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Duolingo input language switcher

This script allows you to type letters appropriate for current task without changing keyboard's layout

Устаревшая версия за 22.01.2018. Перейдите к последней версии.

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// ==UserScript==// @name Duolingo input language switcher// @namespace @match*// @match*// @match*// @match*// @match*// @version 1.0// @description This script allows you to type letters appropriate for current task without changing keyboard's layout// @run-at document-start// @grant none// ==/UserScript==/// Generated by Haxe 3.4.2 (git build master @ 890f8c7)(function () { "use strict";var HxOverrides = function() { };HxOverrides.__name__ = true;HxOverrides.substr = function(s,pos,len) {if(len == null) {len = s.length;} else if(len < 0) {if(pos == 0) {len = s.length + len;} else {return "";}}return s.substr(pos,len);};var Main = function() {this.ereg = new RegExp("duolingo\\.com/skill|practice/");this.isObserved = false;var _gthis = this;this.document = window.document;this.console = { }; = new MutationObserver($bind(this,this.checkMutation));Object.assign(this.console,window.console);this.originalTrace = haxe_Log.trace;haxe_Log.trace = function(v,i) {_gthis.console.log("" + i.className + ":" + i.lineNumber + ":",v);};this.initLanguages();if(this.document.readyState == "interactive" || this.document.readyState == "complete") {this.onready();} else {this.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",$bind(this,this.onready));}};Main.__name__ = true;Main.main = function() {new Main();};Main.prototype = {initLanguages: function() {this.keyCodes = ["Backquote","Digit1","Digit2","Digit3","Digit4","Digit5","Digit6","Digit7","Digit8","Digit9","Digit0","Minus","Equal","Backslash","KeyQ","KeyW","KeyE","KeyR","KeyT","KeyY","KeyU","KeyI","KeyO","KeyP","BracketLeft","BracketRight","KeyA","KeyS","KeyD","KeyF","KeyG","KeyH","KeyJ","KeyK","KeyL","Semicolon","Quote","KeyZ","KeyX","KeyC","KeyV","KeyB","KeyN","KeyM","Comma","Period","Slash"];this.languages = { }; = "ё1234567890-=\\йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбю.Ё!\"№;%:?*()_+/ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ,";this.languages.en = "`1234567890-=\\qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./~!@#$%^&*()_+|QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:\"ZXCVBNM<>?";var len =;var _g = 0;var _g1 = Reflect.fields(this.languages);while(_g < _g1.length) {var f = _g1[_g];++_g;var act = this.languages[f].length;if(act != len) {this.console.error("LangString test failed: expected len " + len + "; actual len " + act + "; lang name " + f);this.console.error(this.languages[f]);return;}if(act != this.keyCodes.length * 2) {this.console.error("KeyCodes and LangString test failed: expected lang string len " + this.keyCodes.length * 2 + "; actual len " + act + "; lang name " + f);return;}}},onready: function(e) {this.document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",$bind(this,this.onready));this.console.log("Duolingo input switcher inited");window.setInterval($bind(this,this.checkPage),1000);},checkPage: function() {if(this.ereg.test(window.location.href)) {if(!this.isObserved) {this.startObserver();}} else {this.isObserved = false;;}},startObserver: function(e) {var selector = "._1zuqL";var obsTarget = window.document.querySelector(selector);if(obsTarget == null) {this.console.error("There is no Node with selector \"" + selector + "\" , so nothing to observe ");return;},{ childList : true, subtree : true, attributes : true});this.isObserved = true;},checkMutation: function(records,obs) {this.nativeLanguage = "ru";this.foreignLanguage = "en";var translationInput = window.document.querySelector("textarea[data-test=challenge-translate-input]");if(translationInput != null) {var lang = translationInput.getAttribute("lang");if(lang == this.nativeLanguage) {this.initInput(translationInput,"ru","en");} else if(lang == this.foreignLanguage) {this.initInput(translationInput,"en","ru");}return;}var listenInput = window.document.querySelector("textarea[data-test=challenge-listen-input]");if(listenInput != null) {this.initInput(listenInput,"en","ru");return;}var nameInput = window.document.querySelector("input[data-test=challenge-name-input]");if(nameInput != null) {this.initInput(nameInput,"en","ru");}},initInput: function(input,targetLanguage,sourceLanguage) {this.targetLanguage = targetLanguage;this.sourceLanguage = sourceLanguage;input.addEventListener("keypress",$bind(this,this.onInput));input.addEventListener("keydown",$bind(this,this.refocus));},refocus: function(e) {if(e.keyCode == 13 || e.code == "Enter") {e.currentTarget.blur();}},onInput: function(e) {var targetLangStr = this.languages[this.targetLanguage];var keyCodeInd = this.keyCodes.indexOf(e.code);if(keyCodeInd != -1) {var targetChar = e.shiftKey ? targetLangStr.charAt(keyCodeInd + this.keyCodes.length) : targetLangStr.charAt(keyCodeInd);var input = e.currentTarget;window.setTimeout($bind(this,this.replaceChar),1,input,targetChar,input.selectionStart);}},replaceChar: function(target,newChar,position) {var val = target.value;val = val.substring(0,position) + newChar + HxOverrides.substr(val,position + 1,null);target.innerText = val;target.value = val;target.setSelectionRange(position + 1,position + 1);}};Math.__name__ = true;var Reflect = function() { };Reflect.__name__ = true;Reflect.fields = function(o) {var a = [];if(o != null) {var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;for( var f in o ) {if(f != "__id__" && f != "hx__closures__" &&,f)) {a.push(f);}}}return a;};var haxe_Log = function() { };haxe_Log.__name__ = true;haxe_Log.trace = function(v,infos) {js_Boot.__trace(v,infos);};var js_Boot = function() { };js_Boot.__name__ = true;js_Boot.__unhtml = function(s) {return s.split("&").join("&amp;").split("<").join("&lt;").split(">").join("&gt;");};js_Boot.__trace = function(v,i) {var msg = i != null ? i.fileName + ":" + i.lineNumber + ": " : "";msg += js_Boot.__string_rec(v,"");if(i != null && i.customParams != null) {var _g = 0;var _g1 = i.customParams;while(_g < _g1.length) {var v1 = _g1[_g];++_g;msg += "," + js_Boot.__string_rec(v1,"");}}var d;var tmp;if(typeof(document) != "undefined") {d = document.getElementById("haxe:trace");tmp = d != null;} else {tmp = false;}if(tmp) {d.innerHTML += js_Boot.__unhtml(msg) + "<br/>";} else if(typeof console != "undefined" && console.log != null) {console.log(msg);}};js_Boot.__string_rec = function(o,s) {if(o == null) {return "null";}if(s.length >= 5) {return "<...>";}var t = typeof(o);if(t == "function" && (o.__name__ || o.__ename__)) {t = "object";}switch(t) {case "function":return "<function>";case "object":if(o instanceof Array) {if(o.__enum__) {if(o.length == 2) {return o[0];}var str = o[0] + "(";s += "\t";var _g1 = 2;var _g = o.length;while(_g1 < _g) {var i = _g1++;if(i != 2) {str += "," + js_Boot.__string_rec(o[i],s);} else {str += js_Boot.__string_rec(o[i],s);}}return str + ")";}var l = o.length;var i1;var str1 = "[";s += "\t";var _g11 = 0;var _g2 = l;while(_g11 < _g2) {var i2 = _g11++;str1 += (i2 > 0 ? "," : "") + js_Boot.__string_rec(o[i2],s);}str1 += "]";return str1;}var tostr;try {tostr = o.toString;} catch( e ) {return "???";}if(tostr != null && tostr != Object.toString && typeof(tostr) == "function") {var s2 = o.toString();if(s2 != "[object Object]") {return s2;}}var k = null;var str2 = "{\n";s += "\t";var hasp = o.hasOwnProperty != null;for( var k in o ) {if(hasp && !o.hasOwnProperty(k)) {continue;}if(k == "prototype" || k == "__class__" || k == "__super__" || k == "__interfaces__" || k == "__properties__") {continue;}if(str2.length != 2) {str2 += ", \n";}str2 += s + k + " : " + js_Boot.__string_rec(o[k],s);}s = s.substring(1);str2 += "\n" + s + "}";return str2;case "string":return o;default:return String(o);}};var $_, $fid = 0;function $bind(o,m) { if( m == null ) return null; if( m.__id__ == null ) m.__id__ = $fid++; var f; if( o.hx__closures__ == null ) o.hx__closures__ = {}; else f = o.hx__closures__[m.__id__]; if( f == null ) { f = function(){ return f.method.apply(f.scope, arguments); }; f.scope = o; f.method = m; o.hx__closures__[m.__id__] = f; } return f; }String.__name__ = true;Array.__name__ = true;Main.main();})();