Greasy Fork is available in English. Hat Hotkeys

Allows to equip hats by pressing keys!

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// ==UserScript==// @name Hat Hotkeys// @author Murka// @description Allows to equip hats by pressing keys!// @icon @version 0.2// @match *://*// @run-at document-start// @grant none// @license MIT// @namespace ==/UserScript==/* jshint esversion:8 *//*Author: MurkaGithub:*/(function() {"use strict";const HATS = {BUSH_HAT: 0,BERSERKER: 1,JUNGLE_GEAR: 2,CRYSTAL_GEAR: 3,SPIKE_GEAR: 4,IMMUNITY_GEAR: 5,BOOST_HAT: 6,APPLE_HAT: 7,SCUBA_GEAR: 8,HOOD: 9,DEMOLIST: 10};// Change your keybinds if you need to, get list of the key codes here: Please use `event.code` to change keybind// If you don't need a keybind, leave the field empty ""const KEYBINDS = {[HATS.BUSH_HAT]: "",[HATS.BERSERKER]: "KeyB",[HATS.JUNGLE_GEAR]: "",[HATS.CRYSTAL_GEAR]: "KeyG",[HATS.SPIKE_GEAR]: "KeyT",[HATS.IMMUNITY_GEAR]: "KeyV",[HATS.BOOST_HAT]: "KeyM",[HATS.APPLE_HAT]: "",[HATS.SCUBA_GEAR]: "",[HATS.HOOD]: "KeyU",[HATS.DEMOLIST]: "KeyZ"};// HAT EQUIP LOGIC GOES BELOWconst log = console.log;const storage = {get(key) {const value = localStorage.getItem(key);return value === null ? null : JSON.parse(value);},set(key, value) {localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));}};function sleep(ms) {return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));}function isInput() {return document.activeElement.tagName === "INPUT";}function inGame() {const homepage = document.querySelector("#homepage");return homepage && !== "flex";}function canEquip() {return !isInput() && inGame();}function createKeyboardEvent(type, code) {return new Proxy(new KeyboardEvent(type), {get(target, prop) {if (prop === "isTrusted") return true;if (prop === "target") return document.body;if (prop === "code") return code;return target[prop];}})}function keypress(code) {const keydown = createKeyboardEvent("keydown", code);const keyup = createKeyboardEvent("keyup", code);window.onkeydown(keydown);window.onkeyup(keyup);}function mouseup(target) {target.onmouseup(new Proxy(new MouseEvent("mouseup"), {get(target, prop) {if (prop === "isTrusted") return true;if (prop === "target") return target;return target[prop];}}));}let equipToggle = false;async function equipHat(index) {if (!canEquip() || equipToggle) return;equipToggle = true;const hatActionButton = document.querySelectorAll(".hat_action_button")[index];if (!hatActionButton) throw new Error("Failed to find hat with index: " + index);const keybinds = storage.get("keybinds");const OpenShopKey = keybinds && keybinds[18] || "KeyN";keypress(OpenShopKey);await sleep(150);if (hatActionButton.textContent === "BUY") {mouseup(hatActionButton);}mouseup(hatActionButton);await sleep(150);keypress(OpenShopKey);await sleep(1500);equipToggle = false;}window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {if (event.repeat) return;for (const key in KEYBINDS) {if (event.code === KEYBINDS[key]) {equipHat(key);break;}}})})();