
Greasy Fork is available in English.

Cyrillic Transliterator (PI)

Transliterates Cyrillic characters to Latin characters on any webpage.

// ==UserScript==// @name         Cyrillic Transliterator (PI)// @description  Transliterates Cyrillic characters to Latin characters on any webpage.// @author       w4t3r1ily// @version      1.6// @match        *://*/*// @include      *// @grant        none// @icon         https://opu.peklo.biz/p/23/05/13/1684010167-8264b.jpg// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/905173// ==/UserScript==(function() {var map = {'А': 'A','а': 'a','Б': 'B','б': 'b','В': 'V','в': 'v','Г': 'G','г': 'ġ','Ґ': 'Ġ','ґ': 'g̀','Д': 'D','д': 'd','Ѓ': 'Ǵ','ѓ': 'ǵ','Ђ': 'Ď','ђ': 'ď','Е': 'E','е': 'e','Ё': 'Ë','ё': 'ë','Є': 'Je','є': 'je','Ж': 'Ž','ж': 'ž','З': 'Z','з': 'z','Ѕ': 'Dz','ѕ': 'dz','И': 'I','и': 'i','І': 'Ī','і': 'ī','Ї': 'Ji','ї': 'ji','Й': 'J','й': 'j','Ј': 'J','ј': 'j','К': 'K','к': 'k','Л': 'L','л': 'l','Љ': 'Ľ','љ': 'ľ','М': 'M','м': 'm','Н': 'N','н': 'n','Њ': 'Ń','њ': 'ń','О': 'O','о': 'o','П': 'P','п': 'p','Р': 'R','р': 'r','С': 'S','с': 's','Т': 'T','т': 't','Ќ': 'Ḱ','ќ': 'ḱ','Ћ': 'Ć','ћ': 'ć','У': 'U','у': 'u','Ў': 'W','ў': 'w','Ф': 'F','ф': 'f','Х': 'Ch','х': 'ch','Ц': 'C','ц': 'c','Ч': 'Č','ч': 'č','Џ': 'Ǵ','џ': 'ǵ','Ш': 'Š','ш': 'š','Щ': 'Šč','щ': 'šč','Ъ': '-','ъ': '-','Ы': 'Y','ы': 'y','Ь': 'ʹ','ь': 'ʹ','Ѣ': 'Ě','ѣ': 'ě','Э': 'È','э': 'è','Ю': 'Ju','ю': 'ju','Я': 'Ja','я': 'ja',"'": '-','Ѫ': 'Ǎ','ѫ': 'ǎ','Ѳ': 'ḟ','ѳ': 'ḟ','Ѵ': 'Ẏ','ѵ': 'ẏ',};function replaceText(node) {var value = node.nodeValue;var newValue = '';for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {var char = value.charAt(i);newValue += char in map ? map[char] : char;}node.nodeValue = newValue;}function replaceCyrillic() {var walker = document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);var node;while (node = walker.nextNode()) {replaceText(node);}}function createToggleButton() {var button = document.createElement('button');button.innerHTML = 'Transliterate Cyrillic (PI)';button.className = 'cyr-tr-button'; // Set the class name to "tr-cyr-button"button.style.position = 'fixed';button.style.bottom = '40px';button.style.right = '20px';button.onclick = toggleTransliteration;document.body.appendChild(button);}function toggleTransliteration() {isTransliterationEnabled = !isTransliterationEnabled;if (isTransliterationEnabled) {replaceCyrillic();} else {location.reload();}}var isTransliterationEnabled = false;var cyrillicRegex = /[\u0400-\u04FF]/;if (cyrillicRegex.test(document.body.innerHTML)) {createToggleButton();}})();