Greasy Fork is available in English.
Shows lyrics/songtexts from on Youtube next to music videos
Ниже показаны версии этого скрипта, в которых изменялся код. Показать все версии.
Bump version to update GeniusLyrics.js
Exclude short videos and live videos
Improve Lyrics Matching
Version bump to update library
Various Updates
for commit 6077b64
Bump version to update GeniusLyrics library
bump version code
Version bump to update GeniusLyrics.js
fix: prevent autoShow when isYouTubeLive (#68)
Version bump to update GeniusLyrics library
Version bump
Use LZString
update library script url to latest format
fix: iframe issue
fix: iframe issue (#65)
Support custom font size for styled iframe Support custom font size when lyrics are reloaded with addLyrics()
Fix fontsize #63
fix z-index
ignore no-misleading-character-class on \u{E0020}-\u{E007F}
added removeEmojis() for fixing song title
Replace openuserjs urls with greasyfork
fix: Message for Installing YouTube Music Genius Lyrics
exclude some urls
Показать все версии скрипта