Greasy Fork is available in English. Ночное виденье, видим скрытых игроков
// ==UserScript==// @name Cheats// @namespace @version 2.5// @author @jmatg1// @name:ru Читы// @description:ru Ночное виденье, видим скрытых игроков// @match @icon @grant none// @description " Cheats"// @contributionURL @antifeature Players with the nickname jmatg1 are not visible in the game// @antifeature:ru Игроков с ником jmatg1 не видно в игре// ==/UserScript==(function () {const VERSION = "2.5";let oldMethod = false;try {let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', "");xhr.send();xhr.onload = function() {let obj = JSON.parse(xhr.response)if (obj.version !== VERSION){let t = "New Version!!!" + " (" + VERSION + " -> " + obj.version + ")"window.alert(t)}};} catch (e){}const confirmBan = Boolean(localStorage.getItem('asdjl2'))if(!confirmBan) {alert('Attention. You may be banned! Login to another account and run the script to test the anti-ban.')localStorage.setItem('asdjl2', true);}try {let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', "");xhr.send();xhr.onload = function() {alert('Bypass DOESNT WORK! Script not running. See video youtube');/*if(confirm('Run Script with old bypass?')) {setInterval(() => {if (reportedErrors && !reportedErrors.includes('validate error 1')) {reportedErrors.push('validate error 1');if (!oldMethod) {oldMethod = true;initscript();}}}, 300)}*/};xhr.onerror = function() {alert('Bypass WORK! Starting script...');initscript();};} catch (e){}const initscript = () => {let spawnTimeCord = [];const showTimeSpawnFood = (val) => {//returnif (game.objectsDef[game.gameObjects[val.a]?.name + '_spawn']) {const position = game.gameObjects[val.a].position;if (spawnTimeCord.find(el => el.x === position.x && el.y === position.y)) return;spawnTimeCord.push(position);let delay = game.objectsDef[game.gameObjects[val.a]?.name + '_spawn'].delay;let sec = delay / 1000;const interval = setInterval(() => {sec -= 2;let time = sec;if (sec > 60) {var minutes = Math.floor(sec / 60);var seconds = sec % 60;time = String(minutes).padStart(2, '0') + ':' + String(seconds).padStart(2, '0');}textEffects.push({"posX": position.x,"posY": position.y,"color": "#FE6500","text": time,"fontSize": 14,"bold": true,"startTime": new Date().getTime() + 100,"static": false});}, 2000);setTimeout(() => {spawnTimeCord = spawnTimeCord.filter(el => el.x !== position.x && el.y !== position.y);clearInterval(interval);}, delay);}}const fixChatMenu = () => {showEmotesMenu = function () {if (chatDisabled) {return;};if (imDead || !joinedGame || - joinTime < 1e3 || - lastEmotesMenuOpenedTime < 1e3) {return;};$($(".wheel-button").attr("href")).showIcon($(".wheel-button"), {animation: "fade",animationSpeed: [0, 250],angle: [0, 360]});$("#chatmenu").finish().fadeIn();$("#scan-players-icon").fadeIn();emotesMenuOpened = true;lastEmotesMenuOpenedTime =;}};const zoomHack = (a, aa, aaa, aaaaa, a2) => {game.canvas.addEventListener("wheel", function () {if (!joinedGame || typeof event == "undefined") {return;};var qwe = 0.1;if (event.deltaY > 0) {qwe *= -1;};gameZoom += qwe;event.preventDefault();});Engine.prototype.setZoom = function (ret) {if (ret <= 0.7) {ret = 0.7;}if (this.zoom == ret) {return;}this.zoom = ret;this.staticCanvasRenderOffset.restX = 0;this.staticCanvasRenderOffset.restY = 0;this.staticCanvasRenderOffset.x = 0;this.staticCanvasRenderOffset.y = 0;this.staticCanvasRenderPosition.x = 0;this.staticCanvasRenderPosition.y = 0;;this.context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";this.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);this.context.restore();;this.staticContext.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)";this.staticContext.fillRect(0, 0, this.staticCanvas.width, this.staticCanvas.height);this.staticContext.restore();this.dynamicContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.dynamicCanvas.width, this.dynamicCanvas.height);this.clearStaticObjects();}}const doesntHidePlayersFunc = (value) => {petFunc(value);if (value?.type === 1 || value?.type === 3) {value.zIndex = 999}if (value['inHide'] == false) {value['moveSpeed']['x'] += 300 * game['deltaTime'] * value['flySide'];if (value['moveSpeed']['x'] > 500) {value['moveSpeed']['x'] -= abs(350 * game['deltaTime'] * value['flySide'])} else {if (value['moveSpeed']['x'] < -500) {value['moveSpeed']['x'] += abs(350 * game['deltaTime'] * value['flySide'])}};if (value['moveSpeed']['y'] > 500) {value['moveSpeed']['y'] = 500}};if (value['flySide'] == 0) {var asd = abs(value['moveSpeed']['x']) * 0.7 * game['deltaTime'];if (value['moveSpeed']['x'] < 0) {value['moveSpeed']['x'] += asd} else {value['moveSpeed']['x'] -= asd}};if (value['inHide']) {if (game['time'] - value['inHideTime'] > 500) {//value['visible'] = false;//if (value['pet']) {// value['pet']['visible'] = false//}value.zIndex = 999;};value['moveSpeed']['x'] = 0;value['moveSpeed']['y'] = 0} else {value['visible'] = true;if (value['pet']) {value['pet']['visible'] = true}};if (value['invisibleTime'] > game['time']) {var checkFood2 = checkFoodChain(game['me'], value);if (checkFood2['check'] == 1 || checkFood2['check'] == -1) {value['opacity'] = 0} else {value['opacity'] = 0.2}} else {value['opacity'] = 1};value['interpolateSpeed'] = 0.015;if (value['grabbed']) {value['interpolateSpeed'] = 0.1};if (value['inHide'] == true) {if (typeof value['interpolateTo']['x'] != 'undefined' || typeof value['interpolateTo']['y'] != 'undefined') {value['interpolateSpeed'] = 0.05;game['interpolatePosition'](value)};return false}}const darkOff = (a, aa, aaa, aaaaa, a2) => {return}let timer = null;function hello() {if (timer) {return;}timer = true;sendChat(45);setTimeout(() => {sendChat(8);timer = false;}, 5000)}const outline = (value) => {setAnimations(value);if (value.nick === "jmatg1" && !