Greasy Fork is available in English.
Смена фракций. Наборы оружия, навыков, армий и миниартов мага. Билды
// ==UserScript== // @name hwmSetsMaster // @author Tamozhnya1 // @namespace Tamozhnya1 // @description Смена фракций. Наборы оружия, навыков, армий и миниартов мага. Билды // @version 13.5 // @include ** // @include ** // @exclude */rightcol.php* // @exclude */ch_box.php* // @exclude */chat* // @exclude */ticker.html* // @exclude */frames* // @exclude */brd.php* // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== if(!PlayerId) { return; } const Strings = { "ru": { Army: "Армия", Save: "Сохранить", Add: "Добавить", AddCurrent: "Добавить текущий", SetName: "Наименование набора", Delete: "Удалить", Talents: "Навыки", Inventory: "Оружие", RemoveAll: "Снять все", EnterJpg: "enter0.jpg", SignInTitle: "Войти", Castle: "Замок", Task: "Задание", Apply: "Применить", AvailablePoints: "Свободных очков", AvailableTalentPoints: "Свободных очков от навыка", IncreaseManyPointsTooltip: "Введите число от ${minValue} до ${maxValue}. Нажмите Tab." }, "en": { Army: "Army", Save: "Save", Add: "Add", AddCurrent: "Add current", SetName: "Set name", Delete: "Delete", Talents: "Talents", Inventory: "Inventory", RemoveAll: "Un-equip all", EnterJpg: "enter0_eng.jpg", SignInTitle: "Sign in", Castle: "Castle", Task: "Task", Apply: "Apply", AvailablePoints: "Available points", AvailableTalentPoints: "Available talent points", IncreaseManyPointsTooltip: "Enter number from ${minValue} to ${maxValue}. Press Tab." } }; const LocalizedString = Strings[lang]; let Fraction; getFraction(); const wizardSkillLevel = getWizardSkillLevel(); const miniArtsPowers = [ [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2], [0, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3], [0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 1, 4], [0, 4, 3, 1, 2, 1, 5], [0, 4, 4, 1, 3, 1, 6], [0, 5, 5, 1, 3, 1, 7], [0, 6, 6, 1, 4, 2, 8], [0, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 9], [0, 7, 7, 2, 5, 2, 10], [0, 8, 8, 2, 5, 2, 11], [0, 9, 9, 2, 6, 2, 12], [0, 10, 10, 2, 6, 2, 13], [0, 11, 11, 2, 6, 2, 14], [0, 12, 12, 2, 6, 2, 15], ]; const miniArtsPower = miniArtsPowers[wizardSkillLevel]; const creatures = [ {}, { imageSource: "" }, { imageSource: "" }, { imageSource: "" }, { imageSource: "" }, { imageSource: "" }, { imageSource: "" }, { imageSource: "" }, ]; const miniArtsEffects = [ { imageSource: "" }, { imageSource: "//" }, { imageSource: "//" }, { imageSource: "//" }, { imageSource: "//" }, { imageSource: "//" }, { imageSource: "//" }, ]; //const homeArtsPanelSelector = doc => isNewPersonPage ? doc.querySelector("div#inv_doll_stats") : getParent(doc.querySelector("div.arts_info.shop_art_info"), "table"); const homeArtsPanelSelector = doc => isNewPersonPage ? doc.querySelector("div#inv_doll_stats") : doc.querySelector("body > center table.wb > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td > table:nth-child(2)"); const homeStatsPanelSelector = doc => isNewPersonPage ? doc.getElementById("home_css_stats_wrap_div") : getParent(doc.querySelector("img[src*='attr_attack']"), "table", 2); const homeArmyPanelSelector = doc => isNewPersonPage ? doc.querySelector("div.home_pers_army") : doc.querySelector("center > div > div.cre_creature72").parentNode; const playerInfoArtsPanelSelector = doc => getParent(doc.querySelector("div[class^='slot']"), "div"); const playerInfoStatsPanelSelector = doc => getParent(doc.querySelector("img[src*='attr_attack']"), "table"); const playerInfoArmyPanelSelector = doc => doc.querySelector("center > div > div.cre_creature72").parentNode; const playerInfoPerksPanelSelector = doc => getParent(doc.querySelector("a[href^='showperkinfo.php']"), "table", 2); const mapHuntButtonsPanelSelector = doc => doc.querySelector("div#neut_right_block div.map_buttons_container"); const mapHuntButtons2PanelSelector = doc => doc.querySelector("div#neut_right_block2 div.map_buttons_container"); const mapMercenaryTaskPanelSelector = doc => getParent(doc.querySelector("div#map_right_block_inside > table.wbwhite.rounded_table.map_table_margin center a[href='mercenary_guild.php']"), "center"); const inventoryStatsPanelSelector = doc => doc.querySelector("div.inventory_stats"); const resourcesPath = `${location.protocol}//${"www", "dcdn")}`; const weaponSetsPreferences = { menuTitle: LocalizedString.Inventory, menuImage: `${resourcesPath}/i/combat/btn_inventory.png?v=7`, setReferencePage: "inventory.php", sets: new Array(), menuItems: {}, currentMenuItem: undefined, initSetsApplyAction: function() { this.sets.length = 0; this.sets.push({ number: 0, name: LocalizedString.RemoveAll, method: "GET", url: "/inventory.php?all_off=100" }); const weaponSets = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("WeaponSets", "{}")); for(const setNumber in weaponSets) { this.sets.push({ number: setNumber, name: weaponSets[setNumber], method: "GET", url: `/inventory.php?all_on=${setNumber}` }); } }, name: "WeaponSet", getCurrentSetName: function() { return "WeaponSet"; }, onPageLoad: function() { if(location.pathname == "/inventory.php") { const undressDiv = document.querySelector("div[id ='undress_all_div']"); addSetChangerListener(undressDiv, this, 0); const setDivs = document.querySelectorAll("div[set_div_id]"); // Если setDivs.length = 0, то ничего не делаем - мы в заявке на бой if(setDivs.length > 0) { const weaponSets = {}; for(const setDiv of setDivs) { const setNumber = setDiv.getAttribute("set_div_id"); if(setDiv.hasAttribute("onclick")) { weaponSets[setNumber] = setDiv.innerText; addSetChangerListener(setDiv, this, setNumber); } } setPlayerValue("WeaponSets", JSON.stringify(weaponSets)); } } this.findSetChangersAndAddListener(); }, findSetChangersAndAddListener: function() { let setRefs = document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='inventory.php?all_off=100']"); for(const setRef of setRefs) { addSetChangerListener(setRef, this, 0); } setRefs = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='inventory.php?all_on=']"); for(const weaponSetReference of setRefs) { let setNumber = weaponSetReference.getAttribute("href").split("all_on=")[1]; addSetChangerListener(weaponSetReference, this, setNumber); } } }; const skillSetsPreferences = { menuTitle: LocalizedString.Talents, menuImage: `${resourcesPath}/i/combat/btn_skills_v3.png?v=7`, setReferencePage: "skillwheel.php", sets: new Array(), menuItems: {}, currentMenuItem: undefined, onPageLoad: function() { const setRefs = document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='skillwheel.php?setuserperk']"); // skillwheel.php?setuserperk=1&prace=4&buildid=5 // skillwheel.php?rand=1&setstats=1¶m0=20¶m1=8¶m2=0¶m3=2 const pageSets = {}; for(const setRef of