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Shiki OtherAnime

Добавляет возможность смотреть аниме в стороннем плеере в любой озвучке прямо на сайте shikimori

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Shiki OtherAnime
// @name:ru         Shiki OtherAnime
// @namespace       shikiOtherAnime
// @version         0.2.2
// @description     Adds other external anime online player to the shikimori
// @description:ru  Добавляет возможность смотреть аниме в стороннем плеере в любой озвучке прямо на сайте shikimori
// @author          Blank
// @match           *://shikimori.tld/*
// @match           *://shikimori.one/*
// @match           *://shikimori.me/*
// @run-at          document-end
// @grant           GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
// Notes:
// - fully compatible with shikiAnilibria script
// - autopause does not require videoShortcuts script (player handles postMessage itself)
// - videoShortcuts script is recommended for watching boring moments at 1.25 - 16x speed ^_^
(function main() {
'use strict';
const log = (...args) => console.log(`${GM.info.script.name}:`, ...args);
if (!document.querySelector('#watch-online-style')) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.id = 'watch-online-style';
style.textContent = `
.watch-online-iframe {
display: none;
position: fixed;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
width: 80vw;
height: 45vw;
z-index: 9001;
.watch-online-line {
padding-bottom: 5px;
#watch-online-overlay {
display: none;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 9000;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85);
// xmlHttpRequest
const request = async (details) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'json',
anonymous: true,
onload(responseObject) {
onerror(responseObject) {
const reduceR###lts = ({ r###lts }, title, sId) => {
let filteredR###lts;
let exactMatch = true;
if (sId) {
filteredR###lts = r###lts.filter((a) => a.shikimori_id === sId);
} else {
const prepare = (t) => t.toLowerCase().replace(/[ ,:'`]/g, '');
const origTitle = prepare(title);
filteredR###lts = r###lts.filter((a) => prepare(a.title_orig) === origTitle);
if (!filteredR###lts.length) {
exactMatch = false;
const firstTitle = prepare(r###lts[0].title_orig);
filteredR###lts = r###lts.filter((a) => prepare(a.title_orig) === firstTitle);
filteredR###lts.sort((a, b) => b.episodes_count - a.episodes_count);
return { ...filteredR###lts[0], exactMatch };
const getOtherR###lts = async (ogTitle, sId) => {
const apiUrl = 'https://metamedia.glitch.me/api/search';
const token = '3o52d19319b8dafoa194c9a77ofc9a3d8obfe1bd3eoe28b7cfd7aacebaaf4f6b';
const url = `${apiUrl}?${sId ? `shikimori_id=${sId}` : `title=${encodeURI(ogTitle)}`}&sign=${token.replace(/o/g, 0)}`;
let res;
try {
res = await request({ url });
if (res.status !== 200) {
log(`response error code ${res.status}: ${url}`);
return null;
} catch (er) {
log(`request error: ${url}`);
return null;
const { response } = res;
if (!response || !response.total || !response.r###lts || !response.r###lts.length) {
if (sId) {
log(`not found by shikimori_id (${sId})`);
if (ogTitle) return getOtherR###lts(ogTitle);
} else {
log(`not found by ogTitle (${ogTitle})`);
return null;
return reduceR###lts(response, ogTitle, sId);
const addEventListeners = ({ overlay, iframe, otherAnime }) => {
overlay.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) return;
overlay.style.display = 'none';
iframe.style.display = 'none';
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ key: 'kodik_player_api', value: { method: 'pause' } }, '*');
}, { passive: true });
otherAnime.addEventListener('click', () => {
overlay.style.display = 'block';
iframe.style.display = 'block';
}, { passive: true });
const createElements = ({
src, count, exact, id, sId,
}) => {
let overlay = document.querySelector('#watch-online-overlay');
if (!overlay) {
overlay = document.createElement('div');
overlay.id = 'watch-online-overlay';
let iframe = document.querySelector('#watch-online-iframe-other');
if (!iframe) {
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.id = 'watch-online-iframe-other';
iframe.className = 'watch-online-iframe';
iframe.src = `${src}?translations=true`;
iframe.allow = 'fullscreen';
const contestBlock = document.querySelector('.block.contest_winners');
if (contestBlock) {
let contestHeader = document.querySelector('#watch-online-contest-subheadline');
if (!contestHeader) {
contestHeader = document.createElement('div');
contestHeader.id = 'watch-online-contest-subheadline';
contestHeader.className = 'subheadline';
contestHeader.textContent = 'Турниры';
let otherAnime = document.querySelector('#watch-online-a-other');
if (!otherAnime) {
let block = document.querySelector('#watch-online-block');
if (!block) {
block = document.createElement('div');
block.id = 'watch-online-block';
block.className = 'block';
const subheadline = document.createElement('div');
subheadline.className = 'subheadline';
subheadline.textContent = 'Онлайн просмотр';
const targetBlock = document.querySelector('.block[itemprop="aggregateRating"]');
targetBlock.parentElement.insertBefore(block, targetBlock.nextElementSibling);
const line = document.createElement('div');
line.className = 'watch-online-line';
otherAnime = document.createElement('a');
otherAnime.id = 'watch-online-a-other';
otherAnime.className = 'b-link';
otherAnime.title = `Смотреть (точное совпадение ${exact ? '' : 'не '}найдено)`;
otherAnime.textContent = `Другой плеер${exact ? '*' : ''} [${count ? `1-${count}` : '1'}]`;
const aSite = document.createElement('a');
aSite.className = 'b-link';
aSite.target = '_blank';
aSite.title = 'Смотреть на сайте amove';
aSite.href = `https://amove.my.to/#${sId ? `shikimori-${sId}&${id}` : id}`;
aSite.textContent = ' ↗ ';
line.append(otherAnime, aSite);
addEventListeners({ overlay, iframe, otherAnime });
// new anime handler
const newAnimeShow = async () => {
const overlay = document.querySelector('#watch-online-overlay');
const iframe = document.querySelector('#watch-online-iframe-other');
const otherAnime = document.querySelector('#watch-online-a-other');
if (overlay && iframe && otherAnime) {
addEventListeners({ overlay, iframe, otherAnime });
const ogTitle = document.querySelector('head > meta[property = "og:title"]').content;
const rawId = document.URL.substring(document.URL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, document.URL.indexOf('-'));
const sId = Number.isNaN(+rawId[0]) ? rawId.substring(1) : rawId;
const r###lt = await getOtherR###lts(ogTitle, sId);
if (!r###lt) {
log('other anime not found');
src: r###lt.link,
count: r###lt.episodes_count,
exact: r###lt.exactMatch,
id: r###lt.id,
sId: r###lt.shikimori_id,
// observer fire when html changes its body
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
mutationsList.forEach((mutationRecord) => mutationRecord.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
if (node.classList.contains('p-animes-show')) newAnimeShow();
observer.observe(document.querySelector('html'), { childList: true });
if (document.body.classList.contains('p-animes-show')) newAnimeShow();