Adds keyboard shortcuts [ and ] for liking and disliking videos, B and R to Back up and Restore position, H to use picture-in-picture, { and } to change playback speed.
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Keyboard Shortcuts: like/dislike, backup/restore position, change speed, picture-in-picture… // @match* // @match* // @description Adds keyboard shortcuts [ and ] for liking and disliking videos, B and R to Back up and Restore position, H to use picture-in-picture, { and } to change playback speed. // @author // @namespace // @version 1.18 // @grant none // @license MIT // @icon // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ /** * Keyboard shortcuts on regular video player: * [ to like a video * ] to dislike it * h to enable/disable Picture-in-Picture (PiP) * b to back up the current time (where you are in the video) * r to jump back to the backed up time ("r" for restore) * shift-] – or "}" – to increase playback speed * shift-[ – or "{" – to decrease playback speed * x to go forward by 5 seconds * z to go back by 5 seconds * shift + x to go forward by 1 second * shift + z to go back by 1 second * u to "undo" a time jump and go back to where you were just playing * * Keyboard shortcuts on "shorts" video player are all of the above, plus: * w to use the regular YouTube player if you're watching a short in the feed-based "Shorts" player * shift + w: switch to regular player, but open it in a new tab in order not to lose the current Shorts feed */ /****************************************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Change these constants to configure the script */ const PLAYBACK_RATE_STEP = 0.05; // change playback rate by 5% when pressing the shortcut keys (see above which keys those are) const SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS = true; const NOTIFICATIONS_INCLUDE_EMOJIS = true; const NOTIFICATION_DURATION_MILLIS = 2000; // how long – in milliseconds – to keep a like/dislike notification visible. const REMOVE_FEEDBACK_SHARED_WITH_CREATOR = true; // if true, remove the notification on dislike that says "feedback shared with the creator". Set to false to keep the default YouTube behavior. const MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_KEYPRESSES_MS = 70; // how long – in milliseconds – to wait before handling any repeated key presses. This is to prevent time scrubs from going too fast. Continuous events come as fast as every ~30ms if the repeat rate is set to the highest setting. const SAVED_POSITIONS_TTL_SEC = 3600; // 1h by default, how long to keep track of saved positions by video ID (with [B], to be restored with [R]). This allows saving positions for multiple videos, forgetting them after 1h. /****************************************************************************************************/ var lastToastElement = null; function showNotification(message) { if (!SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS) { return; } if (lastToastElement !== null) { // delete if still visible lastToastElement.remove(); lastToastElement = null; } const toast = document.createElement('tp-yt-paper-toast'); toast.innerText = message; toast.classList.add('toast-open'); const styleProps = { outline: 'none', position: 'fixed', left: '0', bottom: '12px', maxWidth: '297.547px', maxHeight: '48px', zIndex: '2202', opacity: '1', }; for (const prop in styleProps) {[prop] = styleProps[prop]; } document.body.appendChild(toast); lastToastElement = toast; // needed otherwise the notification won't show setTimeout(() => { = 'block'; }, 0); // preserves the animation setTimeout(() => { = 'none'; }, 10); setTimeout(() => { = 'translateY(200%)'; }, Math.max(0, NOTIFICATION_DURATION_MILLIS)); } function removeBuiltInFeedbackShared(feedbackSharedStartTime) { const now =; for (const toastElement of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('tp-yt-paper-toast'))) { if (toastElement.textContent.toLowerCase().includes('feedback shared with the creator')) { toastElement.remove(); return; } } if (now - feedbackSharedStartTime < 1000) { const intervalMs = (now - feedbackSharedStartTime < 100) ? 10 : 50; // faster at first setTimeout(() => removeBuiltInFeedbackShared(feedbackSharedStartTime), intervalMs); } } function getVideoId() { const url = new URL(location.href); if (pageIsRegularWatchViewer()) { return url.searchParams.get('v'); } else if (pageIsYouTubeShortsViewer()) { const match = /^\/(shorts)\/([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)$/.exec(location.pathname); return match ? match[2] : null; } else { return null; } } function pageIsYouTubeShortsViewer() { return /^\/(shorts)/.test(location.pathname); } function pageIsRegularWatchViewer() { return /^\/(watch)/.test(location.pathname); } function isVisible(element) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const elemTop =; const elemBottom = rect.bottom; return (elemTop >= 0) && (elemBottom <= window.innerHeight) && !