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Youtube Keyboard Shortcuts: like/dislike, backup/restore position, change speed, picture-in-picture

Adds keyboard shortcuts [ and ] for liking and disliking videos, B and R to Back up and Restore position, H to use picture-in-picture, { and } to change playback speed.

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Youtube Keyboard Shortcuts: like/dislike, backup/restore position, change speed, picture-in-picture

This script adds keyboard shortcuts to perform common actions on YouTube without clicking or exiting a full-screen video.

Shortcuts on regular video player

  • [ to like a video
  • ] to dislike a video
  • b to save the current playback time, meaning the script will remember your current position in the video
  • r to restore the saved playback time, jumping back to the moment when you pressed b
  • h to enable or disable Picture-in-picture mode, creating a floating video that keeps playing even if you switch to another application
  • } (Same as Shift + ]) to increase playback speed by 5% (so going from 1x to 1.05x to 1.1x… etc. as you press multiple times)
  • { (Same as Shift + [) to decrease playback speed by 5%
  • p to go forward by 5 seconds
  • o to go back by 5 seconds

Shortcuts on "YouTube Shorts" video player

  • k to switch between playing and paused
  • l to go forward by 10 seconds
  • j to go back by 10 seconds
  • p to go forward by 5 seconds
  • o to go back by 5 seconds
  • , (comma) to go back by one frame
  • . (dot/period) to go forward by one frame
  • 0, 19 to go to 0%, 10% … 90% of the video
  • [ to like a video
  • ] to dislike a video
  • b to save the current playback time
  • r to restore the saved playback time
  • h to enable or disable Picture-in-picture mode
  • f for fullscreen (this has limited utility since the top and bottom of the video will likely be cut off)
  • w to use the "classic" YouTube video player for this video, instead of the "Shorts" player with a feed
  • Shift + W to use the "classic" video player, but open it in a new tab to avoid losing the current "Shorts" feed

The first five of these are already built into the regular YouTube player, but did not work on the Shorts player; this script re-adds these shortcuts.

Other features

  • Discreet notifications are displayed when you use these shortcuts, so you can tell what happened even if you're watching in full screen.
  • Notifications can be disabled by changing a single line featured prominently at the top of the code.
  • How long notifications stay up (2 seconds by default) can be changed in the code, it's easy to find.
  • The script tries to remove the built-in notification that says "Feedback shared with the creator", although your can disable this.
  • The speed change for { and } can be configured in the code as well; it's 5% by default but the constant can be updated in a single place.