Перевод страницы на китайский, английский и иностранные языки
// ==UserScript== // @name 网页中英双显互译 // @name:en Translation between Chinese and English // @namespace http://yeyu####.xyz // @version 1.8.6 // @description 中-英-外互转,双语显示。支持谷歌,微软等API,为用户提供了快速准确的中英文翻译服务。无论是在工作中处理文件、学习外语、还是在日常生活中与国际友人交流,这个脚本都能够帮助用户轻松应对语言障碍。通过简单的操作,用户只需点击就会立即把网页翻译,节省了用户手动查词或使用在线翻译工具的时间,提高工作效率。 // @description:en Web pages translated into Chinese, English and foreign languages // @description:de Webseite in Chinesisch, Englisch, Fremdsprachen // @description:ru Перевод страницы на китайский, английский и иностранные языки // @description:ar صفحة الإنترنت الصينية و الإنجليزية و اللغات الأجنبية // @description:ja ホームページ##語、英語、外国語の翻訳 // @description:ko WEB 중국어, 영어, 외국어 상호 번역 // @description:fr Traduction de pages Web en chinois, anglais, langues étrangères vers et depuis // @description:pt Tradução de páginas da Web para chinês, inglês e língua estrangeira // @author 夜雨 // @match *://*/* // @exclude *://*.baidu.com/* // @exclude *://localhost:*/* // @exclude *://*/* // @exclude *://*.bilibili.com/* // @exclude *://*.jd.com/* // @exclude *://*.taobao.com/* // @exclude *://*.iqiyi.com/* // @exclude *://*.360.cn/* // @exclude *://*.gov.cn/* // @exclude *://*.12306.cn/* // @exclude *://*.ctrip.com/* // @exclude *://*.hao123.com/* // @exclude *://*.youku.com/* // @exclude *://*.aliyun.com/* // @exclude *://*.shushubuyue.net/* // @exclude *://*.shushubuyue.com/* // @exclude *://onfix.cn/* // @exclude *://yeyu2048.xyz/* // @run-at document-end // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=translate.google.com // @require https://lf26-cdn-tos.bytecdntp.com/cdn/expire-1-M/jquery/3.4.0/jquery.min.js // @require https://lf6-cdn-tos.bytecdntp.com/cdn/expire-1-M/toastr.js/2.1.4/toastr.min.js // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/4.1.1/crypto-js.min.js // @resource toastCss https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/toastr.js/2.1.4/toastr.min.css // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant unsafeWindow // @connect api-edge.cognitive.microsofttranslator.com // @connect edge.microsoft.com // @connect fanyi-api.baidu.com // @connect translate.googleapis.com // @connect fanyi.sogou.com // @connect ifanyi.iciba.com // @connect dict.hjenglish.com // @connect openapi.youdao.com // @connect caiyunai.com // @connect caiyunapp.com // @connect transmart.qq.com // @connect translate.alibaba.com // @connect papago.naver.com // @connect m.youdao.com // @connect worldlingo.com // @connect deepl.com // @connect fanyi.baidu.com // @connect flitto.com.cn // @connect translate.yandex.com // @connect yandex.net // @connect fanyi.pdf365.cn // @connect dict.cnki.net // @connect itrans.xf-yun.com // @connect kuaiyi.wps.cn // @website https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/469073 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (async function () { 'use strict'; //检测网页类型 try { if(document.contentType ==='application/xml') return; }catch (ex){console.error(ex)} let authCode;//微软 let secretCode;//搜狗 let sogou_uuid;//搜狗uuid const APIConst = { Baidu: 'baidu', BaiduMobileWeb: 'baiduMobileWeb',//百度手机版web Microsoft: 'microsoft', Google: 'google', SogouWeb: 'sogouWeb', ICIBAWeb: 'icibaWeb',//金山词霸 HujiangWeb: 'hujiangWeb',//沪江小D Youdao: 'youdao',//有道api CaiyunWeb: 'caiyunWeb',//彩云小译 TransmartWeb: 'transmartWeb',//腾讯交互式翻译 https://transmart.qq.com/zh-CN/index AlibabaWeb: 'alibabaWeb',//阿里翻译 PapagoWeb: 'papagoWeb',//Papago YoudaoMobileWeb: 'youdaoMobileWeb',//有道手机版 Worldlingo: 'worldlingo',//worldlingo https://fy.httpcn.com/fanyi/ DeepLWeb: 'deepLWeb',//DeepL FlittoWeb: 'flittoWeb',//易翻通 YandexWeb: 'yandexWeb',//Yandex FuxiWeb: 'fuxiWeb',//福昕翻译 https://fanyi.pdf365.cn/ CNKIWeb: 'CNKIWeb',//cnki Xunfei: 'xunfei',//讯飞 API WPSKuaiyiWeb: 'WPSKuaiyiWeb',//WSP 金山快译 web BaiduAPI: { name: "baidu", ChineseLang: 'zh', EnglishLang: 'en', //appid 百度API有月额度(100w字符/月)限制,建议申请自己的秘钥,详见:https://fanyi-api.baidu.com/ appid: '20230622001720783', //appid 申请可见 这里需要修改成自己的appid secret: 'dQVha4zSH26nMDLpfoVC'// secret 申请可见 这里需要修改成自己的secret }, BaiduMobileWebAPI: { name: "baiduMobileWeb", ChineseLang: 'zh', EnglishLang: 'en', }, MicrosoftAPI: { name: "microsoft", ChineseLang: 'zh-Hans', EnglishLang: 'en' }, //google需要###网 GoogleAPI: { name: "google", ChineseLang: 'zh-CN', EnglishLang: 'en' }, SogouWebAPI: { name: "sogouWeb", ChineseLang: 'zh-CHS', EnglishLang: 'en' }, ICIBAWebAPI: { name: "icibaWeb", ChineseLang: 'zh', EnglishLang: 'en' }, HujiangWebAPI: { name: 'hujiangWeb', ChineseLang: 'cn', EnglishLang: 'en' }, YoudaoAPI: { name: 'youdao', ChineseLang: 'zh-CHS', EnglishLang: 'en', //有道翻译key配置,建议申请自己的秘钥 进行修改,详见:https://ai.youdao.com/console/#/service-singleton/text-translation appId: '0625d97d20b47865', //填写自己的应用id appKey: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', //填写自己的应用秘钥 }, CaiyunWebAPI: { name: 'caiyunWeb', ChineseLang: 'zh', EnglishLang: 'en' }, TransmartWebAPI: { name: 'transmartWeb', ChineseLang: 'zh', EnglishLang: 'en' }, AlibabaWebAPI: { name: 'alibabaWeb', ChineseLang: 'zh', EnglishLang: 'en' }, PapagoWebAPI: { name: 'papagoWeb', ChineseLang: 'zh-CN', EnglishLang: 'en' }, YoudaoMobileWebAPI: { name: 'youdaoMobileWeb', ChineseLang: 'ZH_CN', EnglishLang: 'EN' }, WorldlingoAPI: { name: 'worldlingo', ChineseLang: 'zh_cn', EnglishLang: 'en' }, DeepLWebAPI: { name: 'deepLWeb', ChineseLang: 'ZH', EnglishLang: 'EN' }, FlittoWebAPI: { name: 'flittoWeb', ChineseLang: 11, EnglishLang: 17 }, YandexWebAPI: { name: 'yandexWeb', ChineseLang: "zh", EnglishLang: "en" }, FuxiWebAPI: { name: 'fuxiWeb', ChineseLang: "zh-CN", EnglishLang: "en" }, CNKIWebAPI: { name: 'CNKIWeb', ChineseLang: "1", EnglishLang: "0" }, XunfeiAPI: { name: 'xunfei', ChineseLang: "cn", EnglishLang: "en", APPID: '535ee726',//讯飞翻译 appid 修改成自己的 详见https://console.xfyun.cn/services/its APISecret: 'xxx',//讯飞翻译 APISecret 修改成自己的 详见https://console.xfyun.cn/services/its APIKey: 'xxx'//讯飞翻译 APIKey 修改成自己的 详见https://console.xfyun.cn/services/its }, WPSKuaiyiWebAPI: { name: 'WPSKuaiyiWeb', ChineseLang: "zh", EnglishLang: "en" } } let TRANSMART_CLIENT_KEY = ''; let currentAPI = APIConst.MicrosoftAPI //默认微软 let isDoubleShow = true //是否双显 true/false let isHighlight = true //是否译文高亮 true/false let englishAutoTranslate = false //英文自动翻译 true/false let highlightColor = '#d8551f' //高亮颜色 let selectTolang = currentAPI.ChineseLang // 选词翻译目标语言 let selectMode = false //右键选词模式开关 true/false 默认关 let leftSelectMode = false //左键选词模式开关 true/false 默认关 let excludeSites = ['www.qq.com', 'yeyu####.xyz'] //排除不运行的网站 exclude web host let noTranslateWords = ['SpringBoot', 'ChatGPT', 'YouTube', 'Twitter'] //仅当单个词不会被翻译,是组合或句子时失效 let scrollTranslate = !!localStorage.getItem("scrollTranslate"); //是否滚动翻译 true/false let switchIndex = 0; let enableCache = true; //是否启用缓存 true/false 默认启用 let maxCacheCount = 1500; //最大缓存数量 function isMobile() { let userAgentInfo = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); let mobileAgents = ["Android", "iPhone", "SymbianOS", "Windows Phone", "iPad", "iPod","Mobile"]; let mobile_flag = false; //根据userAgent判断是否是手机 for (let v = 0; v < mobileAgents.length; v++) { if (userAgentInfo.indexOf(mobileAgents[v].toLowerCase()) > -1) { mobile_flag = true; break; } } return mobile_flag; } try { highlightColor = await GM_getValue("highlightColor", highlightColor) }catch (e) { } function getCookieValue(cookies, cookieName) { let name = cookieName + "="; let cookieArray = cookies.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) { let cookie = cookieArray[i]; while (cookie.charAt(0) === ' ') { cookie = cookie.substring(1); } if (cookie.indexOf(name) === 0) { return cookie.substring(name.length, cookie.length); } } return ""; } setTimeout(() => { if (location.href.includes('translate.yandex.com')) { GM_setValue("yandexuid", getCookieValue(document.cookie, "yandexuid")) GM_setValue("yandexspravka", getCookieValue(document.cookie, "spravka")) Toast.success("yandexuid 获取成功:" + getCookieValue(document.cookie, "yandexuid")) Toast.success("spravka 获取成功:" + getCookieValue(document.cookie, "spravka")) } if (location.href.includes('dict.cnki.net')) { GM_setValue("CNKI_TOKEN", getCookieValue(document.cookie, "token")) Toast.success("CNKI_TOKEN 获取成功:" + getCookieValue(document.cookie, "token")) } if (location.href.includes('kuaiyi.wps.cn')) { GM_setValue("wps_xcsrftoken", getCookieValue(document.cookie, "_xsrf")) Toast.success("wps_xcsrftoken 获取成功:" + getCookieValue(document.cookie, "_xsrf")) } }) function isEqual(obj1, obj2) { if (typeof obj1 !== 'object' || typeof obj2 !== 'object') { return obj1 === obj2; } const keys1 = Object.keys(obj1); const keys2 = Object.keys(obj2); if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) { return false; } for (let key of keys1) { if (!isEqual(obj1[key], obj2[key])) { return false; } } return true; } function addToArray(arr, obj, maxLength) { maxLength = maxLength || maxCacheCount; if (arr.length >= maxLength) { arr.shift(); } let flag = true; let start = 0; let end = arr.length - 1; if (start > end) flag = true;//fix 空直接添加 //O(length/2) while (start <= end) { if (isEqual(arr[start], obj) || isEqual(arr[end], obj)) { flag = true; break; } start++; end--; } //O(length) /*for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (isEqual(arr[i], obj)) { flag = false; break; } }*/ if (flag) { arr.push(obj); } return arr; } function combineArray(arr1, arr2) { /*for (let i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) { addToArray(arr1, arr2[i]) }*/ let start = 0; let end = arr2.length - 1; if (start > end) return arr1; while (start <= end) { if (start === end) { addToArray(arr1, arr2[start]) } else { addToArray(arr1, arr2[start]) addToArray(arr1, arr2[end]) } start++; end--; } return arr1; } function jsonToObject(jsonStr) { try { const obj = JSON.parse(jsonStr); return obj; } catch (error) { console.error('Invalid JSON string:', error); return []; } } function objectToJson(obj) { try { const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(obj); return jsonStr; } catch (error) { console.error('Error converting object to JSON:', error); return []; } } let cacheChanged = true; let tempCache; function readCache(key) { if (cacheChanged) { const value = localStorage.getItem(key); const ret = (value !== null ? jsonToObject(value) : []) tempCache = ret; return ret; } else { return tempCache || []; } } function storeCache(key, store_arr) { cacheChanged = true; const old_cache = readCache(key) const new_cache = combineArray(old_cache, store_arr) localStorage.setItem(key, objectToJson(new_cache)) } function translateFromCache(text, node, lang, key) { //异步 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!text) { //console.error("no text:", text) // return true; resolve("no text:") return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { // return true; resolve("do not TranslateWords") return } let shouldBreak = false; let rj = false;//reject try { const cache = readCache(key) //[{},{}...] if (cache) { //双指针找 >>> let start = 0; let end = cache.length - 1; while (start <= end) { if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { //en to zh if (cache[start].english === text || cache[end].english === text) { setTimeout(() => { renderPage({cacheR###lt: cache[start].english === text ? cache[start].chinese : cache[end].chinese}, text, node, lang) }) console.warn("en to zh cache: ", text) shouldBreak = true; break; //return true; } } else if (lang === currentAPI.EnglishLang) { //zh to en if (cache[start].chinese === text || cache[end].chinese === text) { console.warn("zh to en cache: ", text) setTimeout(() => { renderPage({cacheR###lt: cache[start].chinese === text ? cache[start].english : cache[end].english}, text, node, lang) }) shouldBreak = true; break; //return true; } } else { //return false; shouldBreak = true; rj = true; break; } start++; end--; } //双指针 <<<< } } catch (e) { console.error("translateFromCache ex", e) //return false; reject("translateFromCache ex") return; } if (shouldBreak) { if (rj) { //中断被拒绝 reject('语言异常') } else { //中断未被拒绝 resolve('成功缓存') } } else { //不中断 reject('无缓存') } // return false; }) } function addToastCss() { try { GM_addStyle(GM_getResourceText("toastCss")) } catch (e) { } } addToastCss() function changeSelectLang() { if (selectTolang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { selectTolang = currentAPI.EnglishLang; console.log('当前目标语言为外语') Toast.success('当前目标语言为外语') GM_setValue("selectTolang","EnglishLang") } else { selectTolang = currentAPI.ChineseLang; console.log('当前目标语言为中文') Toast.success('当前目标语言为中文') GM_setValue("selectTolang","ChineseLang") } } function autoTranslateSwitch() { if (englishAutoTranslate) { englishAutoTranslate = false; GM_setValue("englishAutoTranslate", false) Toast.error('外语自动翻译已关闭! 