Greasy Fork is available in English.
Shows approximate location of enemies on the map. Using this script you can easily find players in the game
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// ==UserScript==// @name Enemy location tracker// @author Murka// @description Shows approximate location of enemies on the map. Using this script you can easily find players in the game// @icon @version 0.5// @match *://*// @match *://**// @run-at document-start// @grant none// @license MIT// @namespace ==/UserScript==/* jshint esversion:6 *//*Author: MurkaGithub: does it work?- It shows a notification on the map when some player breaks an object- You should see the object at least once to make notifications work- It works even better on sandbox*/(function() {"use strict";const log = console.log;const createRecursiveHook = (target, prop, condition, callback) => {(function recursiveHook() {Object.defineProperty(target, prop, {set(value) {delete target[prop];this[prop] = value;if (condition(this, value) &&callback(this, value)) return;recursiveHook();},configurable: true})})();}function createHook(target, prop, setter) {const symbol = Symbol(prop);Object.defineProperty(target, prop, {get() {return this[symbol];},set(value) {setter(this, symbol, value);},configurable: true})}const myPlayer = {id: null,alive: false,focused: true,playerObject: null};// Get myPlayer objectcreateHook(Object.prototype, "isPlayer", function(that, symbol, value) {that[symbol] = value;if (value === true && that.sid === {myPlayer.playerObject = that;}});function map(value, start1, stop1, start2, stop2) {return (value - start1) / (stop1 - start1) * (stop2 - start2) + start2;}function lerp(start, stop, amt) {return amt * (stop - start) + start;}function inView(x, y, radius) {const { maxScreenWidth, maxScreenHeight } = window.config || {};const visibleHorizontally = x + radius > 0 && x - radius < maxScreenWidth;const visibleVertically = y + radius > 0 && y - radius < maxScreenHeight;return true;return visibleHorizontally && visibleVertically;}const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); = "notification-canvas";canvas.width = 300;canvas.height = 300;window.addEventListener("load", function() {const CSS = `#notification-canvas {display: inline-block;position: absolute;bottom: 20px;left: 20px;width: 130px;height: 130px;border-radius: 4px;}@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {#notification-canvas {width: 66px;height: 66px;bottom: unset;top: 8px;left: 8px;}}`;const style = document.createElement("style");style.innerHTML = CSS;document.head.appendChild(style);const mapDisplay = document.querySelector("#mapDisplay");mapDisplay.parentNode.insertBefore(canvas, mapDisplay.nextSibling);})const notifications = [];function clear() {notifications.splice(0, notifications.length);}window.addEventListener("focus", () => { myPlayer.focused = true; })window.addEventListener("blur", () => {myPlayer.focused = false;clear();})class Notification {constructor(x, y) {this._x = x;this._y = y;this._radius = 1;this._opacity = 1;this._timeout = {value: 0,max: 75};}_animate() {if (this._timeout.value === this._timeout.max) {const index = notifications.indexOf(this);notifications.splice(index, 1);return;}this._radius = lerp(this._radius, 35, 0.03);this._opacity = map(this._timeout.value, 0, this._timeout.max, 1, 0.3);this._timeout.value += 1;}draw() {this._animate();const { mapScale } = window.config || {};if (!mapScale) return;const x = this._x / mapScale * canvas.width;const y = this._y / mapScale * canvas.height;;ctx.globalAlpha = this._opacity;ctx.strokeStyle = "#c93e3e";ctx.lineWidth = 10;ctx.beginPath();ctx.arc(x, y, this._radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);ctx.stroke();ctx.restore();}}// Notification rendering loopfunction loop() {window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);for (let i=0;i<notifications.length;i++) {notifications[i].draw();}}window.requestAnimationFrame(loop);const objects = new Map();function createNotification(id) {const object = objects.get(id);const { x, y } = myPlayer.playerObject;// Object must exist and it shouldn't be in player viewif (!object) return;//if (!object || inView(object.x-x, object.y-y, object.radius)) return;const notify = new Notification(object.x, object.y);notifications.push(notify);}function playerSetup(temp) { = temp[1];myPlayer.alive = true;}function playerDied(temp) {myPlayer.alive = false;clear();}function formatObject(object) {const [ id, x, y, angle, radius, resourceType, objectType, ownerID ] = object;return {id,x,y,angle,radius,resourceType,objectType,ownerID};}function createObject(temp) {for (let i=0;i<temp[1].length;i+=8) {const object = formatObject(temp[1].slice(i, i+8));objects.set(, object);}}function deleteObject(temp) {// Make sure we don't create a new notification when player is afk, otherwise it will cause lag issuesif (myPlayer.alive && myPlayer.focused) createNotification(temp[1]);objects.delete(temp[1]);}const PACKETS = {1: playerSetup,11: playerDied,6: createObject,12: deleteObject,};document.msgpack = {Encoder: null,Decoder: null};// Intercept msgpack encodercreateRecursiveHook(Object.prototype, "initialBufferSize",(_this) => (typeof _this === "object" &&typeof _this.encode === "function" &&_this.encode.length === 1),(_this) => {document.msgpack.Encoder = _this;return true;});// Intercept msgpack decodercreateRecursiveHook(Object.prototype, "maxExtLength",(_this) => (typeof _this === "object" &&typeof _this.decode === "function" &&_this.decode.length === 1),(_this) => {document.msgpack.Decoder = _this;return true;});// Handle WebSocket datafunction message(event) {try {const data = document.msgpack.Decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(;const temp = [data[0],[1]];PACKETS[temp[0]](temp);} catch(err){}}// Intercept WebSocketwindow.WebSocket = new Proxy(WebSocket, {construct(target, args) {const socket = new target(...args);socket.addEventListener("message", message);return socket;}});})();