setRefs) { pageSets[setRef.innerHTML] = getUrlParamValue(setRef.href, "buildid"); addSetChangerListener(setRef, this, parseInt(getUrlParamValue(setRef.href, "buildid"))); } setPlayerFractionValue("SkillSets", JSON.stringify(pageSets)); }, initSetsApplyAction: function () { const skillSets = JSON.parse(getPlayerFractionValue("SkillSets", "{}")); this.sets = Object.keys(skillSets).map(x => { return { number: parseInt(skillSets[x]), name: x, method: "GET", url: `/skillwheel.php?setuserperk=1&prace=${Fraction}&buildid=${skillSets[x]}` }; }); }, name: "SkillSet", getCurrentSetName: function() { return getFractionKey("SkillSet"); }, }; const armySetsPreferences = { menuTitle: LocalizedString.Army, menuImage: `${resourcesPath}/i/castle_im/btn_recruit.png`, setReferencePage: "army.php", sets: new Array(), menuItems: {}, currentMenuItem: undefined, setsTable: null, name: "ArmySet", getCurrentSetName: function() { return getFractionKey("ArmySet"); }, initSetsApplyAction: function () { const armySetsData = JSON.parse(getPlayerFractionValue("ArmySets", "{}")); const armySets = Object.keys(armySetsData).map(x => { const data = armySetsData[x].split("|"); return { Id: x, Name: data[0], Army: data.slice(1).map(y => Number(y)) } }); this.sets = => { return { number: parseInt(x.Id), name: x.Name, title: x.Army.join("+"), method: "POST", url: "/army_apply.php", data: "set_id=7&" +, i) => `countv${i + 1}=${x}`).join("&") }; }); if(location.pathname == "/army.php") { this.drawSetsTable(armySets); } }, drawSetsTable: function(armySets) { const isInit = this.setsTable ? false : true; let container; if(isInit) { const hwm_for_zoom = document.getElementById("hwm_for_zoom") || document.getElementById("hwm_no_zoom"); container = document.body; if(!isMobileInterface) { container = addElement("center", null, hwm_for_zoom); } this.setsTable = addElement("table", { class: "smithTable", style: `${isMobileInterface ? "margin-left: px;" : ""}` }, container); } else { this.setsTable.innerHTML = ""; container = this.setsTable.parentNode; } const cellWidths = [100, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 10, 10]; for(const cellWidth of cellWidths) { this.setsTable.innerHTML += `<col style="width: ${cellWidth}px;" />`; } this.drawTableHeader(); for(const armySet of armySets) { this.drawSetRow(armySet); } if(isInit) { const saveButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: LocalizedString.Save, class: "button-62", style: isMobileInterface ? "margin: 0 0 0 50px;" : "" }, container); saveButton.addEventListener("click", this.saveSets); const addCurrentButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: LocalizedString.AddCurrent, class: "button-62" }, container); addCurrentButton.addEventListener("click", function() { armySetsPreferences.drawSetRow(); }); } }, drawTableHeader: function () { if(!this.setsTable) { return; } const units = win.obj; //console.log(units) const tr = addElement("tr", null, this.setsTable); addElement("th", { innerHTML: LocalizedString.SetName.replace(/ /g, "<br>").replace(/-/g, "-<br>") }, tr); for(let i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { addElement("th", { innerHTML: (units[i]?.name || "").replace(/ /g, "<br>").replace(/-/g, "-<br>"), onClick: `ChangeSlider(event, ${i}, 0);` }, tr); } addElement("th", { style: "width: 30px;" }, tr); addElement("th", { style: "width: 30px;" }, tr); }, drawSetRow: function(armySet) { const isNew = armySet ? false : true; const units = win.obj; //console.log(`armySet: ${armySet}, units: ${units}`); //console.log(units.slice(1)); armySet = armySet || { Id: (new Date()).getTime(), Name: "", Army: [units[1], units[2], units[3], units[4], units[5], units[6], units[7]].map(x => x?.nownumberd || 0) }; if(!this.setsTable) { return; } const tr = addElement("tr", { setId: armySet.Id }, this.setsTable); let td = addElement("td", {}, tr); let input = addElement("input", { value: armySet.Name, onfocus: `;`, style: "width: 100%;" }, td); for(let i = 0; i < armySet.Army.length; i++) { td = addElement("td", {}, tr); input = addElement("input", { value: armySet.Army[i], onfocus: `ChangeSlider(event, ${i + 1}, 0);;`, type: "number", style: "min-width: 47px; width: 100%; text-align: right;" }, td); } td = addElement("td", {}, tr); let delButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: "x", class: "button-62", style: "width: 100%;", title: LocalizedString.Delete }, td); delButton.addEventListener("click", this.deleteSet); td = addElement("td", {}, tr); if(!isNew) { let applyButton = addElement("input", { type : "button", value : "v", class: "button-62", style: "width: 100%;", title : LocalizedString.Apply }, td); applyButton.addEventListener("click", function() { armySetsPreferences.saveSets(); const data = armySet.Army.reduce((x, y, i) => `${x}&countv${i + 1}=${y}`, "set_id=7"); //console.log(data); applySet(null, armySetsPreferences, { number: parseInt(armySet.Id), name: armySet.Name, title: armySet.Army.join("+"), method: "POST", url: "/army_apply.php", data: data }); }); } }, saveSets: function () { const rows = Array.from(armySetsPreferences.setsTable.rows).slice(1); const armySetsData = rows.reduce((t, x) => ({ ...t, [x.getAttribute("setId")]: Array.from(x.cells).slice(0, 8).map(y => y.firstChild.value).join("|") }), {}); setPlayerFractionValue("ArmySets", JSON.stringify(armySetsData)); }, deleteSet: function () { const table = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; const row = this.parentNode.parentNode; table.removeChild(row); }, }; const fractionsPreferences = { menuTitle: LocalizedString.Castle, menuImage: `${resourcesPath}/i/castle_im/btn_fraction.png`, setReferencePage: "castle.php", sets: [], menuItems: {}, currentMenuItem: undefined, initSetsApplyAction: function() { const fractions = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("Fractions", "{}")); this.sets = Object.keys(fractions).map(x => { return { number: fractions[x], name: x, method: "GET", url: `/castle.php?change_clr_to=${fractions[x]}&sign=${getPlayerValue("Sign")}` }; }); }, name: "Fraction", getCurrentSetName: function() { return "Fraction"; }, onPageLoad: async function () { await this.initCastlesList(); this.findSetChangersAndAddListener(); }, initCastlesList: async function () { if(location.pathname == '/castle.php' || !getPlayerValue("Fractions")) { const doc = location.pathname == '/castle.php' ? document : await getRequest("/castle.php"); const fractions = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("div.castle_faction_div_inside")).reduce((t, x) => ({...t, [x.getAttribute("hint")]: getUrlParamValue(x.firstChild.href, "show_castle_f") }), {}); setPlayerValue("Fractions", JSON.stringify(fractions)); const changeCastleRef = doc.querySelector("div.castle_yes_no_dialog a[href*='castle.php?change_clr_to']"); if(changeCastleRef) { setPlayerValue("Sign", getUrlParamValue(changeCastleRef.href, "sign")); } } }, findSetChangersAndAddListener: function() { const setRefs = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='castle.php?change_clr_to']"); for(const setRef of setRefs) { addSetChangerListener(setRef, this, getUrlParamValue(setRef.href, "change_clr_to")); } }, setChanged: function(newSetNumber) { Fraction = newSetNumber; setPlayerValue("Fraction", Fraction); createMenu(); } }; const miniartsPreferences = { menuTitle: isEn ? "Mini arts" : "Миниарты", menuImage: `${resourcesPath}/i/castle_im/btn_miniart.png`, setReferencePage: "magearts.php", sets: [], menuItems: {}, currentMenuItem: undefined, initSetsApplyAction: function() { const setNumbers = GM_listValues().filter(x => x.startsWith("MiniartsSet_") && x.endsWith(PlayerId)).map(x => x.replace("MiniartsSet_", "").replace(new RegExp(`${PlayerId}$`), "")); this.sets = => ({ number: x, name: getPlayerValue(`MiniartsSet_${x}`), items: JSON.parse(getPlayerValue(`MiniartsSetItems_${x}`, "[]")) })); if(location.pathname == "/magearts.php") { this.miniartSetsTableDatabind(); } }, name: "MiniartsSet", getCurrentSetName: function() { return "MiniartsSet"; }, miniartSetsTableDatabind: async function() { if(location.pathname != "/magearts.php") { return; } const buildTable = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('b')).find(x => x.innerHTML == (isEn ? "Assemble a new mini-artifact." : 'Собрать новый мини-артефакт.'))?.closest("table"); if(!buildTable) { return; } let miniartSetsTable = document.getElementById("miniartSetsTable"); if(!miniartSetsTable) { miniartSetsTable = addElement('table', { id: "miniartSetsTable", class: `miniartSetsTable ${buildTable.className}` }); buildTable.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", miniartSetsTable); miniartSetsTable.width = buildTable.width; miniartSetsTable.align = buildTable.align; } else { miniartSetsTable.innerHTML = ""; } const currentSet = await this.getCurrentMiniartsSet(); const currentSetNumber = currentSet.reduce((t, x) => t + `${x.unitNumber}${x.code}`, ""); const setCodes = GM_listValues().filter(x => x.startsWith("MiniartsSet_") && x.endsWith(PlayerId)).map(x => x.replace("MiniartsSet_", "").replace(new RegExp(`${PlayerId}$`), "")); console.log(setCodes); const sets = => ({ number: x, name: getPlayerValue(`MiniartsSet_${x}`), items: JSON.parse(getPlayerValue(`MiniartsSetItems_${x}`, "[]")) })); if(setCodes.find(x => x == currentSetNumber)) { setPlayerValue(this.getCurrentSetName(), currentSetNumber); } else { sets.push({ number: currentSetNumber, name: "", items: currentSet, isNew: true }); } console.log(sets); const restriction = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('font')).find(x => x.innerHTML == "Вы находитесь в заявке на бой. Ваши действия ограничены!") != null; for(const set of sets) { const setViewHtml = this.getSetViewHtml(set); const row = addElement('tr', { setCode: set.number, class: set.number == currentSetNumber ? "wblight" : "wbwhite" }, miniartSetsTable); row.innerHTML = `<td>${setViewHtml}</td> <td style="border: 1px solid #5D413A; text-align: center;"> <input type="text" name="setNameInput" value="${}" placeholder="${isEn ? "Enter set name" : "Введите название набора"}" style="width: 173px;" /> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #5D413A; text-align: center;"> <input type="button" value="${isEn ? "Save" : "Сохранить"}" name="saveButton" class="button-62" /> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #5D413A; text-align: center;"> <input type="button" value="${isEn ? "Delete" : "Удалить"}" name="deleteButton" class="button-62" ${set.isNew ? "disabled" : ""} /> </td>`; row.querySelector(`input[name=setNameInput]`).addEventListener("change", function(e) { =; }); row.querySelector(`input[name=saveButton]`).addEventListener("click", function(e) { miniartsPreferences.saveMiniartsSet(e, set); }); row.querySelector(`input[name=deleteButton]`).addEventListener("click", function() { miniartsPreferences.deleteMiniartsSet(set.number); }); } Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='magearts.php?sale=1&id=']")).forEach(x => { const artId = getUrlParamValue(x.href, "id");// console.log(`artId: ${artId}`); const usedSets = sets.filter(x => =>; const isUsed = usedSets.length > 0; = isUsed ? '#882C08' : '#598808'; x.title = isUsed ? 'Входит в сеты: ' + =>", ") : ""; x.parentNode.parentNode.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`div[artId='${artId}']`)).forEach(x => { = "#FFDDDD"; }); }); x.parentNode.parentNode.addEventListener("mouseout", function() { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`div[artId='${artId}']`)).forEach(x => { = "linear-gradient(to top, #fff1eb 0%, #ace0f9 100%)"; }); }); }); }, getSetViewHtml: function(set) { const destructableArts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='/magearts.php?sale=1&id=']")).map(x => getUrlParamValue(x.href, "id"));// console.log(destructableArts); let viewHtml = ""; for(let j = 1; j <= 7; j++) { const item = set.items.find(x => x.unitNumber == j); const creature = creatures[j]; let miniArtsHtml = ""; let background = "linear-gradient(to top, #fff1eb 0%, #ace0f9 100%)"; if(item) { for(let effectIndex = 0; effectIndex < item.code.length; effectIndex++) { const effectNumber = parseInt(item.code.substr(effectIndex, 1)); const miniArtsEffect = miniArtsEffects[effectNumber]; miniArtsHtml += `<div style="position: relative; display: inline-block; background-color: lightgreen; width: 20px; height: 20px;"> <img src="${miniArtsEffect.imageSource}" style="width: 20px; height: 20px;" /> <div style="position: absolute; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; font-weight: bold; color: #f5c140; text-align: right; text-shadow: 0 0 3px #000,0 0 3px #000,0 0 3px #000,0 0 3px #000;">${miniArtsPower[effectNumber]}</div> </div>`; } if(!destructableArts.includes( && location.pathname == "/magearts.php") { background = '#FF9999'; } } viewHtml += `<div ${item ? "artId=" + : ""} class="hwm_creature_slider_army1" style="width: 60px; height: 60px; background: ${background};"> <div class="hwm_recruit_mon_parent1"> <img src="${creature.imageSource}" style="position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; width: 60px; height: auto;"> </div> <div style="position: absolute; right: 0px; bottom: 0px;">${miniArtsHtml}</div> </div>`; } return viewHtml; }, saveMiniartsSet: function(e, set) { if(! {"tr").querySelector("input[name=setNameInput]").focus(); return; } setPlayerValue(`MiniartsSetItems_${set.number}`, JSON.stringify(set.items)); setPlayerValue(`MiniartsSet_${set.number}`,; this.miniartSetsTableDatabind(); }, deleteMiniartsSet: function(number) { deletePlayerValue(`MiniartsSet_${number}`); deletePlayerValue(`MiniartsSetItems_${number}`); this.miniartSetsTableDatabind(); }, getCurrentMiniartsSet: async