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Netflix keyboard controls

Use similar controls as on YouTube when watching Netflix (`f` for full screen, `k` to play/pause, `c` for captions, and a LOT more)

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Control Netflix video playback using keyboard shortcuts

This script lets you control video playback on Netflix with keyboard shortcuts.A few are inspired by the YouTube shortcuts, and provide consistency with that player.

All the key bindings are documented here and in the script, and are easy to change.

Key bindings

  • k switches between playing and paused
  • l moves ahead by 10 seconds (configurable)
  • j moves back by 10 seconds (configurable)
  • c switches subtitles on or off (you can also configure which language to select automatically)
  • s changes the size of subtitles (Netflix provides 3 sizes, so it cycles between small/medium/large)
  • v changes the subtitles track, moving to the next one in the list
  • a changes the audio track, moving to the next one in the list
  • m is already set to mute/unmute by Netflix, but you can configure the script to also let you use a different key
  • Up Arrow increases the audio volume by 5% (configurable)
  • Down Arrow decreases the audio volume by 5% (configurable)
  • 0 to 9 jump to 0% of the video (the start) to 90% in 10% increments (so pressing 5 jumps to 50%, the middle)

Other configuration

  • You can change by how many seconds l and j jump forward and back by updating the value of SCRUB_DELTA_SECONDS (10 seconds by default)
  • You can change by how much the volume changes when you press Up Arrow or Down Arrow (5% by default)
  • You can change which language to use for subtitles when you press c (English by default)

The script also has a debug mode, disabled by default. Enabling it provides debug information for anyone trying to modify it.