请重新刷新页面.') } else { englishAutoTranslate = true; GM_setValue("englishAutoTranslate", true) Toast.success('外语自动翻译已打开! 请重新刷新页面.') } } function rightSelectMode() { if (selectMode) { console.log('鼠标右击选词翻译已经关闭', selectMode) selectMode = false; //移除事件 document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMousemove); document.removeEventListener('mouseout', handleMouseout); document.removeEventListener('contextmenu', handleContextmenu);//右击事件 Toast.success('鼠标右击选词翻译已经关闭') } else { console.log('鼠标右击选词翻译已经开启', selectMode) selectMode = true; //增加事件 document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleMousemove); document.addEventListener('mouseout', handleMouseout); document.addEventListener('contextmenu', handleContextmenu);//右击事件 Toast.success('鼠标右击选词翻译已经开启') } } //是否支持多语种的引擎 function isSupportMultiLang(){ return currentAPI.name === APIConst.TransmartWeb || currentAPI.name === APIConst.Microsoft || currentAPI.name === APIConst.Google || currentAPI.name === APIConst.BaiduMobileWeb || currentAPI.name === APIConst.AlibabaWeb } function colorSelectAndSettings(event) { $("body").append(`<div class="MyColorSelector" style="z-index: 9999 !important;padding:16px;position: fixed;border-radius: 4px;border: 1px salmon solid;top: 10%;bottom: 10%;left: 50%;transform: translateX(-50%);background: white;box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 2px 2px 5px;overflow-y: scroll;" id="MyColorSelector"> <div> <label for="redRange">红/Red:</label> <input type="range" id="redRange" min="0" max="255" value="0" onchange="document.getElementById('redval').innerHTML = value"> <span style="color: red" id="redval">0</span> </div> <div> <label for="greenRange">绿/Green:</label> <input type="range" id="greenRange" min="0" max="255" value="0" onchange="document.getElementById('greenval').innerHTML = value"> <span style="color: green" id="greenval">0</span> </div> <div> <label for="blueRange">蓝/Blue:</label> <input type="range" id="blueRange" min="0" max="255" value="0" onchange="document.getElementById('blueval').innerHTML = value"> <span style="color: blue" id="blueval">0</span> </div> <div> <div style=" width: 50px; height: 50px; margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-left: 20px" id="colorDisplay"></div> <div style="font-size: 30px;" id="colorPreview">文字预览</div> </div> <button style="cursor: pointer;color: white;border: 6px;outline: none;background: #4caf50;padding: 8px 0;border-radius: 6px;font-size: 14px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 6px;width: 70px;" id="selectColorBtn">确定</button> <button style="cursor: pointer;color: white;border: 6px;outline: none;background: #4caf50;padding: 8px 0;border-radius: 6px;font-size: 14px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 6px;width: 70px;" id="scrollBtn">滚动</button> <button style="cursor: pointer;color: white;border: 6px;outline: none;background: #4caf50;padding: 8px 0;border-radius: 6px;font-size: 14px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 6px;width: 70px;" id="selectColorCancelBtn">退出</button> <div><span style="margin-top: 10px">温馨提示:在输入框时,连续按三下空格键即可翻译输入框的内容.</span></div> <div><span>翻译引擎:</span> <select id="selectAPI"> <option value="999">微软[推荐]</option> <option value="0">百度[需key]</option> <option value="1">谷歌[推荐]</option> <option value="2">搜狗</option> <option value="3">词霸</option> <option value="4">沪江小D</option> <option value="5">有道[需key]</option> <option value="6">彩云</option> <option value="7">腾讯交互[推荐]</option> <option value="8">Alibaba</option> <option value="9">Papago</option> <option value="10">有道手机[推荐]</option> <option value="11">worldlinGO</option> <option value="12">DeepL[限制]</option> <option value="13">百度手机</option> <option value="14">易翻通</option> <option value="15">Yandex</option> <option value="16">福昕</option> <option value="17">CNKI</option> <option value="18">讯飞[需key]</option> <option style="display: none" value="19">金山快译</option> </select> <button style="cursor: pointer;color: white;border: 6px;outline: none;background: #4caf50;padding: 8px 0;border-radius: 6px;font-size: 14px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 6px;width: 70px;" id="selectAPIBtn">选择</button> </div> <div><span style="margin-top: 10px">注意:外语目前仅适用部分引擎,语言代码可能会存在差异,其他默认英语.</span></div> <div><span>外语语言:</span> <select id="selectForeign"> <option value="en">英语(en)</option> <option value="ja">日语(ja)</option> <option value="ko">韩语(ko)</option> <option value="ru">俄语(ru)</option> <option value="de">徳语(de)</option> <option value="fr">法语(fr)</option> <option value="th">泰语(th)</option> <option value="hi">印地(hi)</option> <option value="it">意大利(it)</option> <option value="pt">葡萄牙(pt)</option> <option value="ar">阿拉伯(ar)</option> <option value="vi">越南语(vi)</option> <option value="tr">土耳其(tr)</option> <option value="id">印#(id)</option> <option value="zh">中文(zh)</option> <option value="zh-Hans">中文(zh-Hans)</option> <option value="zh-CN">中文(zh-CN)</option> <option value="zh_cn">中文(zh_cn)</option> <option value="zh-CHS">中文(zh-CHS)</option> <option value="cn">中文(cn)</option> <option value="zh-TW">中文繁体(zh-TW)</option> </select> <button style="cursor: pointer;color: white;border: 6px;outline: none;background: #4caf50;padding: 8px 0;border-radius: 6px;font-size: 14px;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 6px;width: 70px;" id="selectForeignBtn">选择</button> </div> </div> `); const MyColorSelector = document.getElementById("MyColorSelector"); const redRange = document.getElementById("redRange"); const greenRange = document.getElementById("greenRange"); const blueRange = document.getElementById("blueRange"); const colorDisplay = document.getElementById("colorDisplay"); const colorPreview = document.getElementById("colorPreview"); const