Greasy Fork is available in English.
Allows different userscripts to define functions that modify the game's code
// ==UserScript==// @name Code Injector - @version 1.0.8// @description Allows different userscripts to define functions that modify the game's code// @author Pixelmelt & Excigma & kklkkj// @namespace @license GPL-3.0// @match @run-at document-end// @grant none// ==/UserScript==/* Create a logger */const log = (msg) => console.log(`%c[Mod injector] ${msg}`, "color: #06c26d");console.clear()/* Stop non modified scripts from executing */;/* little message telling the user to wait for mods to load */document.write(`<html><head><title>Loading...</title></head><body style="background-color:#293449;"><div style="margin: auto; width: 50%;"><h1 style="text-align: center;padding: 170px 0;">Loading mods</h1><h1 style="text-align: center;">Please wait</h1></div></body></html>`);document.close();log(`Started`)function injectLoader(){/* dont inject into anything but the main page */if (window.location.pathname != "/"){log(`Injection not needed`); return}/*Set to a specific vesion of sb because of rotating var names.If you want to use the most recent version of sb for your mod-BE WARNED your mod could break at any time due to rotating variable namesChanging this URL could lead to your ECP being stolen, be careful!*/var url = "";/* Grab the contents of the link*/var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();log("Fetching starblast src...");"GET", url);/* When the request finishes... */xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xhr.readyState === 4) {var starSRC = xhr.responseText;if(starSRC != undefined){log(`Src fetched successfully`)}else{log(`Src fetch failed`)alert("An error occurred whilst fetching game code");}const start_time =;log("Patching src...");if (!window.sbCodeInjectors) {log("Did not find any userscripts to load. This may be an error, make sure you have scripts installed.");log(`Proceeded to load normally.`)} else {/* Loop through `sbCodeInjectors` and pass src code in for them to modify */let error_notified = false;for (const injector of window.sbCodeInjectors) {try {/* Run injector from other userscripts */if (typeof injector === "function") starSRC = injector(starSRC);else {log("Injector was not a function");console.log(injector);}} catch (error) {/* Only notify the user once if any userscript fails to loadhelpful to prevent spamming alerts() */if (!error_notified) {/* An injector from one of the other userscripts failed to load */alert("One of your userscripts was unable to be loaded");error_notified = true;}console.error(error);}}}const end_time =;log(`Patched src successfully (${(end_time - start_time).toFixed(0)}ms)`);/* Finish up and write the modified code to the docuent */;document.write(starSRC);document.close();// run function once docuemnt is loadeddocument.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {log("Document loaded");setTimeout(() => {if (!window.sbCodeRunners) {log("No CodeRunners found")}else{log("CodeRunners found")for(const runner of window.sbCodeRunners){try{if(typeof runner === "function"){runner();}else{log("CodeRunner was not a function");console.log(runner);}}catch(err){console.error(err);}}};}, 30);});}};/* Send the request */xhr.send();}/* ms before trying to inject mods */setTimeout(injectLoader, 1);