Simple Web Media Player for 4chan and other imageboards.
Ниже показаны версии этого скрипта, в которых изменялся код. Показать все версии.
imageboard url update
yt min-size, windowed toggle, .opus
fullscreen error hadling
cleaning code
not much
minor size fixes for webkit cool xp input thumb
more accurate seeking win_xp improvements
focus player fix
fixed mime error handling
fix drag and drop bugs minor style changes
slightly better fullscreen/maximize interop.
add doubleclick maximize toggle
z-index for maximize on yotsuba/vichan
window maximization
youtube loop/autoplay
seek forward/back with mousekeys on player/yt
slight button change when pressed
Better play/pause handling on unloaded videos. Toggle option for overriding download html attribute.
Fullscreen controls now show/hide on mousemovement, not hover over controls.
volume scroll and bugfixes
YouTube link support
Remove @match all