== "jmatg1") {value.opacity = 0;value.visible = 0;hello();} else {if (timer) {clearInterval(timer);}}if ( || value.inSafeZone) {value.outline = null;} else {var checkFood2 = checkFoodChain(, value);if (checkFood2.check == 1) {value.outline = "#00cc44";if (checkFoodChain(value, == 1) {value.outline = "orange";};value.outlineWeight = 5;} else {if (checkFood2.check == -1) {value.outline = "red";value.outlineWeight = 5;} else {value.outline = null;}}}};const styles = `<style>#gameContainer .scanPlayers {position: fixed;left: 72vw;top: 0;right: 0px;background: none;display: flex;transform: none;padding: 0;margin: 0;}.scanPlayers div {display: flex !important;flex-direction: column;}#gameContainer .scanPlayers>.title{display: none;}#gameContainer .scanPlayers .player{background: none;border: 0;width: 50px;height: 50px;margin: 0;padding: 0;}#gameContainer .scanPlayers .nick,.scanPlayers .experienceBar,.scanPlayers .close,.scanPlayers .title,.scanPlayers button{display: none !important;}#enemy-detect {position: absolute;border-radius: 50%;/* border: 1px solid red; */width: 100px;height: 100px;left: calc(50% - 50px);top: calc(50% - 50px);box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px #ff000080;}</style>`;let asd = 0;const showServer = () => {const val = document.getElementById('selectServer')?.options[document?.getElementById('selectServer')?.selectedIndex]?.text;if(!val.includes('(') && asd < 10){setTimeout(() => {showServer();asd++;}, 200);}console.log(val);$("#gameContainer > div.debugInfo > div.server").html('server: <font color="black">' +val + " </font>");}let i_i = 0;let inj = false;const interval = setInterval(() => {if(Boolean(document.getElementsByClassName('btnStartGame')[0]) && i_i === 0) {document.getElementsByClassName('btnStartGame')[0].addEventListener('click', ev => {//showServer();});i_i++;}if (window?.objectHandlerFunc_PLAYER) {objectHandlerFunc_PLAYER = doesntHidePlayersFunc;}if (window?.animateObject) {animateObject = outline;}if (window?.removeObject) {const orRO = window?.removeObject;removeObject = (val) => {showTimeSpawnFood(val);orRO(val);};}if (window?.wasSocketInit && window?.joinedGame && !window?.imDead && !inj) {drawDarkness = darkOff;;gameServer.on(socketMsgType.SCANPLAYERS, function (arr) {scanPlayersArr = arr.filter(el => {return checkFoodChain(game.objectsDef[el.evolution], === 1});if (scanPlayersArr.length > 0) {$('#enemy-detect').show();} else {$('#enemy-detect').hide();}showPlayersScans();});setInterval(() => {gameServer.emit(socketMsgType.SCANPLAYERS);}, 500)let intervalBoost = null;document.body.onkeydown = function (e) {if (e.shiftKey && joinedGame && !imDead) {boost();}if ((e.code === 'KeyS' || e.code === 'ArrowDown') && joinedGame && !imDead) {skillUse()}}document.body.onkeyup = function (e) {if (e.key == " " || e.code == "Space" || e.keyCode == 32) {if (joinedGame && imDead) {playAgain();}}if ((e.code === 'KeyS' || e.code === 'ArrowDown') && joinedGame && !imDead) {skillStop();}if (e.keyCode == 81) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(1); // dislike}}if (e.keyCode == 69) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(10); // haha}}if (e.keyCode == 51) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(4); // Broken Heart}}if (e.keyCode == 52) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(11); // heart}}if (e.keyCode == 82) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(1); // dislike}}if (e.keyCode == 84) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendChat(29); // rats}}if (e.keyCode == 76) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {askForDiscord(1); // discord}}if (e.keyCode == 67) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendChat(22); // fight}}if (e.keyCode == 88) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendChat(3); // goodbye}}if (e.keyCode == 90) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendChat(14); // funny}}if (e.keyCode == 86) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendChat(39); // come}}if (e.keyCode == 70) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendChat(38); // wait}}if (e.keyCode == 53) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(2); // sadsmile}}if (e.keyCode == 54) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(13); // goodbye2}}if (e.keyCode == 55) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(7); // angry}}if (e.keyCode == 56) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(6); // cry}}if (e.keyCode == 57) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(5); // dislike}}if (e.keyCode == 48) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendEmote(3); // killme}}if (e.keyCode == 71) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendChat(15); // lol}}if (e.keyCode == 30) {if (joinedGame && !imDead) {sendChat(40); // forget}}}inj = true;}if (inj) {clearInterval(interval);document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", styles);$('#gameContainer').append('<div id="enemy-detect"></div>');zoomHack();fixChatMenu();}}, 500);}})();