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Steam advance Downloads links in store to search and download for free ;)
// ==UserScript== // @name Steam advance Downloads links in store // @namespace Wizzergod // @description Steam advance Downloads links in store to search and download for free ;) // @version 3.2.5 // @license MIT // @match *://store.steampowered.*/app/* // @exclude *://steamcommunity.*/* // @match *://*/game/* // @match *://store.steampowered.*/* // @match *://*.steampowered.*/* // @exclude *://** // @icon // @grant GM_addStyle // @credits Wizzergod // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; GM_addStyle(` .custom_game_purchase_action_bg { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; align-items: stretch; gap: 4px; width: 100%; padding: 4px 0 10px 0; } .custom_demoGameBtn { flex: 1 1 auto; display: flex; margin: 1px; } .custom_btn_green_steamui, .custom_btnv6_lightblue_blue, .custom_btn_blue_steamui, .custom_btnv6_blue_hoverfade, .pcgamewiki, .Ccyan, .Corange, .Cdarkorange, .Cgog { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex: 1; color: white; text-decoration: none; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px 15px; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); transition: background .3s ease,transform .3s ease,box-shadow .3s ease; /* transition: background 0.3s; transition: background .2s ease,transform .2s ease,box-shadow .2s ease; */ box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; font-size: 12px; font-family: "Motiva Sans", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.2; white-space: nowrap; } .custom_btn_green_steamui:hover, .custom_btnv6_lightblue_blue:hover, .custom_btn_blue_steamui:hover, .custom_btnv6_blue_hoverfade:hover, .pcgamewiki:hover, .Ccyan:hover, .Corange:hover, .Cdarkorange:hover, .Cgog:hover { filter: blur(0.5px) brightness(0.7); z-index: 0; } /* for buttons can use radial-gradient colors if need background-image: radial-gradient(ellipse at top left, #5c7e10, #5c7e11); */ .custom_btn_green_steamui { background-color: #5c7e10; } .custom_btn_green_steamui:hover { background-color: #4b670d; } .custom_btnv6_lightblue_blue { background-color: #417a9b; } .custom_btnv6_lightblue_blue:hover { background-color: #35637a; } .custom_btn_blue_steamui { background-color: #1b2838; } .custom_btn_blue_steamui:hover { background-color: #16202d; } .custom_btnv6_blue_hoverfade { background-color: #176aa6; } .custom_btnv6_blue_hoverfade:hover { background-color: #0f4a73; } .pcgamewiki { background-color: #556db3; } .pcgamewiki:hover { background-color: #495e9b; } .Ccyan { background-color: #008669; } .Ccyan:hover { background-color: #008064; } .Corange { background-color: #e68a00 !important; } .Corange:hover { background-color: #c87801 !important; } .Cdarkorange { background-color: #d84a00; } .Cdarkorange:hover { background-color: #c44706; } .Cgog { background-color: rgb(109, 11, 171); } .Cgog:hover { background-color: rgba(109, 11, 171, 0.64); } `); function createGameLink(url, label, className) { var linkContainer = document.createElement('div'); linkContainer.className = 'custom_demoGameBtn custom_btn_addtocart'; var link = document.createElement('a'); = '_blank'; link.className = className; link.href = url; link.rel = 'noopener noreferrer'; var linkText = document.createElement('span'); linkText.textContent = label; link.appendChild(linkText); linkContainer.appendChild(link); return linkContainer; } var gameTitle = document.createElement('h1'); gameTitle.textContent = 'Free download from torrents.'; var discountCountdown = document.createElement('p'); discountCountdown.textContent = 'These links lead to the search feature on specified websites, and remember piracy is bad if you downloaded, played and liked the game, then buy it, so you will thank the developers!'; var gamePurchaseAction = document.createElement('div'); gamePurchaseAction.className = 'custom_game_purchase_action'; var gamePurchaseActionBg = document.createElement('div'); gamePurchaseActionBg.className = 'custom_game_purchase_action_bg'; function sanitizeTitle(title) { return title .replace(/™|®|©/g, '') .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/g, '') .trim(); } var titleElement = document.querySelector('#appHubAppName .apphub_AppName, span[itemprop="name"]'); var gameTitleText = titleElement ? sanitizeTitle(titleElement.textContent) : ''; //gameappid var appidElement = document.querySelector('[data-appid]'); var gameappid = appidElement ? appidElement.getAttribute('data-appid') : ''; //or var gsidElement = document.querySelector('[data-miniprofile-appid]'); var gsid = gsidElement ? gsidElement.getAttribute('data-miniprofile-appid') : ''; if (!gsid) { gsidElement = document.querySelector('[data-appid]'); gsid = gsidElement ? gsidElement.getAttribute('data-appid') : ''; } //gameappid var links = [ { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'rutracker', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'thelastgame.(club)', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'thelastgame.(ru)', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: '', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'limetorrents', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText) + '/1/', label: '1337x', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'thepiratebay', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'igrovaya', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'torrentdownloads.(pro)', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'torrentdownload.(info)', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'catorrent', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'repack-games', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'gamestracker', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'nnmclub', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'byrut', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'pcgamestorrents.(com)', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'hisgames', className: 'custom_btn_green_steamui' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'Gog:freegogpcgames', className: 'Cgog' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'Gog:gogunlocked', className: 'Cgog' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'Gog:gog-games', className: 'Cgog' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'small-games.(info)', className: 'custom_btnv6_lightblue_blue' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'old-games', className: 'custom_btnv6_lightblue_blue' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameappid), label: 'PCGamingWiki', className: 'pcgamewiki' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'Forum: f95zone', className: 'custom_btnv6_blue_hoverfade' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'cs.(rin)', className: 'custom_btnv6_blue_hoverfade' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameTitleText), label: 'View on GogDB', className: 'custom_btnv6_blue_hoverfade' }, { url: '' + encodeURIComponent(gameappid), label: 'STEAMDB', className: 'custom_btnv6_blue_hoverfade' } ]; var row = document.createElement('div'); = 'flex'; = 'wrap'; links.forEach(function(linkInfo) { var link = createGameLink(linkInfo.url, linkInfo.label, linkInfo.className); row.appendChild(link); }); var gameLinksDiv = document.createElement('div'); gameLinksDiv.className = 'custom_game_area_purchase_game'; gamePurchaseActionBg.appendChild(row); gamePurchaseAction.appendChild(gamePurchaseActionBg); gameLinksDiv.appendChild(gameTitle); gameLinksDiv.appendChild(discountCountdown); gameLinksDiv.appendChild(gamePurchaseAction); var targetElement = document.querySelector('.game_area_purchase'); if (targetElement) { targetElement.parentNode.insertBefore(gameLinksDiv, targetElement); } var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('early_access_header'); Array.from(elements).forEach(function(element) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); }); })();