([rect.left, rect.right,, rect.bottom].every(val => val === 0)); // some elements are returned with all-zero bounding client rect, they're not visible } function findRatingButtonShorts(outerSelector, innerSelector) { return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(outerSelector)) .filter(e => isVisible(e)) // make sure the element is on screen .slice(0, 1) // keep only the first one .map(renderer => renderer.querySelector(innerSelector)) // find the button inside .find(_ => true) || null; // return the only match, or null if the array is empty (vs undefined for .find()) } function findLikeDislikeButtons() { if (pageIsYouTubeShortsViewer()) { // we need to call findRatingButtonShorts with both ID suffixes below, since it could be either of them. // this make the IDs either '#like-toggle-button' or '#like-button' for likes, for example. We keep only the first one found. const idSuffixes = ['toggle-button', 'button']; // added to '#like' or '#dislike' const getFirstButton = (innerSelector, idPrefix) => => findRatingButtonShorts(`ytd-toggle-button-renderer#${idPrefix}-${suffix}`, innerSelector)) .filter(elt => elt !== null) // remove nulls .filter(isVisible) .find(_ => true) || null; // keep first object return { like: getFirstButton('#like-button button', 'like'), dislike: getFirstButton('#dislike-button button', 'dislike'), }; } else if (!pageIsRegularWatchViewer()) { return { like: null, dislike: null }; } const directLikeButton = document.querySelector('div#segmented-like-button button'); const directDislikeButton = document.querySelector('div#segmented-dislike-button button'); if (directLikeButton && directDislikeButton) { return {like: directLikeButton, dislike: directDislikeButton}; } const likeButtonFromViewModel = document.querySelector('like-button-view-model button'); const dislikeButtonFromViewModel = document.querySelector('dislike-button-view-model button'); if (likeButtonFromViewModel && dislikeButtonFromViewModel) { return {like: likeButtonFromViewModel, dislike: dislikeButtonFromViewModel}; } const infoRenderer = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-video-primary-info-renderer'); const watchMetadata = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-watch-metadata'); var like = null, dislike = null; if (watchMetadata.length == 1) { const buttons = Array.from(watchMetadata[0].getElementsByTagName('button')); const paperButtons = Array.from(watchMetadata[0].getElementsByTagName('tp-yt-paper-button')); const allButtons = buttons.concat(paperButtons); for (const b of allButtons) { if (b.hasAttribute('aria-label')) { const hasAriaLabel = (text) => b.getAttribute('aria-label').toLowerCase().indexOf(text) !== -1; if (!dislike && hasAriaLabel('dislike')) { dislike = b; } else if (!like && !hasAriaLabel('dislike') && hasAriaLabel('like')) { // we didn't match "dislike" so the only other way to match "like" would be the actual like button like = b; } if (!dislike && hasAriaLabel('disabled')) { dislike = b; } } } // last resort: by position if (!like && buttons.length > 4) { like = buttons[4]; } if (!dislike && buttons.length > 5) { dislike = buttons[5]; } } return {like, dislike}; } function getPressedAttribute(button) { return button.hasAttribute('aria-pressed') ? button.getAttribute('aria-pressed') : null; } function formatTime(timeSec) { const hours = Math.floor(timeSec / 3600.0); const minutes = Math.floor((timeSec % 3600) / 60); const seconds = Math.floor((timeSec % 60)); return (hours > 0 ? (('' + hours).padStart(2, '0') + ':') : '') + ('' + minutes).padStart(2, '0') + ':' + ('' + seconds).padStart(2, '0'); } function formatPlaybackRate(rate) { if (rate == Math.floor(rate)) { // integer return rate + 'x'; } else if (rate.toFixed(2).endsWith('0')) { // float, 1 decimal place return rate.toFixed(1) + 'x'; } else { // float, 2 decimal places max return rate.toFixed(2) + 'x'; } } function maybePrefixWithEmoji(emoji, message) { return NOTIFICATIONS_INCLUDE_EMOJIS ? emoji + ' ' + message : message; } function getVideoElement() { const videos = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('video')).filter(v => ! isNaN(v.duration)); // filter the invalid ones return videos.length === 0 ? null : videos[0]; } /** no Ctrl, Alt, or Meta/Cmd modifiers, but could have Shift pressed. */ function hasNoCtrlAltMetaModifiers(event) { return !