selectColorBtn = document.getElementById("selectColorBtn"); const selectColorCancelBtn = document.getElementById("selectColorCancelBtn"); const selectAPIBtn = document.getElementById("selectAPIBtn"); const scrollBtn = document.getElementById("scrollBtn"); const selectForeignBtn = document.getElementById("selectForeignBtn"); // 更新颜色显示区域的颜色 function updateColorDisplay() { const redValue = redRange.value; const greenValue = greenRange.value; const blueValue = blueRange.value; const selectedColor = `rgb(${redValue},${greenValue},${blueValue})`; colorDisplay.style.backgroundColor = selectedColor; colorPreview.style.color = selectedColor } // 添加滑块的 input 事件处理程序 redRange.addEventListener("input", updateColorDisplay); greenRange.addEventListener("input", updateColorDisplay); blueRange.addEventListener("input", updateColorDisplay); selectColorBtn.addEventListener("click", (ev)=>{ const redValue = redRange.value; const greenValue = greenRange.value; const blueValue = blueRange.value; const selectedColor = `rgb(${redValue},${greenValue},${blueValue})`; GM_setValue("highlightColor", selectedColor) Toast.success("请重新刷新页面生效!") MyColorSelector.remove() }); selectColorCancelBtn.addEventListener("click", (ev)=>{ MyColorSelector.remove() }); //本站滚动 scrollBtn.addEventListener("click", (ev)=>{ if(scrollTranslate){ localStorage.removeItem("scrollTranslate") scrollTranslate = false Toast.error("本站滚动翻译已关!") window.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); }else { localStorage.setItem("scrollTranslate", "open") scrollTranslate = true Toast.info("本站滚动翻译已开,如需要切换语言请点侧边的语言按钮!") window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); } }) //选择引擎 selectAPIBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { const selectEl = document.getElementById('selectAPI'); const selectedValue = selectEl.options[selectEl.selectedIndex].value; switchIndex = selectedValue switchAPI(true) MyColorSelector.remove() //退出 }); //选择外语语种 selectForeignBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { const selectEl = document.getElementById('selectForeign'); const selectedValue = selectEl.options[selectEl.selectedIndex].value; if(isSupportMultiLang()){ Reflect.set(currentAPI,"EnglishLang",selectedValue) Toast.success("设置成功!" + selectedValue) localStorage.removeItem(`${currentAPI.name}wordCache`)//清空缓存 GM_setValue("selectForeignLang", selectedValue) MyColorSelector.remove() //退出 }else{ Toast.error("暂时仅支持腾讯交互,谷歌,微软, 手机有道,阿里翻译。请切换引擎后设置") } }); // 初始化颜色显示 updateColorDisplay(); //加载预览色 colorDisplay.style.backgroundColor = highlightColor; colorPreview.style.color = highlightColor //提示当前引擎 try { Toast.info(`当前API:${currentAPI.name}`) } catch (e) {} } //注册菜单 setTimeout(() => { GM_registerMenuCommand("更新脚本", function (event) { if(isMobile()){ location.href = "https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/469073" }else { GM_openInTab("https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/469073") } }, "updateTranslateJS"); GM_registerMenuCommand("颜色/设置", colorSelectAndSettings, "HeightLightColor"); GM_registerMenuCommand("排除/放行该站", function (event) { if (excludeSites.includes(location.host)) { console.log('网站已经存在,现已经放行') excludeSites = excludeSites.filter(function (element) { return element !== location.host; // 返回不等于要删除元素的元素 }); console.log(excludeSites); Toast.success('网站已经存在,现已经放行') } else { console.log('网站不存在, 现已经排除') excludeSites.push(location.host) Toast.success('网站不存在, 现已经排除') } GM_setValue("excludeSites", JSON.stringify(excludeSites)) console.log(excludeSites) }, "excludeWeb"); // GM_registerMenuCommand("鼠标右击选词开关", rightSelectMode, "selectMode"); }) //载入配置 async function loadConfig() { //载入腾讯 setTimeout(()=>{ if(location.host.includes("transmart.qq.com")){ GM_setValue("TRANSMART_CLIENT_KEY", unsafeWindow.TRANSMART_CLIENT_KEY) Toast.info(`获取权信息${unsafeWindow.TRANSMART_CLIENT_KEY},请返回重新:`) } },3000) TRANSMART_CLIENT_KEY = await GM_getValue("TRANSMART_CLIENT_KEY", `browser-chrome-122.0.6261-Windows_10-${uuidv4()}-${Date.now()}`) isDoubleShow = await GM_getValue("isDoubleShow", true) isHighlight = await GM_getValue("isHighlight", true) englishAutoTranslate = await GM_getValue("englishAutoTranslate", false) leftSelectMode = await GM_getValue("leftSelectMode", false) let selectlang = await GM_getValue("selectTolang", "ChineseLang") setTimeout(()=>{ if(leftSelectMode){ leftSelectMode = false; leftSelect(true) } if(selectlang === 'ChineseLang'){ selectTolang = currentAPI.ChineseLang }else{ selectTolang = currentAPI.EnglishLang } }) try { switchIndex = await GM_getValue("switchIndex", 0) - 1 console.warn("switchIndex", switchIndex) switchAPI(false) } catch (ex) { switchIndex = 0; console.error("switchIndex ex:", switchIndex, ex) } //载入外语语种 try { if(isSupportMultiLang()){ let selectForeignLang = await GM_getValue("selectForeignLang") if(selectForeignLang){ Reflect.set(currentAPI, "EnglishLang", selectForeignLang) } } console.warn("selectForeignLang load:", selectForeignLang) } catch (ex) { console.error("selectForeignLang load ex:", switchIndex, ex) } console.warn("isDoubleShow", isDoubleShow) console.warn("isHighlight", isHighlight) console.warn("englishAutoTranslate", englishAutoTranslate) const excludeSitesConfig = await GM_getValue("excludeSites") if (excludeSitesConfig) { try { excludeSites = JSON.parse(excludeSitesConfig) } catch (e) { console.error('json出错:', e, excludeSitesConfig) } } console.warn('excludeSites', excludeSites) //toastr配置 toastr.options = { // "closeButton": false, // "debug": false, // "newestOnTop": false, // "progressBar": false, "positionClass": "toast-top-right", // 提示框位置,这里填类名 // "preventDuplicates": false, // "onclick": null, "showDuration": "1000", // 提示框渐显所用时间 "hideDuration": "1000", // 提示框隐藏渐隐时间 "timeOut": "5000", // 提示框持续时间 "extendedTimeOut": "2000", "showEasing": "swing", "hideEasing": "linear", "showMethod": "fadeIn", "hideMethod": "fadeOut" } } try { await loadConfig() } catch (e) { console.error("load config error:", e) } function handleMouseout(event) { const target = event.target; 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isDoubleShow = false; translateTo(selectTolang, document.getElementById("qs_searchBoxOuter"), true) setTimeout(() => { isDoubleShow = old_isDoubleShow; }, 2000) console.log('鼠标松开了'); } function leftSelect(noToast) { if (leftSelectMode) { console.log('鼠标选词翻译已经关闭', leftSelectMode) leftSelectMode = false; document.removeEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUpOrTouchend); document.removeEventListener('touchcancel', handleMouseUpOrTouchend); if(!noToast){ Toast.success('选词翻译已经关闭') } } else { console.log('鼠标选词翻译已经开启', leftSelectMode) leftSelectMode = true; document.addEventListener('mouseup', handleMouseUpOrTouchend); document.addEventListener('touchcancel', handleMouseUpOrTouchend); if(!noToast) { Toast.success('选词翻译已经开启') } } GM_setValue("leftSelectMode",leftSelectMode) } function switchAPI(openWeb) { switchIndex++; try { switch (switchIndex) { case 1: currentAPI = APIConst.BaiduAPI Toast.success('已经切换百度翻译,未配置api需源码中修改秘钥.