace('data:;','data:image/png;');
let post = document.createElement('div');
post.className = 'torrents';
for (let link of links) {
let formConf = null;
if (link.action) {
formConf = link;
link = link.action;
let domain = link.match(/:\/\/([^/]+)\//)[1];
let eA = post.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));
eA.target = '_blank';
eA.title = domain.replace(/^www\./,'');
eA.href = `${link}${formConf ? '' : `${movie_enc}%20${year}`}`;
let eIMG = eA.appendChild(document.createElement('img'));
eIMG.src = `${favicons[0]}${domain}`;
eIMG.onload = e => reloadFaviconIfBroken(e, domain, 1);
eIMG.onerror = e => reloadFaviconIfBroken(e, domain, 0);
if (formConf)
eA.addEventListener('click', e => {
submitAsForm(formConf, movie, year);
}, true);
// insert links block
let parent_block;
if (isKP)
parent_block = document.querySelector('[class*="_userControlsContainer_"]');
if (isKT) {
parent_block = document.querySelector('.content_block ~ .right_col');
if (parent_block)
parent_block = parent_block.children[0];
if (isKR)
parent_block = document.querySelector('.movieCollection');
if (!parent_block) {
console.warn('[K+] Unable to locate parent block to insert links.');
parent_block.parentNode.insertBefore(post, parent_block);
// apply styles to links block
let style = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style'));
style.sheet.insertRule('.torrents a img { border: 0 }', 0);
style.sheet.insertRule(`.torrents a { display: inline-block; width: 16px; height: 16px; vertical-align: top; margin: 3px 4px }`, 0);
if (isKP)
style.sheet.insertRule(`.torrents { margin-top: -20px; margin-bottom: 10px; background-color: hsla(0,0%,40%,.3); padding: 5px; border-radius: 4px }`, 0);
if (isKT)
style.sheet.insertRule(`.torrents { background-color: #dedede; padding: 1rem }`, 0);
if (isKR)
style.sheet.insertRule(`.torrents { border: solid #dedede; border-width: 2px 0; padding: 10rem 0 }`, 0);