function() { const unitNames = isEn ? { "Gremlins": 1, "Gremlin engineers": 1, "Gargoyles": 2, "Enchanted gargoyles": 2, "Golems": 3, "Modern golems": 3, "Magi": 4, "Lorekeepers": 4, "Genies": 5, "Senior genies": 5, "Sphynx guardians": 6, "Sphynx warriors": 6, "Giants": 7, "Titans": 7 } : { "Гремлины": 1, "Старшие гремлины": 1, "Каменные горгульи": 2, "Обсидиановые горгульи": 2, "Железные големы": 3, "Стальные големы": 3, "Маги": 4, "Архимаги": 4, "Джинны": 5, "Джинны-султаны": 5, "Принцессы ракшас": 6, "Раджи ракшас": 6, "Колоссы": 7, "Титаны": 7 }; const artProperties = isEn ? { "Defense": 1, "Attack": 2, "Speed": 3, "Health": 4, "Morale": 5, "Initiative": 6 } : { "Защита": 1, "Нападение": 2, "Скорость": 3, "Здоровье": 4, "Боевой дух": 5, "Инициатива": 6 }; const doc = location.pathname == "/magearts.php" ? document : await getRequest("/magearts.php"); const dressedArts = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("input[type=submit][value=' Ok ']")).map(x => { const row = x.closest("tr"); const maid = row.querySelector("input[type=hidden][name=maid]").value; const unitName = row.cells[1].querySelector("b")?.innerText.trimEnd() || ""; // console.log(unitName) const code = Array.from(row.cells[0].querySelectorAll("img")).map(y => artProperties[y.title]).join(""); return { id: maid, unitNumber: unitNames[unitName], code: code }; }).filter(x => x.unitNumber); //console.log(dressedArts); return dressedArts; }, applySet: async function(set) { console.log(set); const currentSet = await this.getCurrentMiniartsSet(); for(let i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { const currentUnitArt = currentSet.find(x => x.unitNumber == i); const newUnitArt = set.items.find(x => x.unitNumber == i); if(newUnitArt) { if(!currentUnitArt || != { //console.log(`data: dress=1&maid=${}&who=${newUnitArt.unitNumber}`); await postRequest("/magearts.php", `dress=1&maid=${}&who=${newUnitArt.unitNumber}`); } } else { if(currentUnitArt && !set.items.find(x => == { //console.log(`data: dress=1&maid=${}&who=0`); await postRequest("/magearts.php", `dress=1&maid=${}&who=0`); } } } }, menuEnabledCondition: function() { return Fraction == "3"; }, getTooltip: function(set) { return this.getSetViewHtml(set); } }; const preferences = [miniartsPreferences, weaponSetsPreferences, skillSetsPreferences, armySetsPreferences, fractionsPreferences]; const visibleMunuItems = [[], [], [], []]; const dropdownPositions = { bottom: 1, right: 2 }; const dropdownActivateMethods = { hover: 1, click: 2 }; main(); function main() { if(isHeartOnPage && Fraction) { addStyle(` .button-62 { background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #E47B8E, #FF9A5A); border: 0; border-radius: 5px; color: #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; font-family: -apple-system,system-ui,"Segoe UI",Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 500; outline: transparent; padding: 0 5px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; transition: box-shadow .2s ease-in-out; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; touch-action: manipulation; white-space: nowrap; } .button-62:not([disabled]):focus { box-shadow: 0 0 .25rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), -.125rem -.125rem 1rem rgba(239, 71, 101, 0.5), .125rem .125rem 1rem rgba(255, 154, 90, 0.5); } .button-62:not([disabled]):hover { box-shadow: 0 0 .25rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), -.125rem -.125rem 1rem rgba(239, 71, 101, 0.5), .125rem .125rem 1rem rgba(255, 154, 90, 0.5); } .button-62:disabled,button[disabled] { background: linear-gradient(177.9deg, rgb(58, 62, 88) 3.6%, rgb(119, 127, 148) 105.8%); } table.smithTable { width: 100%; background: BurlyWood; border: 5px solid BurlyWood; border-radius: 5px; margin-top: 1px; } table.smithTable th { border: 1px none #f5c137; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; font-size: 11px; } table.smithTable td { border: 1px none #f5c137; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } table.smithTable tr:nth-child(odd) { background: Wheat; } table.smithTable tr:nth-child(even) { background: white; } .waiting { cursor: wait; } .not-allowed { cursor: not-allowed; } .hwm_creature_slider_army1 { font-size: 100%; width: 60px; max-width: 60px; position: relative; display: table-cell; letter-spacing: normal; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; } .hwm_recruit_mon_parent1 { padding-top: 5%; position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; } .hwm_recruit_mon_parent1 img { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } table.miniartSetsTable { } table.miniartSetsTable td { border: '1px solid #5D413A', text-align: "center" } .miniartsMenuContainer { position: absolute; z-index: 150; text-align: left; background: #6b6b69; color: #f5c137; border: 1px solid #f5c137; padding: 2px 5px; font-weight: bold; } .miniartsMenuContainer div { cursor: pointer; } `); //updateOldData(); for(const preference of preferences) { if(preference.onPageLoad) { preference.onPageLoad(); } } createMenu(); window.addEventListener("resize", function() { createMenu(true); }); const menuPanel = document.querySelector("div#hwm_header") || document.querySelector("#main_top_table") || document.querySelector("body > table"); const homeRef = menuPanel.querySelector("a[href='home.php']"); const menuAnchor = isNewInterface ? homeRef.parentNode : getParent(homeRef, "table", 3); const menuContainer = menuAnchor.parentNode; observe(menuContainer, function() { createMenu(true); }); drowSkillChangers(); if(location.pathname == '/home.php' && isNewPersonPage) { observe(document.querySelector("div#home_css_stats_wrap_div"), drowSkillChangers); } } } function updateOldData() { const fractionNumbers = [1, 101, 2, 102, 3, 103, 4, 104, 5, 105, 205, 6, 106, 7, 107, 8, 108, 9, 10]; for(const fractionNumber of fractionNumbers) { //deletePlayerFractionValue("SkillSets", fractionNumber); const skillSetsOld = getValue(`SkillSets${PlayerId}Fraction${fractionNumber}`); const skillSets = getPlayerFractionValue("SkillSets", undefined, fractionNumber); // if(fractionNumber == 8) { // console.log(`fractionNumber: ${fractionNumber}, skillSetsOld: ${skillSetsOld}, skillSets: ${skillSets}, CurrentSkillSet: ${getValue(`CurrentSkillSet${PlayerId}Fraction${fractionNumber}`)}`); // } if(skillSetsOld && !skillSets) { setPlayerFractionValue("SkillSets", skillSetsOld, fractionNumber); setPlayerFractionValue("SkillSet", getValue(`CurrentSkillSet${PlayerId}Fraction${fractionNumber}`), fractionNumber); } //deletePlayerFractionValue("ArmySets", fractionNumber); const armySetsOld = getValue(`ArmySets${PlayerId}Fraction${fractionNumber}`); const armySets = getPlayerFractionValue("ArmySets", undefined, fractionNumber); // if(fractionNumber == 8) { // console.log(`fractionNumber: ${fractionNumber}, armySetsOld: ${armySetsOld}, armySets: ${armySets}, ArmySet: ${getValue(`ArmySet${PlayerId}Fraction${fractionNumber}`)}`); // } if(armySetsOld && !armySets) { setPlayerFractionValue("ArmySets", armySetsOld, fractionNumber); setPlayerFractionValue("ArmySet", getValue(`ArmySet${PlayerId}Fraction${fractionNumber}`), fractionNumber); } // if(fractionNumber == 8) { // console.log(`ArmySet: ${getPlayerFractionValue("ArmySet", undefined, fractionNumber)}`); // } } } function getTextWidth(text, font) { const canvas = getTextWidth.canvas || (getTextWidth.canvas = document.createElement("canvas")); // re-use canvas object for better performance const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.font = font; const metrics = context.measureText(text); return metrics.width; } function getCssStyle(element, prop) { return window.