(event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey); } /** no modifiers whatsoever, so like above and also "not shift" */ function hasNoModifiers(event) { return hasNoCtrlAltMetaModifiers(event) && (!event.shiftKey); } /** only one specific modifier is set **/ function onlyModifier(event, expected) { const modifiers = ['ctrlKey', 'shiftKey', 'altKey', 'metaKey']; for (const mod of modifiers) { const expectedValue = (mod == expected); // only true for the expected modifier if (event[mod] !== expectedValue) { return false; } } return true; } function keyPressIsZeroToNine(event) { // we're looking for presses like {key: '2', code: 'Digit2'} with no modifiers const zeroToNine = [...Array(10).keys()]; const expectedKeys = new Set( => `${i}`)); const expectedCodes = new Set( => `Digit${i}`)); return hasNoModifiers(event) && event.code === `Digit${event.key}` && expectedKeys.has(event.key) && expectedCodes.has(event.code); } function applyDeltaSec(video, deltaTimeSec) { video.currentTime = Math.max(0, Math.min(video.duration, video.currentTime + deltaTimeSec)); } function switchFromShortsToClassicPlayer(videoId, video, openInNewTab) { if (videoId !== null) { const timeParam = (video === null ? '' : `&t=${ Math.floor(video.currentTime) }`); const newURL = `${ videoId }${ timeParam }`; if (openInNewTab) { video.pause(); // pause short as we open a new tab, '_blank'); } else { location.href = newURL; } } else { showNotification('Could not switch to the classic player'); } } function switchShortInOutOfFullScreen(video) { if (document.fullscreenElement === video) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else { video.requestFullscreen(); } } /** swallow keyboard event once we've handled it. */ function stopEvent(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } /** returns whether we are in an editable element, where text can be typed in (e.g. comment field, search box, chat input) */ function isContentEditable(element) { const present = element.hasAttribute('contenteditable'); const value = element.getAttribute('contenteditable'); return (value === 'true' || (present && value === '')); // either set explicitly to true or set without a value } /** returns whether this is a +/-1 or +/-5 shortcut */ function isOneSecFiveSecShortcut(e) { return (hasNoModifiers(e) || onlyModifier(e, 'shiftKey')) && (e.code === 'KeyZ' || e.code === 'KeyX'); } /** keeps track of time passing in the video, enables going back if a jump was made */ function detectTimeJump() { const video = getVideoElement(); const videoId = getVideoId(); const player = document.getElementById('movie_player'); if (!video || !videoId || !player) { return; } if (timeJumpMonitor.videoId !== videoId) { // video change (will trigger on first run, that's fine) resetTimeJumpMonitor(); } if (timeJumpMonitor.videoId === null) { // not set yet, let's set it timeJumpMonitor.videoId = videoId; } const videoCurrentTime = video.currentTime; const previousCurrentTime = timeJumpMonitor.videoCurrentTime; timeJumpMonitor.videoCurrentTime = videoCurrentTime; // then update monitor record const timeDeltaSec = videoCurrentTime - previousCurrentTime; const detectionAllowed = >= timeJumpMonitor.disableUntil; // don't detect jumps we triggered with "undo" if (detectionAllowed && (timeDeltaSec < 0 || timeDeltaSec >= 0.95 * player.getPlaybackRate())) { // jump detected! going backwards, or going forwards too fast. timeJumpMonitor.beforeJump = previousCurrentTime; // remember where we were just half a second ago } } /** saves video position for current video */ function saveCurrentPosition(videoId, videoCurrentTime) { savedPositions[videoId] = {videoTime: videoCurrentTime, savedAt: }; showNotification('Saved position: ' + formatTime(videoCurrentTime)); cleanupOldSavedPositions(); } /** restores saved video position for current video (we've already checked that we have a save) */ function restoreSavedPosition(video, videoId) { video.currentTime = savedPositions[videoId].videoTime; savedPositions[videoId].savedAt =; // bump save timestamp so that we don't eventually lose it cleanupOldSavedPositions(); } function cleanupOldSavedPositions() { const keys = Object.keys(savedPositions); const now =; var deleted = 0; for (var key of keys) { if (now - savedPositions[key].savedAt > SAVED_POSITIONS_TTL_SEC * 1000) { delete savedPositions[key]; deleted++; } } } // local values that can change when various shortcuts are used var savedPositions = {}; // keyed by videoId var lastEventTimeMs =; const defaultTimeJumpMonitor = {videoId: null, videoCurrentTime: 