Greasy Fork is available in English.
Jump to any search engine quickly and easily!
Устаревшая версия за
Build with React.js
UI: Material-UI
Icons: FontAwesome
I use the search engine jump function very frequently in my work, but I found that most of them contain ######s after tried many related extensions.
This is just a simple function, so why not write one by myself?
The r###lt is that writing the configuration page takes several times more energy than the script itself... 🤦
This search engine jump supports dragging and dropping with defined location, and also supports in-site search, word-marking search, and configuration import and export.
* s search keyword* e charset* c client pc,mobile* u current website url* h current website host* t image src* b image src without http** name site name* url site address* keywords site keyword extraction* match matches the current site* icon site icon* charset site code