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(prop); } function getCanvasFont(el = document.body) { const fontWeight = getCssStyle(el, 'font-weight') || 'normal'; const fontSize = getCssStyle(el, 'font-size') || '16px'; const fontFamily = getCssStyle(el, 'font-family') || 'Times New Roman'; return `${fontWeight} ${fontSize} ${fontFamily}`; } function createMenu(isResize) { const menuPanel = document.querySelector("div#hwm_header") || document.querySelector("#main_top_table") || document.querySelector("body > table"); if(!menuPanel) { armySetsPreferences.initSetsApplyAction(); return; } if(isMobileDevice) { window.addEventListener("click", function(e) { const closestDropdown ="div[name$=Dropdown]"); if(!closestDropdown) { [...document.querySelectorAll("div[name$=Dropdown]")].forEach(x => = "none"); } const closestExpandable ="div[id$=_expandable]"); if(!closestExpandable) { [...document.querySelectorAll("div[id$=_expandable]")].forEach(x => = "none"); } }); } const setsMenuPosition = getPlayerBool("ShowMenyAtRight") ? "right" : "left"; //const setsMenuPosition = isNewInterface && isMobileDevice || getPlayerBool("ShowMenyAtRight") ? "right" : "left"; const homeRef = menuPanel.querySelector("a[href='home.php']"); const framesRef = menuPanel.querySelector("a[href='frames.php']"); const menuAnchor = setsMenuPosition == "left" ? (isNewInterface ? homeRef.parentNode : getParent(homeRef, "table", 3)) : (isNewInterface ? framesRef.parentNode : getParent(framesRef, "table", 3)); if(!menuAnchor) { return; } const menuContainer = menuAnchor.parentNode; const menuAnchorStyle = window.getComputedStyle(menuAnchor); const menuContainerStyle = window.getComputedStyle(menuContainer);// console.log(menuContainerStyle); if(!isNewInterface) { = "relative"; } const marginTop = menuAnchorStyle.marginTop; const superSets = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("SuperSets", "[]")); const menuContainerRect = menuContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); const anchorRect = menuAnchor.getBoundingClientRect(); //console.log(anchorRect); const borderWidth = isNewInterface ? 1 : 2; const menuItemHeight = anchorRect.height - borderWidth * 2; const menuItemLineHeight = menuItemHeight - borderWidth; const foreColor = "#f5c137"; const backgroundColor = isNewInterface ? "linear-gradient(to top, #09203f 0%, #537895 100%)" : (document.querySelector("img[src*='i/top_ny']") ? "#003399" : "#6b6b69"); const zIndex = location.pathname == "/photo_pl_photos.php" ? "0" : "100"; let currentMenuItemLeft = (setsMenuPosition == "left" ? anchorRect.left : anchorRect.right) - menuContainerRect.left; if(!isNewInterface) { currentMenuItemLeft -= setsMenuPosition == "left" ? 4 : -4; //setsMenuPosition == "left" ? (anchorRect.left - borderWidth - 1) : (anchorRect.right + borderWidth + 1); } let previousWidth = 0; for(let i = preferences.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const currentPreferences = preferences[i]; if(currentPreferences.menuEnabledCondition && !currentPreferences.menuEnabledCondition()) { continue; } const mainMenuItemId = `SetsMenuItem${i}`; let mainMenuItem = document.getElementById(mainMenuItemId); let selectedValueHidden = document.getElementById(`hwmSetsMaster${}SelectedValue`); if(!mainMenuItem) { const menuHeaderStyle = `top: 0px; margin-top: ${marginTop}; min-width: ${menuItemHeight}px; font-size: 9pt; position: absolute; border-radius: 5px; background: ${backgroundColor}; color: ${foreColor}; border: ${borderWidth}px solid ${foreColor}; padding: 0 3px 0 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; z-index: ${zIndex};`; //console.log(menuHeaderStyle); mainMenuItem = addElement("div", { id: mainMenuItemId, name: "setsMenuItem", style: menuHeaderStyle }, menuContainer); // console.log( // console.log(mainMenuItem.getAttribute("name")) let itemContent = currentPreferences.menuTitle; let itemTitle = ""; if(currentPreferences.menuImage && isNewInterface) { itemTitle = currentPreferences.menuTitle; itemContent = `<img src="${currentPreferences.menuImage}" alt="${itemTitle}" style="height: 90%; margin-top: 2px; border-radius: 50%;">`; } const itemChild = addElement("a", { innerHTML: itemContent, href: currentPreferences.setReferencePage, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle;` }, mainMenuItem); if(itemTitle != "") { itemChild.title = itemTitle; } selectedValueHidden = addElement("div", { id: `hwmSetsMaster${}SelectedValue`, hidden: "hidden" }, mainMenuItem); if(currentPreferences == fractionsPreferences) { createBuildButton(); } visibleMunuItems[i] = [mainMenuItem]; } = `${menuItemHeight}px`; = `${menuItemLineHeight}px`; const mainMenuItemRect = mainMenuItem.getBoundingClientRect(); currentMenuItemLeft = currentMenuItemLeft + (setsMenuPosition == "left" ? (- mainMenuItemRect.width) : previousWidth); previousWidth = mainMenuItemRect.width; = `${currentMenuItemLeft}px`; const menuContent = getOrCreateAndResizeDropdown(i, mainMenuItem, ` z-index: ${zIndex}; list-style-position: inside; color: ${foreColor}; padding: 2px 3px 2px 3px; white-space: nowrap; background: ${backgroundColor}; line-height: normal;`); if(isResize) { continue; } currentPreferences.initSetsApplyAction(); = "block"; // Перед заполнением покажем див для правильного определения его размеров (нужно, если он установлен в none) menuContent.innerHTML = ''; const currentSetNumber = getPlayerValue(currentPreferences.getCurrentSetName(), -1); let maxClientWidth = menuContent.clientWidth; if(currentPreferences.getTooltip) { addElement("div", { id: `${}TooltipContainer`, style: `position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; display: none;`}, menuContent); } for(const currentSet of currentPreferences.sets) { const dropDownMenuItem = addElement("li", { type: "disc", style: "text-align: left;" }, menuContent); const currentSetReference = addElement("b", { id: `${currentPreferences.getCurrentSetName()}SetReference${currentSet.number}`, name: `${currentPreferences.getCurrentSetName()}SetReference`, innerHTML:, title: currentSet.title || "", style: `color: ${foreColor}; cursor: pointer; position: relative;` }, dropDownMenuItem); currentSetReference.addEventListener("click", function() { applySet(currentSetReference, currentPreferences, currentSet); }); if(currentPreferences.getTooltip) { const tooltip = currentPreferences.getTooltip(currentSet); currentSetReference.addEventListener("mouseenter", function(e) { const tooltipContainer = document.getElementById(`${}TooltipContainer`); tooltipContainer.innerHTML = tooltip; = ""; const anchorRect = tooltipContainer.