Проигрывает ролики во внешнем плеере (mpv) по нажатию на миниатюру
This userscript will allow you to open videos in external player mpv by simply clicking on a thumbnail without loading bloated video page with web player.
It simply replaces video thumbnail hyperlinks on a page, changing their protocol from https:// to mpv:// and coding the original URL as base64. The r###lt string is then passed to mpv:// URI handler as base64 string.
Potentially it works with anything that mpv and its youtube-dl backend supports. But in order to add support for a certain website, one needs to find its DOM selector for site specific video thumbnails and put it into the dictionary inside the userscript
Install this script, then follow instructions below
If you want automatic installation of mpv URL handler, refer to README in project's github repository. There you can download install script. If you don't want to go to github, continue reading the next section on how to manually install the handler script.
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin/ && touch ~/.local/bin/mpv-url-handler.sh
$ chmod +x ~/.local/bin/mpv-url-handler.sh
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications && touch ~/.local/share/applications/mpv-url-handler.desktop
Edit file ~/.local/bin/mpv-url-handler.sh with a text editor, put the following contents
mpv `echo -n ${1%/} | sed 's/mpv:\/\///' | base64 --decode`
Edit file ~/.local/share/applications/mpv-url-handler.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Multimedia player
Comment=Play web media content with mpv
Finally, register mpv URL handler for mpv://
$ echo "Exec=$HOME/.local/bin/mpv-url-handler.sh %u" >> ~/.local/share/applications/mpv-url-handler.desktop
$ xdg-mime default mpv-url-handler.desktop x-scheme-handler/mpv
If it does not work, add MPV folder to your PATH environment variable. (requires Administrator rights)
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\your\path\to\mpv\folder\here\
New video links are not generated after consequent search on YouTube.
When you Search on YouTube consequently, it doesn't reload page, so previous links are preserved as onclick events. Workaround: reload page (Ctrl+R) after you performed Search.
For better experience you may want to set max quality in mpv config. For example, you want vidoes to be viewable in 1080p, not higher (4K) Edit file ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf in GNU/Linux or mpv.conf in your mpv folder, create file if not exists Add the following line in mpv.conf