Greasy Fork is available in English.
just a funny script.. Sends a message when a player appears on the screen
// ==UserScript==// @name Hello! I'm stupid man! [ Patched ]// @namespace -// @version 0.1// @description just a funny script.. Sends a message when a player appears on the screen// @author Devil D. Nudo#7346// @match *://**// @match *://*// @grant none// @run-at document-start// ==/UserScript==(function() {"use strict"class MsgPack {static decodeData(data) {if (!data || typeof MsgPack.decode !== 'function') returndata = MsgPack.decode(new Uint8Array(data))return data}static encodeData(data) {if (!data || typeof MsgPack.encode !== 'function') returndata = new Uint8Array(Array.from(MsgPack.encode(data)))return data}static getFormatedData() {if (!arguments.length) returnconst type =, 0, 1)const content =, 1)if (!content.length) {console.warn(type[0], "A strange packet with no data being sent")}const data = MsgPack.encode([type[0], [...content]])return data}} = new Proxy(, {apply(target, _this, args) {const data = target.apply(_this, args)if (args[1] && args[1].i) {const index = args[1].iif (index === 9) {MsgPack.encode = args[0].encode}if (index === 15) {MsgPack.decode = args[0] = target}}return data}})class Config {get stupidMessage() {return "Hello [name]! I'm stupid man!"}}const config = new Config()class Socket {constructor(websocket = null) {this.websocket = websocketthis.eventQueue = []}addEvent(event, callback) {if (!this.websocket) {return this.eventQueue.push({event: event,callback: callback})}this.websocket.addEventListener(event, callback)}send() {const data = MsgPack.getFormatedData(...arguments)this.websocket.send(data)}init(sourceThis, callback) {this.websocket = sourceThisfor (const event of this.eventQueue) {this.addEvent(event.event, event.callback)}, this.websocket)}}class MyPlayer {constructor() {if (MyPlayer.instance) {return MyPlayer.instance}this.sid = nullthis.socket = new Socket()MyPlayer.instance = this}onSetupGame(content) {if (this.sid !== null) returnthis.sid = content[0]}onAddPlayer(content) {const info = [...content[0]]if (info[1] === this.sid) returnconst message = config.stupidMessage.replace(/\[\w+\]/, info[2])this.socket.send("ch", message)}onMessage(event) {const data = MsgPack.decodeData( type = data[0]const content = [[1]]switch (type) {case "1": this.onSetupGame(content)breakcase "2": this.onAddPlayer(content)break}}}const myPlayer = new MyPlayer()window.WebSocket = class extends WebSocket {constructor(...args) {super(args)myPlayer.socket.init(this, function() {this.addEvent("message", myPlayer.onMessage.bind(myPlayer))})}}window.myPlayer = myPlayer})()