
Greasy Fork is available in English.

Unblur examples on Reverso

This script removes the blur effect from the examples on Reverso Context, allowing you to see more examples without registering to the website.

// ==UserScript==// @name     Unblur examples on Reverso// @name:it  Togli la sfocatura agli esempi di Reverso// @description This script removes the blur effect from the examples on Reverso Context, allowing you to see more examples without registering to the website.// @description:it Questo script rimuove l'effetto sfocato dagli esempi su Reverso Context, permettendoti di vedere più esempi senza registrarti al sito web.// @namespace   StephenP// @author   StephenP// @version @grant    unsafeWindow// @match    https://context.reverso.net/*// @run-at document-end// @contributionURL https://buymeacoffee.com/stephenp_greasyfork// @license     AGPL-3.0-or-later// ==/UserScript==var st=document.createElement("STYLE");st.textContent="#blocked-r###lts-banner, #blocked-rude-r###lts-banner{display: none !important;} #examples-content, #examples-content, .example, .text{filter: none !important; -webkit-filter: none !important}";document.body.appendChild(st);unsafeWindow.logLOCD=true;unsafeWindow.user_id=getRandomInt(999999);//From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/randomfunction getRandomInt(max) {return Math.floor(Math.random() * max);}