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// ==UserScript== // @name CSGO饰品自由议价 // @description 得润(官方脚本,用于buff、悠悠有品、igxe、c5饰品直达自由交流区,无惧敏感词 // @icon // @namespace // @version 2023.04.15.01 // @author 小淳 // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @require[email protected]/dist/notice.js // @run-at document-start // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_openInTab // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== unsafeWindow.needrun_requestHookList = []; unsafeWindow.needrun_requestHookCallback = function (xhr) {}; var originalOpen =; var originalSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send; = function () { this._url = arguments[1]; originalOpen.apply(this, arguments); }; XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function () { var self = this; this.addEventListener('load', function () { if (self.readyState === 4 && self.status === 200) { unsafeWindow.needrun_requestHookList.push(self); unsafeWindow.needrun_requestHookCallback(self); } }); originalSend.apply(this, arguments); }; (function() { "use strict"; var __vite_style__ = 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225.745455 53.527273c95.418182-13.963636 190.836364-18.618182 286.254545-18.618182s190.836364 6.981818 286.254545 18.618182c109.381818 16.290909 190.836364 109.381818 190.836364 218.763636v400.290909c0 116.363636-90.763636 214.109091-207.127273 221.090909-90.763636 4.654545-179.2 9.309091-269.963636 9.309091h-6.981818zM474.763636 837.818182c4.654545-4.654545 11.636364-6.981818 18.618182-6.981818h16.290909c88.436364 0 176.872727-2.327273 265.309091-9.309091 79.127273-4.654545 141.963636-72.145455 141.963637-151.272728V269.963636c0-76.8-55.854545-139.636364-130.327273-148.945454-90.763636-9.309091-181.527273-16.290909-274.618182-16.290909s-183.854545 6.981818-276.945455 18.618182c-74.472727 9.309091-130.327273 74.472727-130.327272 148.945454v400.290909c0 79.127273 62.836364 146.618182 141.963636 151.272727h9.309091c11.636364 0 23.272727 6.981818 27.927273 18.618182l27.927272 55.854546c0 2.327273 2.327273 2.327273 2.327273 4.654545 11.636364 16.290909 32.581818 20.945455 48.872727 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0-34.909091-16.290909-34.909091-34.909091S283.927273 325.818182 302.545455 325.818182h372.363636c18.618182 0 34.909091 16.290909 34.909091 34.909091S693.527273 395.636364 674.909091 395.636364H302.545455z m202.472727 507.345454l-104.727273 69.818182c-48.872727 32.581818-114.036364 18.618182-144.290909-30.254545-2.327273-4.654545-4.654545-6.981818-6.981818-11.636364l-18.618182-39.563636c-111.709091-13.963636-195.490909-107.054545-195.490909-218.763637V272.290909C34.909091 162.909091 116.363636 69.818182 225.745455 53.527273c95.418182-13.963636 190.836364-18.618182 286.254545-18.618182s190.836364 6.981818 286.254545 18.618182c109.381818 16.290909 190.836364 109.381818 190.836364 218.763636v400.290909c0 116.363636-90.763636 214.109091-207.127273 221.090909-90.763636 4.654545-179.2 9.309091-269.963636 9.309091h-6.981818zM474.763636 837.818182c4.654545-4.654545 11.636364-6.981818 18.618182-6.981818h16.290909c88.436364 0 176.872727-2.327273 265.309091-9.309091 79.127273-4.654545 141.963636-72.145455 141.963637-151.272728V269.963636c0-76.8-55.854545-139.636364-130.327273-148.945454-90.763636-9.309091-181.527273-16.290909-274.618182-16.290909s-183.854545 6.981818-276.945455 18.618182c-74.472727 9.309091-130.327273 74.472727-130.327272 148.945454v400.290909c0 79.127273 62.836364 146.618182 141.963636 151.272727h9.309091c11.636364 0 23.272727 6.981818 27.927273 18.618182l27.927272 55.854546c0 2.327273 2.327273 2.327273 2.327273 4.654545 11.636364 16.290909 32.581818 20.945455 48.872727 9.309091l111.709091-74.472727z" fill="rgb(116, 97, 195)" p-id="4526"></path></svg> <span style="margin-left:0.25rem;font-size:14px;">联系</span> </a> </div>`; } function tidyObject(obj) { const newObj = {}; for (const key in obj) { if (obj[key] === 0 || obj[key] && obj[key] !== "" && obj[key] !== "undefined" && obj[key] !== "NaN") { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } return newObj; } function getNeedRunUrlByGoodsInfo(goodsInfo) { const prefix = ""; const { goodsName, paintIndex, paintSeed, paintWear, inspectImg, platform } = tidyObject(goodsInfo); let search = new URLSearchParams(tidyObject({ name: encodeURIComponent(goodsName), index: String(paintIndex), seed: String(paintSeed), wear: formatPaintWear(paintWear), img: inspectImg, platform: String(platform) })); return `${prefix}?${search.toString()}`; } function showMessage(msg, type) { new NoticeJs({ text: msg, type, position: "bottomRight" }).show(); } const formatPaintWear = (wear) => { if (wear === "") return wear; const numberWear = Number(wear); return numberWear > 0 ? numberWear.toFixed(16) : ""; }; function openPage(url, b = true) { GM_openInTab(url, { active: b }); } function init$7() { const requestList = unsafeWindow.needrun_requestHookList; if (requestList.length <= 0) { let marketShow = new unsafeWindow.marketShow(); marketShow.init(); } for (let i = 0; i < requestList.length; i++) { let item = requestList[i]; if (item.responseURL.includes("goods/sell_order")) { let data = JSON.parse(item.responseText); 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else if (data.Images && data.Images !