建议申请自己的秘钥,详见:https://fanyi-api.baidu.com/') break case 2: currentAPI = APIConst.GoogleAPI Toast.success('已经切换谷歌翻译') break case 3: currentAPI = APIConst.SogouWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换搜狗翻译') break case 4: currentAPI = APIConst.ICIBAWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换词霸翻译') break case 5: currentAPI = APIConst.HujiangWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换沪江翻译') if(openWeb){ try { GM_openInTab("https://dict.hjenglish.com/app/trans") }catch (e) { } } break case 6: currentAPI = APIConst.YoudaoAPI Toast.success('已经切换有道翻译,未配置api key 需要到源码中修改秘钥.建议申请自己的秘钥 进行修改,详见:https://ai.youdao.com/console/#/service-singleton/text-translation') break case 7: currentAPI = APIConst.CaiyunWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换彩云翻译') break case 8: currentAPI = APIConst.TransmartWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换腾讯交互式翻译.需鉴权') if(openWeb){ try { GM_openInTab("https://transmart.qq.com/") }catch (e) { location.href = 'https://transmart.qq.com/' } } break case 9: currentAPI = APIConst.AlibabaWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换阿里翻译') break case 10: currentAPI = APIConst.PapagoWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换Papago翻译') break case 11: currentAPI = APIConst.YoudaoMobileWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换有道手机翻译') break case 12: currentAPI = APIConst.WorldlingoAPI Toast.success('已经切换WorldlinGo翻译') break case 13: currentAPI = APIConst.DeepLWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换DeepL Web翻译(有ip次数限制)') break case 14: currentAPI = APIConst.BaiduMobileWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换百度翻译手机版 web') break case 15: currentAPI = APIConst.FlittoWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换易翻通 web') break case 16: currentAPI = APIConst.YandexWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换Yandex web https://translate.yandex.com/') if(openWeb){ try { GM_openInTab("https://translate.yandex.com/") }catch (e) { } } break case 17: currentAPI = APIConst.FuxiWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换福昕翻译 web') break case 18: currentAPI = APIConst.CNKIWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换CNKI web .频繁不出结果需要到官网刷新验证码.https://dict.cnki.net/index') if(openWeb){ try { GM_openInTab("https://dict.cnki.net/index") }catch (e) { } } break case 19: currentAPI = APIConst.XunfeiAPI Toast.success('已经切换讯飞API版, 未配置api key 需要到源码中修改秘钥.申请key详见https://console.xfyun.cn/services/its') break case 20: currentAPI = APIConst.WPSKuaiyiWebAPI Toast.success('已经切换金山快译 需要到https://kuaiyi.wps.cn获取token') if(openWeb){ try { GM_openInTab("https://kuaiyi.wps.cn") }catch (e) { } } break default: currentAPI = APIConst.MicrosoftAPI Toast.success('已经切换微软翻译') switchIndex = 0 } } catch (e) { } selectTolang = currentAPI.ChineseLang //重置 //持久化 GM_setValue("switchIndex", switchIndex) } //toastr 封装 ----start---- const Toast = { warn: function (msg, title, options) { try { toastr.warning(msg, title, options) } catch (e) { } }, info: function (msg, title, options) { try { toastr.info(msg, title, options) } catch (e) { } }, success: function (msg, title, options) { try { toastr.success(msg, title, options) } catch (e) { } }, error: function (msg, title, options) { try { toastr.error(msg, title, options) } catch (e) { } }, }; 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justify-content: center "> <a id="doubleShow" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>双显</span> </a> <a id="highlightTranslateText" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>高亮</span> </a> </li> <li style="display: flex; justify-content: center "> <a id="autoTranslateSwitch" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>自动</span> </a> <a id="changeSelectLang" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>语言</span> </a> </li> <li style="display: flex; justify-content: center "> <a id="rightSelectMode" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>右击</span> </a> <a id="updateScript" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>更新</span> </a> </li> <li style="display: flex; justify-content: center "> <a id="leftSelectMode" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>选词</span> </a> <a id="switchAPI" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>引擎</span> </a> </li> <li> <a id="sourceText" href="javascript:void(0)"> <span>原文</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div>`)) //add functions function hasChinese(sentence) { if (!sentence) return false; const pattern = /[\u4E00-\u9FA5]/; return pattern.test(sentence); } function hasEnglish(sentence) { if (!sentence) return false; const pattern = /[a-zA-Z]/; return pattern.test(sentence); } function isAllChinese(str) { if (!str) return false; const reg = /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/; return reg.test(str); } //还原网页 function clearSpan(lang) { document.querySelectorAll(".translate-span").forEach(item => { if (!isDoubleShow) { if (!item.className.includes(`lang-${lang}`)) { item.remove() } } else { item.remove() } }) document.querySelectorAll(".translate-src").forEach(item => { if (!isDoubleShow) { if (!item.className.includes(`lang-${lang}`)) { const textNode = document.createTextNode(item.textContent); item.replaceWith(textNode) } } else { const textNode = document.createTextNode(item.textContent); item.replaceWith(textNode) } }) } //渲染页面 function renderPage(res, text, node, lang) { if (!res) return; try { let yiwen; if (res && res.cacheR###lt) { //缓存 yiwen = res.cacheR###lt } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Baidu) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).trans_r###lt[0].dst; } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Microsoft) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText)[0].translations[0].text; } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Google) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText)[0][0][0]; } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.SogouWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).data.translate.dit } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.ICIBAWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(decodeICIBA(JSON.parse(res.responseText).content)).out } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.HujiangWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).data.content; } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Youdao) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).translation[0] } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.CaiyunWeb) { yiwen = decodeCaiyun(JSON.parse(res.responseText).target) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.TransmartWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).auto_translation[0] } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.AlibabaWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).data.translateText } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.PapagoWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).translatedText } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.YoudaoMobileWeb) { let doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = res.responseText; yiwen = doc.querySelector("#translateR###lt li").innerText.trim(); //debugger } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Worldlingo) { yiwen = res.responseText; } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.DeepLWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).r###lt.translations[0].beams[0].sentences[0].text } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.BaiduMobileWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).trans[0].dst } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.FlittoWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText)[0].tr_content } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.YandexWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).text[0] }else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.FuxiWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).r###lt }else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.CNKIWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).data.mR###lt.replace(/\(.*?ad\.html\)/g, '').trim() }else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Xunfei) { yiwen = JSON.parse(decodeBase64toString(JSON.parse(res.responseText).payload.r###lt.text)).trans_r###lt.dst }else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.WPSKuaiyiWeb) { yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText).data.trans_r###lt[0].tgt_para; } else { //default yiwen = JSON.parse(res.responseText)[0].translations[0].text; } if (yiwen === text) return //连击翻译及特殊处理 if(/(input|textarea)/i.test(node.nodeName)){ if (node.getAttribute("triple")){ if(node.value){ node.value = yiwen //三击 } }else if(node.hasAttribute('placeholder')){ //提示词 node.setAttribute('placeholder', yiwen); } return } /*node.innerText = text + "=>" + yiwen*/ const outersp = document.createElement("span") outersp.innerHTML = text + " " //src text const sp = document.createElement("span") sp.setAttribute("class", isDoubleShow && isHighlight ? `translate-span light-color lang-${lang}` : `translate-span lang-${lang}`) sp.innerHTML = yiwen if (!isDoubleShow) { //单 const srcSpan = document.createElement("span") srcSpan.setAttribute("class", `translate-src hide lang-${lang}`) srcSpan.innerHTML = text //src text outersp.innerHTML = '' // clear src text outersp.append(srcSpan) outersp.append(sp) } else { //双 outersp.append(sp) } node.replaceWith(outersp); if (enableCache && res && !res.cacheR###lt && yiwen && text) { //缓存数据 if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { //en to zh const arr = [{english: text, chinese: yiwen}] storeCache(`${currentAPI.name}wordCache`, arr) } else if (lang === currentAPI.EnglishLang) { //zh to en const arr = [{english: yiwen, chinese: text}] storeCache(`${currentAPI.name}wordCache`, arr) } } } catch (ex) { console.error(" 未知错误!", ex, node) } } //微软翻译 function translateMicrosoft(text, node, lang) { if (!authCode || !text) { console.error("no authCode or text:", authCode, text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://api-edge.cognitive.microsofttranslator.com/translate?from=&to=${lang}&api-version=3.0&includeSentenceLength=true`, headers: { "authorization": `Bearer ${authCode}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, data: JSON.stringify([{"Text": text}]), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //百度api翻译 function translateBaiduApi(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } const salt = `${Date.now()}`; const sign = CryptoJS.MD5(`${APIConst.BaiduAPI.appid}${text}${salt}${APIConst.BaiduAPI.secret}`).toString(); const params = new URLSearchParams(); let sendData = { q: text, from: "auto", to: lang, appid: `${APIConst.BaiduAPI.appid}`, salt: `${salt}`, sign: sign } for (const key in sendData) { params.append(key, sendData[key]); } const encodedData = params.toString(); GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://fanyi-api.baidu.com/api/trans/vip/translate`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, data: encodedData, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //有道api翻译 function truncate(q) { const len = q.length; if (len <= 20) return q; return q.substring(0, 10) + len + q.substring(len - 10, len); } function translatYoudaoAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } const appId = APIConst.YoudaoAPI.appId; const appkey = APIConst.YoudaoAPI.appKey; ; const salt = (new Date).getTime(); const curtime = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000); const query = text; const sign = CryptoJS.SHA256(appId + truncate(query) + salt + curtime + appkey).