Greasy Fork is available in English.
Проверяет последний онлайн пользователя на странице и в диалогe
// ==UserScript==// @name VK: Check Online// @name:ru ВК: Проверка онлайна// @description Checks the last online on page user and in dialog// @description:ru Проверяет последний онлайн пользователя на странице и в диалогe// @namespace vk-check-online.user.js// @license MIT// @author askornot// @version 1.5.2// @match*// @connect @compatible chrome Violentmonkey 2.18.0// @compatible firefox Violentmonkey 2.13.3// @compatible firefox Tampermonkey 4.18.1// @homepageURL @supportURL @run-at document-start// @noframes// ==/UserScript==(function (W) {'use strict';const IM_ID = 'payload,1,1,0,id';const IM_ONLINE = 'payload,1,0,last_seen';const PROFILE_ID = 'response,users.get,0,id';const PROFILE_ONLINE = 'response,users.get,0,online_info';const IM_INFO = {can_see: 1,platform: 0,time: 0,mobile: 0,};const PROFILE_INFO = {visible: true,last_seen: 0,app_id: 0,is_online: false,is_mobile: false,};const last = (arr) => arr[arr.length - 1];const match = (s) => /online_info|a_start/.test(s);const getByPath = (data, dataPath) => {const path = dataPath.split(',');let object = data;for (const name of path) {const next = object[name];if (next === null || next === undefined) return next;object = next;}return object;};const setByPath = (data, dataPath, value) => {const path = dataPath.split(',');const len = path.length;let obj = data;let i = 0;let next, prop;for (;;) {if (typeof obj !== 'object') return false;prop = path[i];if (i === len - 1) {obj[prop] = value;return true;}next = obj[prop];if (next === undefined || next === null) {next = {};obj[prop] = next;}obj = next;i++;}};const parse = (text) => {const parser = new DOMParser();const body = parser.parseFromString(text, 'text/html');const [element] = body.getElementsByTagName('ya:lastloggedin');if (!element) return 0;const date = element.getAttribute('dc:date');return Date.parse(date) / 1000;};const request = (url, callback) => {const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {if (xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) {if (xhr.status === 0 || xhr.status === 200) {callback(xhr.responseText);}}};'GET', url, true);xhr.send();};const foaf = (id) => `${id}`;const profile = (data) => {const info = getByPath(data, PROFILE_ONLINE);if (info && info.visible === true) return Promise.resolve(data);const id = getByPath(data, PROFILE_ID);if (id === undefined) return Promise.resolve(data);return fetch(foaf(id)).then((res) => res.text()).then(parse).then((time) => {setByPath(data, PROFILE_ONLINE, { ...PROFILE_INFO, last_seen: time });return data;});};const im = (data, callback) => {const info = getByPath(data, IM_ONLINE);if (info && info.can_see === 1) return callback();const id = getByPath(data, IM_ID);if (id === undefined) return callback();request(foaf(id), (text) => {const time = parse(text);setByPath(data, IM_ONLINE, { ...IM_INFO, time });callback();});};const queries = new WeakSet();const xhr = W.XMLHttpRequest && W.XMLHttpRequest.prototype;const onreadystatechange = (self) => {self.onreadystatechange = new Proxy(self.onreadystatechange, {apply(...args) {if (self.readyState === xhr.DONE) {const data = JSON.parse(self.responseText);im(data, () => {Object.defineProperty(self, 'responseText', {value: JSON.stringify(data),writable: true,});return Reflect.apply(...args);});}},});}; = new Proxy(, {apply(target, self, argumentsList) {const url = argumentsList[1];if (match(url)) queries.add(self);return Reflect.apply(target, self, argumentsList);},});xhr.send = new Proxy(xhr.send, {apply(target, self, argumentsList) {if (queries.has(self)) onreadystatechange(self);return Reflect.apply(target, self, argumentsList);},});W.fetch = new Proxy(W.fetch, {apply(...args) {const promise = Reflect.apply(...args);const argumentsList = last(args);const { body } = last(argumentsList);if (!match(body)) return promise;return promise.then((res) => res.clone()).then((res) => res.json()).then(profile).then((patched) => new Response(JSON.stringify(patched), promise)).catch(() => promise);},});const patch = () => {W.extend = new Proxy(W.extend, {apply(target, self, argumentsList) {const object = argumentsList[0];const { apiPrefetchCache } = last(argumentsList);if (!apiPrefetchCache) return Reflect.apply(target, self, argumentsList);const filtered = apiPrefetchCache.filter(({ method }) => method !== 'users.get',);return Reflect.apply(target, self, [object,{ apiPrefetchCache: filtered },]);},});};new MutationObserver((_, observer) => {try {patch();observer.disconnect();} catch {}}).observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true,subtree: true,});})(unsafeWindow || window);