== "") { let imgArr = data.Images.split(","); for (let i2 = 0; i2 < imgArr.length; i2++) { img += "" + imgArr[i2] + ";"; } } else { img = data.ImgUrl; } const goodsInfo = { goodsName: data.CommodityName, inspectImg: img, paintIndex: data.PaintIndex ? Number(data.PaintIndex) : 0, paintSeed: data.PaintSeed ? Number(data.PaintSeed) : 0, paintWear: data.Abrade, platform: 1 }; openPage(getNeedRunUrlByGoodsInfo(goodsInfo)); }); } } const ChatButton$2 = { init: init$5 }; function initPkg$2() { ChatButton$2.init(); } function init$4() { initPkg$2(); } const youpin = { init: init$4 }; function apiGetIgxeGoodsInspectImg(id) { return new Promise((resolve) => { fetch(`${String(id)}`, { method: "GET" }).then((res) => res.json()).then((ret) => { resolve(ret.url); }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); resolve(""); }); }); } function init$3() { unsafeWindow.needrun_requestHookCallback = function(xhr) { if (xhr.responseURL.includes("product/trade")) { let data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); let count = 0; let timer = setInterval(() => { if (document.getElementsByClassName("user-img").length > 0) { clearInterval(timer); insertDom$1(); initFunc$1(data.d_list); } count++; if (count > 200) clearInterval(timer); }, 100); } }; } function insertDom$1() { const sellings = document.querySelectorAll(".user-img"); for (let i = 0; i < sellings.length; i++) { const selling = sellings[i]; if (selling.querySelector(".needrun-chat-btn")) { selling.querySelector(".needrun-chat-btn").remove(); } let style = "width: 100%;"; if (selling.querySelectorAll(".ui-box").length > 0) { style += "position: absolute;margin-top: 4rem;"; } selling.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", renderChatButton({ style })); } } function initFunc$1(items) { const btns = document.querySelectorAll(".needrun-chat-btn"); for (let i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) { const btn = btns[i]; const item = items[i]; btn.addEventListener("click", async () => { let img = item.icon_url; if (item.inspect_img_small && item.inspect_img_small !== "") { showMessage("数据请求中,请稍等...", "info"); img = await apiGetIgxeGoodsInspectImg( || item.icon_url; showMessage("数据获取完毕", "success"); } const goodsInfo = { goodsName:, inspectImg: img, paintIndex: item.paint_index ? Number(item.paint_index) : 0, paintSeed: item.paint_seed ? Number(item.paint_seed) : 0, paintWear: item.exterior_wear, platform: 2 }; openPage(getNeedRunUrlByGoodsInfo(goodsInfo)); }); } } const ChatButton$1 = { init: init$3 }; function initPkg$1() { ChatButton$1.init(); } function init$2() { initPkg$1(); } const igxe = { init: init$2 }; function apiGetC5GoodsDetail(cardId) { return new Promise((resolve) => { fetch(`${cardId}`, { method: "GET" }).then((res) => res.json()).then((ret) => { resolve(ret); }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); resolve({}); }); }); } function init$1() { insertDom(); initFunc(); } function insertDom() { const sellings = document.querySelectorAll(".onsale-table-item"); for (let i = 0; i < sellings.length; i++) { const selling = sellings[i]; if (!selling) return; const row = selling.getElementsByClassName("row"); if (row.length === 0) return; const node4 = row[0].children[3]; if (!node4) continue; node4.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", renderChatButton({ style: "width: 100%" })); } } function initFunc() { const btns = document.querySelectorAll(".needrun-chat-btn"); for (let i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) { const btn = btns[i]; btn.addEventListener("click", async () => { const parentNode = btn.parentElement.parentElement; const cardId = parentNode.getElementsByClassName("item-card")[0].getAttribute("cardid"); if (cardId && cardId !== "") { showMessage("数据请求中,请稍等...", "info"); let detail = await apiGetC5GoodsDetail(cardId); if (!detail.success) { showMessage("数据获取失败,请重试", "error"); return; } showMessage("数据获取完毕", "success"); const { data } = detail; const goodsInfo = { goodsName:, inspectImg: data.inspectImage && data.inspectImage !== "" ? data.inspectImage : data.imageUrl, paintIndex: data.assetInfo.paintIndex ? Number(data.assetInfo.paintIndex) : 0, paintSeed: data.assetInfo.paintSeed ? Number(data.assetInfo.paintSeed) : 0, paintWear: data.assetInfo.wear, platform: 3 }; openPage(getNeedRunUrlByGoodsInfo(goodsInfo)); } }); } } const ChatButton = { init: init$1 }; function initPkg() { let count = 0; let timer = setInterval(() => { if (document.getElementsByClassName("item-card").length > 0) { clearInterval(timer); ChatButton.init(); } count++; if (count > 200) clearInterval(timer); }, 300); } function init() { initPkg(); } const c5 = { init }; const pages = { // www, buff, youpin, igxe, c5 }; function initRouter() { const url = location.href; if (url.includes("buff")) pages.buff.init(); if (url.includes("youpin")) pages.youpin.init(); if (url.includes("igxe")) pages.igxe.init(); if (url.includes("c5game")) pages.c5.init(); } const index = ""; const Notice = ""; initRouter(); })();