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex); const params = new URLSearchParams(); let sendData = { q: query, appKey: appId, salt: salt, from: from, to: lang, sign: sign, signType: "v3", curtime: curtime, } for (const key in sendData) { params.append(key, sendData[key]); } const encodedData = params.toString(); console.log(encodedData) GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://openapi.youdao.com/api`, headers: { "accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*;", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", }, data: encodedData, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //Google翻译 function translateGoogle(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: `https://translate.googleapis.com/translate_a/single?client=gtx&dt=t&sl=${from}&tl=${lang}&q=${encodeURIComponent(text)}`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //搜狗web function isMobile() { let userAgentInfo = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); let mobileAgents = ["Android", "iPhone", "SymbianOS", "Windows Phone", "iPad", "iPod", "Mobile"]; let mobile_flag = false; //根据userAgent判断是否是手机 for (let v = 0; v < mobileAgents.length; v++) { if (userAgentInfo.indexOf(mobileAgents[v].toLowerCase()) > -1) { mobile_flag = true; break; } } return mobile_flag; } function uuidv4() { let t, n, r = ""; for (t = 0; t < 32; t++) { n = 16 * Math.random() | 0, 8 !== t && 12 !== t && 16 !== t && 20 !== t || (r += "-"); const e = 3 & n , o = 16 === t ? 8 | e : n; r += (12 === t ? 4 : o).toString(16) } return r } function translateSogouWeb(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Origin": "https://fanyi.sogou.com", "Referer": `https://fanyi.sogou.com/text?keyword=${encodeURIComponent(text)}&transfrom=en&transto=zh-CHS&model=general`, "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", } let sign = CryptoJS.MD5("".concat(from).concat(lang).concat(text).concat(secretCode)).toString(); GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://fanyi.sogou.com/api/trans${isMobile() ? "wap" : "pc"}/text/r###lt`, headers: header, data: JSON.stringify({ "from": from, "to": lang, "text": text, "client": isMobile() ? "wap" : "pc", "fr": isMobile() ? "browser_wap" : "browser_pc", "needQc": 1, "s": sign, "uuid": sogou_uuid || uuidv4(), "exchange": false }), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } function translateICIBAWeb(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": `https://www.iciba.com/translate`, "origin": "https://ifanyi.iciba.com" } const v = "6key_web_new_fanyi".concat("6dVjYLFyzfkFkk").concat(text.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "")) let sign = CryptoJS.MD5(v).toString().substring(0, 16); sign = AES_ECB.encrypt(sign,"L4fBtD5fLC9FQw22") //debugger GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://ifanyi.iciba.com/index.php?c=trans&m=fy&client=6&auth_user=key_web_new_fanyi&sign=${sign}`, headers: header, data: `from=${from}&to=${lang}&q=${encodeURIComponent(text)}`, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //彩云翻译 function toBase64(e) { const t = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" , i = "NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm" , a = n => t.indexOf(n) , o = n => a(n) > -1 ? i[a(n)] : n; return e.split("").map(o).join("") } function decodeCaiyun(target) { if (!target) return const t = toBase64(target); // 将 base64 编码的字符串转换为字节数组 const bytes = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(t); // 将字节数组转换为 UTF-8 字符串 return bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); } function translatCaiyunWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } if (!caiyun_JWT || !caiyun_Token) { console.error("no caiyun_JWT or caiyun_Token:", caiyun_JWT, caiyun_Token) return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { "Referer": `https://fanyi.caiyunapp.com/`, "origin": "https://fanyi.caiyunapp.com", "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "app-name": "xiaoyi", "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "device-id": caiyun_deviceID, "os-type": "web", "os-version": "", "t-authorization": caiyun_JWT, "x-authorization": caiyun_Token } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://api.interpreter.caiyunai.com/v1/translator`, headers: header, data: JSON.stringify({ "source": text, "trans_type": `${from}2${lang}`, "request_id": "web_fanyi", "media": "text", "os_type": "web", "dict": true, "cached": true, "replaced": true, "style": "formal", "browser_id": caiyun_deviceID }), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //获取chrome版本 function getChromeVersion() { const userAgent = navigator.userAgent; const match = userAgent.match(/Chrome\/([\d.]+)/); if (match && match[1]) { return match[1]; // 返回版本号,例如 "93.0.4577.63" } else { return '122.0.6261.95'; // 如果不是Chrome浏览器或者无法解析版本号,则返回null } } //腾讯交互翻译 function translatTransmartWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let header = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Host': 'transmart.qq.com', 'Origin': 'https://transmart.qq.com', 'Referer': 'https://transmart.qq.com/' } //TODO GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://transmart.qq.com/api/imt`, headers: header, data: JSON.stringify({ "header": { "fn": "auto_translation", "session": "", "client_key": TRANSMART_CLIENT_KEY ? TRANSMART_CLIENT_KEY: `browser-chrome-${getChromeVersion()}-Windows_10-${uuidv4()}-${Date.now()}`, "user": "" }, "type": "plain", "model_category": "normal", "text_domain": "general", "source": { "lang": "auto", "text_list": [text] }, "target": { "lang": lang } }), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //deepL web //let deepl_id = 1e4 * Math.round(1e4 * Math.random()) function translatDeepLWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Origin': 'https://www.deepl.com', 'Referer': 'https://www.deepl.com/' } let r = Date.now(); let n = 1; n += ((text || "").match(/[i]/g) || []).length let deepl_id = 1e4 * Math.round(1e4 * Math.random()) GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://www2.deepl.com/jsonrpc?method=LMT_handle_jobs`, headers: header, anonymous: true, nocache: true, data: JSON.stringify({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "LMT_handle_jobs", "params": { "jobs": [ { "kind": "default", "sentences": [ { "text": text, "id": 0, "prefix": "" } ], "raw_en_context_before": [], "raw_en_context_after": [], "preferred_num_beams": 4, "quality": "fast" } ], "lang": { "preference": { "weight": { "DE": 0.18427, "EN": from === currentAPI.EnglishLang ? 