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${anchorRect.width}px`; = `0px`; }); currentSetReference.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { document.getElementById(`${}TooltipContainer`).style.display = "none"; }); } if(currentSet.number == currentSetNumber) { selectedValueHidden.innerHTML = currentSet.number; markCurrent(currentSetReference, currentPreferences, currentSet.number); } currentPreferences.menuItems[currentSet.number] = currentSetReference; if(currentPreferences == fractionsPreferences) { const fractionBuilds = superSets.filter(x => x.Fraction == currentSet.number); if(fractionBuilds.length > 0) { let dropdownActivateMethod = dropdownActivateMethods.hover; let buildsActivator = currentSetReference; if(isMobileDevice) { dropdownActivateMethod =; buildsActivator = addElement("div", { id: `${}BuildsActivator`, name: `${currentSetReference.getAttribute("name")}BuildsActivator`, style: "display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; position: relative;", innerHTML: `<img src="" style="vertical-align: middle;">` }, currentSetReference); } const superDropdown = getOrCreateAndResizeDropdown(i, buildsActivator, ` z-index: ${Number(zIndex) + 1}; list-style-position: inside; color: ${foreColor}; padding: 2px 3px 2px 3px; white-space: nowrap; background: ${backgroundColor};`, dropdownPositions.right, dropdownActivateMethod); for(const build of fractionBuilds) { const superDropdownMenuItem = addElement("li", { type: "disc", style: "text-align: left;" }, superDropdown); const html = `${build.Name} <span id="deleteBuild${build.Id}Button" title='${isEn ? "Delete" : "Удалить"}' style="cursor: pointer; display: inline; color: yellow;">×</span>` const superDropdownText = addElement("b", { name: "superDropdownText", innerHTML: html, style: `color: ${foreColor}; cursor: pointer;` }, superDropdownMenuItem); document.getElementById(`deleteBuild${build.Id}Button`).addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); deleteBuild(build.Id, superDropdownMenuItem); }); superDropdownMenuItem.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); applyBuild(superDropdownText, build); }); if(build.Id == getPlayerValue("SuperSet")) { = '#0f0'; } } = "none"; } } let currentWidth = getTextWidth(, getCanvasFont(currentSetReference)); if(maxClientWidth < currentWidth) { maxClientWidth = currentWidth; } } if(currentPreferences == fractionsPreferences) { const showAddSuperSetButtonLable = addElement("label", { for: "showAddSuperSetButtonCheckbox", innerText: (isEn ? 'Show button "Create super set"' : 'Показать кнопку "Создать билд"') + "\t" }, menuContent); const showAddSuperSetButtonCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "showAddSuperSetButtonCheckbox", type: "checkbox" }, menuContent); showAddSuperSetButtonCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("ShowAddSuperSetButton", true); showAddSuperSetButtonCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("ShowAddSuperSetButton", this.checked); }, false); addElement("br", {}, menuContent); const showMenyAtRightLable = addElement("label", { for: "showMenyAtRightCheckbox", innerText: (isEn ? 'Show menu at right' : 'Показать меню справа') + "\t" }, menuContent); const showMenyAtRightCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "showMenyAtRightCheckbox", type: "checkbox" }, menuContent); showMenyAtRightCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("ShowMenyAtRight"); showMenyAtRightCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("ShowMenyAtRight", this.checked); location.reload(); }, false); } = `${(maxClientWidth + 25)}px`; = "none"; } } function getOrCreateAndResizeDropdown(branchIndex, baseElement, style, dropdownPosition = dropdownPositions.bottom, dropdownActivateMethod = dropdownActivateMethods.hover) { const dropdownId = `${}Dropdown`; let dropdown = document.getElementById(dropdownId); if(!dropdown) { const baseElementRect = baseElement.getBoundingClientRect(); //console.log(; //console.log(getComputedStyle(baseElement)); const borderBottomWidth = !isNaN(parseInt( ? parseInt( : 0; let top = baseElementRect.height - borderBottomWidth; let left = 0; if(dropdownPosition == dropdownPositions.right) { top = 0; const borderRightWidth = !isNaN(parseInt( ? parseInt( : 0; left = baseElementRect.width - borderRightWidth; } const dropdownName = `${baseElement.getAttribute("name")}Dropdown`; dropdown = addElement("div", { id: dropdownId, name: dropdownName, style: `position: absolute; box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px #333; top: ${top}px; left: ${left}px;` + (style || "") }, baseElement); if(dropdownActivateMethod == dropdownActivateMethods.hover) { baseElement.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() { = "block"; }); baseElement.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { = "none"; }); baseElement.addEventListener("touchstart", function() { hideAllDropdown(dropdownName); = "block"; }); } else { baseElement.addEventListener("click", function(e) { //console.log(e); e.stopPropagation(); = == "none" ? "block" : "none"; if( == "block") { [...document.querySelectorAll(`div[name='${dropdownName}']`)].filter(x => != dropdownId).forEach(x => = "none"); } }); } } return dropdown; } function hideAllDropdown(dropdownName) { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`div[name=${dropdownName}]`)).forEach(x => { = "none"; }); } function createBuildButton() { if(!getPlayerBool("ShowAddSuperSetButton", true)) { return; } const fractionsMainMenuItem = document.getElementById(`SetsMenuItem${preferences.indexOf(fractionsPreferences)}`); let addBuildButton = document.getElementById("addBuildButton"); if(addBuildButton) { return; } if(isNewInterface) { addBuildButton = addElement("div", { id: "addBuildButton", class: "position_tr", innerHTML: `<img class="NotificationIcon" src="${resourcesPath}/i/new_top/_panelBattles.png" style="width: 16px; height: 16px;" title="${isEn ? "Create build" : "Создать билд"}" >` }, fractionsMainMenuItem); } else { addBuildButton = addElement("a", { id: "addBuildButton", href: "javascript:void(0);", style: "text-decoration: none; vertical-align: bottom;", innerHTML: `<img src="${resourcesPath}/i/new_top/_panelBattles.png" style="width: 16px; height: 16px; border-radius: 50%;" title="${isEn ? "Create build" : "Создать билд"}" >` }, fractionsMainMenuItem); } addBuildButton.