Removes THE SCREAMING TEXT from videos titles if ((the {MinCapsPercent}% of words are CAPSED) {or/and} (CAPSED word contains at least {MinCapsLetters}))
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube REMOVE CAPS FROM VIDEOS TITLES // @namespaceтитан // @version 1.3.2 // @description Removes THE SCREAMING TEXT from videos titles if ((the {MinCapsPercent}% of words are CAPSED) {or/and} (CAPSED word contains at least {MinCapsLetters})) // @author Титан // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @require // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; /*↓ SETTINGS ↓*/ let MinCapsPercent = .50; // How many % of the word should be capsed for triggering uncaps func. Set 0 to make this check always pass and 1.00 to always fall let MinCapsLetters = 5; // Set 0 to make this check always pass and -1 to always fall let OR = true; // set false for AND // DEV (not for users) let debug = false // send all titles changes to the console let debugColorize = false // colorize changed text /*↑ SETTINGS ↑*/ document.arrive("#video-title", {fireOnAttributesModification: true}, titleElement => removeCapsFromElement(titleElement, "preview") ) document.arrive("#container > h1 > yt-formatted-string", {fireOnAttributesModification: true}, currentVideoTitle => { removeCapsFromElement(currentVideoTitle, "current video"); setTimeout(() => handleTitleChange(), 1000) } ) // all of them executes before full page load // window.addEventListener('load', handleTitleChange("load")); // window.addEventListener('load', () => window.requestAnimationFrame(handleTitleChange.bind(null, "requestAnimationFrame"))); // window.addEventListener('title', handleTitleChange("title")); function handleTitleChange(event = "") { let newText = removeCapsFromText(document.title) //can be optimized for not doublecheck if (newText === document.title) { return } if (debug) console.log(`PAGE NAME (${event}): ${document.title} → ${newText}`) document.title = newText } function removeCapsFromElement(element, debugText) { if (isNullOrEmpty(element.textContent)) return let newText = removeCapsFromText(element.textContent) let pervText = element.textContent if (debug) { let eq = newText === pervText; console.log(`${debugText}: ${pervText} → ${eq? "UNCHANGED" : newText}`) } if (debugColorize) element.innerHTML = colorizeChanges(newText, pervText) else element.textContent = newText } /** * Removes caps from text. * @param {string} str - input text * @return {boolean} - returns a string in which all words, except for certain ones, are written in lowercase, and the first letter of each sentence is uppercase */ function tooMuchCaps(words) { let wordsCount = words.length let caps = 0; for(let word of words) { if(word === word.toUpperCase()) if (word === word.toLowerCase()) // Not a word wordsCount--; else caps++; } return caps/wordsCount >= MinCapsPercent; } /** * Removes caps from text. * @param {string} str - input text * @return {string} - returns a string in which all words, except for certain ones, are written in lowercase, and the first letter of each sentence is uppercase */ function removeCapsFromText(str) { let words = str.split(' '); let muchCaps = tooMuchCaps(words) if ((!muchCaps && !OR)) return str; // if tooMuchCaps is false and operator is "and", no sense to check other conditions let newWords = []; for(let word of words) { if((word == word.toUpperCase() && OR? enoughLetters(word) || muchCaps : enoughLetters(word) && muchCaps) ) newWords.push(word.toLowerCase()); else newWords.push(word); } newWords = newWords.join(' '); return toUpperAfterDot(newWords); } const enoughLetters = (word) => (letterCount(word) >= MinCapsLetters || OR); function toUpperAfterDot(str, upFirstLetter = true) { let dotFound = upFirstLetter; let newStr = ""; for(let letter of str) { if(dotFound) { let upLetter = letter.toUpperCase(); if (upLetter!=letter.toLowerCase()) { // is letter check newStr += upLetter; dotFound = false continue; } } else if (letter == '.') dotFound = true; newStr+=letter; } return newStr; } function isLetter(letter) { return letter.toLowerCase() !== letter.toUpperCase(); } function letterCount(word) { return [...word].reduce((acc, letter) => isLetter(letter) ? acc + 1 : acc, 0); } function colorizeChanges(str1, str2, color = 'red') { let output = ''; for (let i = 0; i < str1.length || i < str2.length; i++) { if (str1[i] !== str2[i]) { output += `<span style="color:${color}">${str1[i] || ''}</span>`; } else { output += str1[i] || ''; } } return output; } function isNullOrEmpty(str) { return !str || str.trim().length === 0; } })();