Greasy Fork is available in English.
Makes the Instagram video/image/album-popup LARGER ...(for 1080p by default - Adjust values for your resolution)
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NOTE: Works on Firefox (no idea whether it works on other browsers)
NOTE: Only works on user profile for the popups when you click on a video/image/album (usually you have to click again)
NOTE: This script is experimental, it doesn't work perfectly automatically yet, this is my first script! Let me know, if you have a fix.
NOTE: The console commands sometimes run too early, and thus you may have to click somewhere on the popup each time you open a video.
I made a post asking if anyone could make an add-on for this -> <- then someone recommended looking for a script or make one myself.
This is still in progress. The commands should run when the popup appears, rather than whenever you click. But I don't know how to do that. Which is why most of the time you have to click again somewhere after the popup appears to properly execute the commands. It may also work better if the commands were executed whenever the URL changes.(or not) But I don't know how to do that either.
People gave me these to try (but I don't understand how to use any of them yet):