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); addBuild(); }); } function addBuild() { const superSetName = prompt(isEn ? "Enter build name" : "Введите название билда"); if(superSetName) { //deletePlayerValue("SuperSets"); const superSets = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("SuperSets", "[]")); superSets.push({ Id:, Name: superSetName, Fraction: Fraction, WeaponSet: getPlayerValue(weaponSetsPreferences.getCurrentSetName(), -1), SkillSet: getPlayerValue(skillSetsPreferences.getCurrentSetName(), -1), ArmySet: getPlayerValue(armySetsPreferences.getCurrentSetName(), -1), MiniartsSet: Fraction == "3" ? getPlayerValue(miniartsPreferences.getCurrentSetName(), -1) : -1 }); setPlayerValue("SuperSets", JSON.stringify(superSets)); } } function deleteBuild(id, menuItem) { const builds = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("SuperSets", "[]")); const deletingIndex = builds.findIndex(x => x.Id == id); if(deletingIndex > -1) { builds.splice(deletingIndex, 1); setPlayerValue("SuperSets", JSON.stringify(builds)); if(menuItem) { menuItem.remove(); } } } async function applyBuild(superDropdownText, build) { const sets = [,,]; const originalText = superDropdownText ? superDropdownText.innerHTML : ""; if(superDropdownText) { superDropdownText.innerHTML += " " + getWheelImage(); } if(build.Fraction != Fraction) { await applySet(document.getElementById(`${fractionsPreferences.getCurrentSetName()}SetReference${build.Fraction}`), fractionsPreferences, fractionsPreferences.sets.find(x => x.number == build.Fraction), false); sets.push(; } await applySet(document.getElementById(`${weaponSetsPreferences.getCurrentSetName()}SetReference${build.WeaponSet}`), weaponSetsPreferences, weaponSetsPreferences.sets.find(x => x.number == build.WeaponSet), false); await applySet(document.getElementById(`${skillSetsPreferences.getCurrentSetName()}SetReference${build.SkillSet}`), skillSetsPreferences, skillSetsPreferences.sets.find(x => x.number == build.SkillSet), false); await applySet(document.getElementById(`${armySetsPreferences.getCurrentSetName()}SetReference${build.ArmySet}`), armySetsPreferences, armySetsPreferences.sets.find(x => x.number == build.ArmySet), false); if(build.Fraction == "3") { await applySet(document.getElementById(`${miniartsPreferences.getCurrentSetName()}SetReference${build.MiniartsSet}`), miniartsPreferences, miniartsPreferences.sets.find(x => x.number == build.MiniartsSet), false); } await updatePanels(sets); setPlayerValue("SuperSet", build.Id); if(superDropdownText) { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("b[name=superDropdownText]")).forEach(x => = "#f5c137"); superDropdownText.innerHTML = originalText; = '#0f0'; } } function markCurrent(selectedMenuItem, currentPreferences, currentSetNumber) { setPlayerValue(currentPreferences.getCurrentSetName(), currentSetNumber); if(selectedMenuItem) { = '#0f0'; if(currentPreferences.currentMenuItem && currentPreferences.currentMenuItem != selectedMenuItem) { = "#f5c137"; } currentPreferences.currentMenuItem = selectedMenuItem; } } function addSetChangerListener(htmlElement, currentPreferences, setNumber) { htmlElement.addEventListener("click", function() { markCurrent(currentPreferences.menuItems[setNumber], currentPreferences, setNumber); }); } async function applySet(selectedMenuItem, currentPreferences, currentSet, callPageRefreshFunction = true) { markCurrent(selectedMenuItem, currentPreferences, currentSet.number); const originalText = selectedMenuItem ? selectedMenuItem.innerHTML : ""; if(selectedMenuItem) { selectedMenuItem.innerHTML += " " + getWheelImage(); } if(currentSet.url) { if(currentSet.method == "POST") { await postRequest(currentSet.url,; } else { await getRequest(currentSet.url); } } if(currentPreferences.applySet && === 'AsyncFunction') { await currentPreferences.applySet(currentSet); } if(selectedMenuItem) { selectedMenuItem.innerHTML = originalText; if(isMobileDevice) { = "none"; } } const selectedValueDiv = document.getElementById(`hwmSetsMaster${}SelectedValue`); if(selectedValueDiv) { selectedValueDiv.innerHTML = currentSet.number; } if(typeof(currentPreferences.setChanged) == "function") { await currentPreferences.setChanged(currentSet.number); } if(callPageRefreshFunction) { updatePanels([]); } } function drowSkillChangers() { if(location.pathname=='/home.php' && !document.querySelector(`#increaseattackAmountInput`)) { let skillsCount = 0; let re = new RegExp(isNewPersonPage ? `>${LocalizedString.AvailablePoints}:\\s(\\d+)<` : `<b>${LocalizedString.AvailablePoints}:</b>\\s(\\d+)`); const skillsExec = re.exec(document.body.innerHTML); if(skillsExec) { skillsCount += parseInt(skillsExec[1]); } re = new RegExp(isNewPersonPage ? `>${LocalizedString.AvailableTalentPoints}:\\s(\\d+)<` : `<b>${LocalizedString.AvailableTalentPoints}:</b>\\s(\\d+)`); const perksSkillsExec = re.exec(document.body.innerHTML); if(perksSkillsExec) { skillsCount += parseInt(perksSkillsExec[1]); } //console.log(`skillsCount: ${skillsCount}`); if(skillsCount == 0) { return; } const skillValueContainers = []; if(isNewPersonPage) { const container = document.querySelector("div#home_css_stats_wrap_div"); const inv_stat_dataDivs = container.querySelectorAll("div.inv_stat_data.home_stat_data.show_hint"); for(const inv_stat_dataDiv of inv_stat_dataDivs) { const increaseButton = inv_stat_dataDiv.querySelector("div.home_button2.btn_hover2"); if(!increaseButton) { continue; } const skillValueContainer = inv_stat_dataDiv.querySelector("div.inv_stat_text.home_stat_text"); skillValueContainers.push(skillValueContainer); } } else { const increaseRefs = document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='home.php?increase=']"); //home.php?increase=defence for(const increaseRef of increaseRefs) { const sklilIncreaseCell = getParent(increaseRef, "td"); const skillValueContainer = sklilIncreaseCell.previousSibling; skillValueContainers.push(skillValueContainer); } } const skillNames = ["attack", "defence", "power", "knowledge"]; let i = 0; for(const skillValueContainer of skillValueContainers) { const skillValue = Number((skillValueContainer.querySelector("b") || skillValueContainer).innerText); skillValueContainer.innerHTML = ""; const skill = skillNames[i]; const increaseAmountInput = addElement("input", { id: `increase${skill}AmountInput`, name: "increaseAmountInput", value: skillValue, type: "number", min: skillValue, max: skillValue + skillsCount, size: 4, onfocus: ";", title: LocalizedString.IncreaseManyPointsTooltip.replace("${minValue}", skillValue + 1).replace("${maxValue}", skillValue + skillsCount) }, skillValueContainer); increaseAmountInput.addEventListener("change", function() { const targetValue = Number(increaseAmountInput.value); if(targetValue > skillValue && targetValue <= skillValue + skillsCount) { changeSkill(increaseAmountInput, isNewPersonPage, skill, skillValue, targetValue); } }); i++; } } } async function changeSkill(increaseAmountInput, isNewPersonPage, skill, currentValue, targetValue) { while(currentValue < targetValue) { const url = `/home.php?increase=${skill}` + (isNewPersonPage ? `&info=1&js_output=1&rand=${Math.random() * 1000000}` : ""); const txt = await getRequestText(url, isNewPersonPage ? "text/html; charset=UTF-8" : "text/html; charset=windows-1251"); currentValue++; if(isNewPersonPage) { if (txt.substring(0, 7) != 'HCSS_OK') { window.location = '/home.php?info'; return; } const data = txt.split('@'); const home_css_stats_wrap_div = document.getElementById('home_css_stats_wrap_div'); if(data && data[1] && home_css_stats_wrap_div) { home_css_stats_wrap_div.innerHTML = data[1]; if(data.length > 2 && document.getElementById('home_css_mana_count')) { document.getElementById('home_css_mana_count').innerHTML = parseInt(data[2]); } if(typeof win.hwm_hints_init === 'function') win.hwm_hints_init(); } } else { increaseAmountInput.value = currentValue; } } if(!isNewPersonPage) { location.reload(); } } function getWheelImage() { return `<img border="0" align="absmiddle" height="11" src="${resourcesPath}/css/loading.gif">`; } function getFraction() { let currentFractionNumber; if(location.pathname == '/home.php') { // for new home page let currentFractionIconContainer = document.querySelector("div.home_css_pl_fract.show_hint"); if(!currentFractionIconContainer) { currentFractionIconContainer = document.querySelector("a[href^='castle.php?change_faction_dialog']"); } if(currentFractionIconContainer) { const currentFractionIconImg = currentFractionIconContainer.querySelector("img"); currentFractionNumber = currentFractionIconImg.src.split("i/f/r")[1].split(".png")[0]; } } else if(location.pathname=='/pl_info.php' && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) { const fractionImage = document.querySelector("img[src*='i/f/r']"); const regExp = new RegExp('\\/i\\/f\\/r(\\d+)\\.png'); const regExpExec = regExp.exec(fractionImage.src); if(regExpExec) { currentFractionNumber = regExpExec[1]; } } else if(location.pathname=='/castle.php') { const selectedFractionImg = document.querySelector("div.castle_faction_div_inside2 img"); const selectedFractionImgName = selectedFractionImg.getAttribute("src"); const selectedFractionNumber = selectedFractionImgName.split("kukla_png/kukla")[1].split(".")[0]; // const fractionsDiv = document.querySelector("div[id='faction_list']"); if(fractionsDiv.getAttribute("style").includes("display:none;")) { currentFractionNumber = selectedFractionNumber; } } if(currentFractionNumber) { setPlayerValue("Fraction", currentFractionNumber); } Fraction = parseInt(getPlayerValue("Fraction")); } async function updatePanels(sets) { let pageReloadNeeded = false; let panels = []; if(sets.includes( && ["/home.php", "/inventory.php", "/pl_info.php", "/map.php"].includes(location.pathname)) { pageReloadNeeded = true; if(location.pathname == '/home.php') { pushNew(panels, homeArtsPanelSelector); pushNew(panels, homeStatsPanelSelector); pageReloadNeeded = false; } if(location.pathname == '/pl_info.php') { if(getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) { pushNew(panels, playerInfoArtsPanelSelector); pushNew(panels, playerInfoStatsPanelSelector); } pageReloadNeeded = false; } if(location.pathname == '/map.php') { pushNew(panels, mapHuntButtons2PanelSelector); pushNew(panels, mapMercenaryTaskPanelSelector); pageReloadNeeded = false; } } if(sets.includes( && ["/skillwheel.php", "/pl_info.php", "/home.php", "/inventory.php"].includes(location.pathname)) { pageReloadNeeded = true; if(location.pathname == '/home.php') { pushNew(panels, homeStatsPanelSelector); pageReloadNeeded = false; } if(location.pathname == '/pl_info.php') { if(getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) { pushNew(panels, playerInfoStatsPanelSelector); pushNew(panels, playerInfoPerksPanelSelector); } pageReloadNeeded = false; } if(location.pathname == '/inventory.php') { pushNew(panels, inventoryStatsPanelSelector); pageReloadNeeded = false; } } if(sets.includes( && ["/home.php", "/army.php", "/pl_info.php"].includes(location.pathname)) { pageReloadNeeded = true; if(location.pathname == '/home.php') { pushNew(panels, homeArmyPanelSelector); pageReloadNeeded = false; } if(location.pathname == '/pl_info.php') { if(getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) { pushNew(panels, playerInfoArmyPanelSelector); } pageReloadNeeded = false; } } if(sets.includes( && ["/home.php", "/army.php", "/pl_info.php", "/castle.php", "/inventory.php", "/skillwheel.php"].includes(location.pathname)) { pageReloadNeeded = true; } if(sets.includes( && ["/home.php", "/army.php", "/pl_info.php", "/magearts.php"].includes(location.pathname)) { pageReloadNeeded = true; if(location.pathname == '/home.php') { pushNew(panels, homeArmyPanelSelector); pageReloadNeeded = false; } if(location.pathname == '/pl_info.php') { if(getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) { pushNew(panels, playerInfoArmyPanelSelector); } pageReloadNeeded = false; } } if(pageReloadNeeded) { if(location.pathname == "/army.php") { location = "/army.php"; } else { location.reload(); } } else { await refreshUpdatePanels(panels); } } function getWizardSkillLevel() { if(location.pathname == "/home.php" || location.pathname == "/pl_info.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) { if(isNewPersonPage) { const wizardSkillLevelContainer = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div.home_inside_margins > div#row")).find(x => x.innerHTML.includes(isEn ? "Wizard" : "Маг")); setPlayerValue("WizardSkillLevel", wizardSkillLevelContainer.querySelector("div#bartext > span").innerText); } else { const wizardSkillLevelExec = new RegExp(`${isEn ? "Wizard" : "Маг"}: (\\d+) \\(`).exec(document.body.innerHTML); if(wizardSkillLevelExec) { setPlayerValue("WizardSkillLevel", wizardSkillLevelExec[1]); } } //console.log(`WizardSkillLevel: ${parseInt(getPlayerValue("WizardSkillLevel", 0))}`); } return parseInt(getPlayerValue("WizardSkillLevel", 0)); } // API function getPlayerFractionValue(key, defaultValue, fraction = Fraction) { return getPlayerValue(getFractionKey(key, fraction), defaultValue); }; function setPlayerFractionValue(key, value, fraction = Fraction) { setPlayerValue(getFractionKey(key, fraction), value); }; function deletePlayerFractionValue(key, fraction = Fraction) { return deletePlayerValue(getFractionKey(key, fraction)); }; function getFractionKey(key, fraction = Fraction) { return `${key}${fraction}f`; }