0, beforeJump: -1, disableUntil: -1}; var timeJumpMonitor = {}; function resetTimeJumpMonitor() { timeJumpMonitor = Object.assign({}, defaultTimeJumpMonitor); } setInterval(detectTimeJump, 500); // detect when the user jumps through the video to enable "undo jump" addEventListener('keypress', function (e) { // handle keypress events const tag =; const nowMs =; if (isContentEditable( || tag == 'input' || tag == 'textarea' || // key press is in a text field, like the search field or typing a comment (nowMs - lastEventTimeMs) < MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_KEYPRESSES_MS) { // it hasn't been long enough since the last keypress return; } lastEventTimeMs = nowMs; const player = document.getElementById('movie_player'); const buttons = findLikeDislikeButtons(); const video = getVideoElement(); const videoId = getVideoId(); if (e.code == 'BracketLeft' && hasNoModifiers(e) && { const likePressed = getPressedAttribute(; if (likePressed === 'true') { showNotification(maybePrefixWithEmoji('😭', 'Removed like from video')); } else if (likePressed === 'false') { showNotification(maybePrefixWithEmoji('❤️', 'Liked video')); }; stopEvent(e); } else if (e.code == 'BracketRight' && hasNoModifiers(e) && buttons.dislike) { const dislikePressed = getPressedAttribute(buttons.dislike); if (dislikePressed === 'true') { showNotification(maybePrefixWithEmoji('😐', 'Removed dislike from video')); } else if (dislikePressed === 'false') { showNotification(maybePrefixWithEmoji('💔', 'Disliked video')); if (REMOVE_FEEDBACK_SHARED_WITH_CREATOR) { removeBuiltInFeedbackShared(; } }; stopEvent(e); } else if (video && isOneSecFiveSecShortcut(e)) { const numSeconds = e.shiftKey ? 1 : 5; const multiplier = e.code === 'KeyZ' ? -1 : +1; applyDeltaSec(video, multiplier * numSeconds); } else if (video && e.code == 'KeyH' && hasNoModifiers(e)) { if (document.pictureInPictureElement !== null) { // already in PiP mode document.exitPictureInPicture(); } else { // enable PiP if (video.hasAttribute('disablepictureinpicture')) { // just in case it's ever set, let's drop it. video.removeAttribute('disablepictureinpicture'); } video.requestPictureInPicture(); } stopEvent(e); } else if (video && e.code == 'KeyB' && hasNoModifiers(e)) { // back up current position saveCurrentPosition(videoId, video.currentTime); stopEvent(e); } else if (video && e.code == 'KeyR' && hasNoModifiers(e)) { // restore saved position if (videoId && savedPositions[videoId]) { restoreSavedPosition(video, videoId); stopEvent(e); } else { showNotification('No saved timestamp found'); } } else if (video && e.code == 'KeyU' && hasNoModifiers(e) && timeJumpMonitor.beforeJump >= 0) { // restore position before a time jump video.currentTime = timeJumpMonitor.beforeJump; timeJumpMonitor.beforeJump = -1; // turn off timeJumpMonitor.disableUntil = + 950; // allow a full monitor run before we check again, to avoid detecting this "undo" as a jump itself } else if (player && onlyModifier(e, 'shiftKey') && (e.code === 'BracketLeft' || e.code === 'BracketRight')) { const multiplier = (e.code === 'BracketLeft' ? -1 : +1); player.setPlaybackRate(player.getPlaybackRate() + multiplier * PLAYBACK_RATE_STEP); showNotification('Playback rate:' + formatPlaybackRate(player.getPlaybackRate())); stopEvent(e); } else if (video && pageIsYouTubeShortsViewer()) { // specifically for the "Shorts" viewer: if (e.code === 'KeyW' && hasNoCtrlAltMetaModifiers(e)) { // 'w' pressed, potentially with a "shift" modifier switchFromShortsToClassicPlayer(videoId, video, e.shiftKey); // if shift is pressed, sets "openInNewTab" to true (last parameter) stopEvent(e); } else if (hasNoModifiers(e)) { // Re-implement some features from the Watch page, since the Shorts viewer doesn't provide all the same built-in shortcuts: var shouldStopEvent = true; // whether we've handled the keyboard event if (keyPressIsZeroToNine(e)) { // support '0' … '9' to jump to the corresponding 0% to 90% of the duration const percentage = parseInt(e.key) / 10; video.currentTime = percentage * video.duration; } else if (e.code === 'Comma' || e.code === 'Period') { const fps = 30; const deltaFrames = (e.code === 'Comma' ? -1 : +1); applyDeltaSec(video, deltaFrames / fps); } else if (e.code === 'KeyJ' || e.code === 'KeyL') { applyDeltaSec(video, (e.code === 'KeyJ' ? -10 : +10)); } else if (e.code === 'KeyF') { switchShortInOutOfFullScreen(video); } else { // we didn't take *any* of the branches above shouldStopEvent = false; } if (shouldStopEvent) { // if we did handle the key press for one of the conditions above, then swallow the keyboard event. stopEvent(e); } } } });