Greasy Fork is available in English.
Colors of Top 3 are green, blue, orange.
// ==UserScript== // @name Highlight Top 3 Torrents and Hide Lossy Torrents on RED and OPS. // @namespace userscript1 // @match http*://**id=* // @match http*://**id=* // @version 0.1 // @description Colors of Top 3 are green, blue, orange. // ==/UserScript== (function () { document .querySelectorAll("tr.torrent_row, tr.group_torrent") .forEach((a) => check(a)); function check(a) { if (a.querySelector(".edition_info") || a.textContent.includes("Lossless")) return; a.parentNode.removeChild(a); } let alltorrents = []; let torrentlist = document.querySelectorAll( "tr.torrent_row, tr.group_torrent" ); for (let [_, val] of torrentlist.entries()) { let selector = val.querySelector("td:nth-child(4)"); if (selector != null) { // console.log(val.querySelector("td:nth-child(4)").innerText) alltorrents.push({ seed_count: selector.innerText, parent_id:, }); } } let [first, second, third] = alltorrents.sort( (a, b) => b.seed_count - a.seed_count ); function setColor(id, color, index) { let ele = document.getElementById(id); = color; // console.log(`%c${ele.previousElementSibling.innerText}`, `color:${color}; font-size: ${20 - index * 2}px;`) } setColor(first.parent_id, "rgb(22 101 52 / 25%)", 1) setColor(second.parent_id, "rgb(29 78 216 / 16%)", 2) setColor(third.parent_id, "rgb(180 83 9 / 18%)", 3) })();