9.93878 : 5.90582, "ES": 0.13236, "FR": 0.16311, "IT": 0.11621, "JA": 0.17963, "NL": 0.1865, "PL": 0.11549, "PT": 0.10159, "RU": 0.10577, "ZH": from === currentAPI.ChineseLang ? 9.93878 : 5.90582, "BG": 0.07468, "CS": 0.09005, "DA": 0.08567, "EL": 0.07069, "ET": 0.0836, "FI": 0.09628, "HU": 0.08731, "LT": 0.07119, "LV": 0.06866, "RO": 0.07842, "SK": 0.07497, "SL": 0.08492, "SV": 0.10275, "TR": 0.07728, "ID": 0.09161, "UK": 0.08573, "KO": 0.04671, "NB": 0.05511 }, "default": "default" }, "source_lang_user_selected": from, "target_lang": lang }, "priority": -1, "commonJobParams": { "mode": "translate", "browserType": 1 }, "timestamp": r + (n - r % n) }, "id": deepl_id }).replace('hod":"', (deepl_id + 3) % 13 == 0 || (deepl_id + 5) % 29 == 0 ? 'hod" : "' : 'hod": "'), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } function uuid_papago() { let a = (new Date).getTime(); const id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function (e) { const t = (a + 16 * Math.random()) % 16 | 0; return a = Math.floor(a / 16), ("x" === e ? t : 3 & t | 8).toString(16) }) return id; } //PapaGO let papaId; function translatPapagoWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } papaId = papaId || uuid_papago(); const time = (new Date).getTime() - 1073; let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { 'Origin': 'https://papago.naver.com', 'Referer': 'https://papago.naver.com/', "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": 'PPG ' + papaId + ':' + CryptoJS.HmacMD5(papaId + '\nhttps://papago.naver.com/apis/nsmt/translate\n' + time, "v1.8.0_33f494c37e").toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64), "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "Device-Type": "pc", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin", "Timestamp": `${time}`, "X-Apigw-Partnerid": "papago" } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://papago.naver.com/apis/nsmt/translate`, headers: header, data: `deviceId=${papaId}&locale=zh-CN&dict=true&dictDisplay=30&honorific=false&instant=false&paging=false&source=${from}&target=${lang}&text=${encodeURIComponent(text)}`, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //有道手机版web function translatYoudaoMobileWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { 'Origin': 'https://m.youdao.com', 'Referer': 'https://m.youdao.com/translate/', "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://m.youdao.com/translate`, headers: header, data: `inputtext=${encodeURIComponent(text)}&type=${from}2${lang}`, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //百度手机版 web let baidu_gtk; //windows.gtk let baidu_token; // token function getBaiduSign(t, r) { var o, i = t.match(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g); if (null === i) { var a = t.length; a > 30 && (t = "".concat(t.substr(0, 10)).concat(t.substr(Math.floor(a / 2) - 5, 10)).concat(t.substr(-10, 10))) } else { for (var s = t.split(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/), c = 0, u = s.length, l = []; c < u; c++) "" !== s[c] && l.push.apply(l, function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return e(t) }(o = s[c].split("")) || function (t) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != t[Symbol.iterator] || null != t["@@iterator"]) return Array.from(t) }(o) || function (t, n) { if (t) { if ("string" == typeof t) return e(t, n); var r = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1); return "Object" === r && t.constructor && (r = t.constructor.name), "Map" === r || "Set" === r ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r) ? e(t, n) : void 0 } }(o) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }()), c !== u - 1 && l.push(i[c]); var p = l.length; p > 30 && (t = l.slice(0, 10).join("") + l.slice(Math.floor(p / 2) - 5, Math.floor(p / 2) + 5).join("") + l.slice(-10).join("")) } //debugger for (var d = "".concat(String.fromCharCode(103)).concat(String.fromCharCode(116)).concat(String.fromCharCode(107)), h = (null !== r ? r : (r = window[d] || "") || "").split("."), f = Number(h[0]) || 0, m = Number(h[1]) || 0, g = [], y = 0, v = 0; v < t.length; v++) { var _ = t.charCodeAt(v); _ < 128 ? g[y++] = _ : (_ < 2048 ? g[y++] = _ >> 6 | 192 : (55296 == (64512 & _) && v + 1 < t.length && 56320 == (64512 & t.charCodeAt(v + 1)) ? (_ = 65536 + ((1023 & _) << 10) + (1023 & t.charCodeAt(++v)), g[y++] = _ >> 18 | 240, g[y++] = _ >> 12 & 63 | 128) : g[y++] = _ >> 12 | 224, g[y++] = _ >> 6 & 63 | 128), g[y++] = 63 & _ | 128) } for (var b = f, w = "".concat(String.fromCharCode(43)).concat(String.fromCharCode(45)).concat(String.fromCharCode(97)) + "".concat(String.fromCharCode(94)).concat(String.fromCharCode(43)).concat(String.fromCharCode(54)), k = "".concat(String.fromCharCode(43)).concat(String.fromCharCode(45)).concat(String.fromCharCode(51)) + "".concat(String.fromCharCode(94)).concat(String.fromCharCode(43)).concat(String.fromCharCode(98)) + "".concat(String.fromCharCode(43)).concat(String.fromCharCode(45)).concat(String.fromCharCode(102)), x = 0; x < g.length; x++) b = n_baidu(b += g[x], w); return b = n_baidu(b, k), (b ^= m) < 0 && (b = 2147483648 + (2147483647 & b)), "".concat((b %= 1e6).toString(), ".").concat(b ^ f) } function n_baidu(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length - 2; n += 3) { var r = e.charAt(n + 2); r = "a" <= r ? r.charCodeAt(0) - 87 : Number(r), r = "+" === e.charAt(n + 1) ? t >>> r : t << r, t = "+" === e.charAt(n) ? t + r & 4294967295 : t ^ r } return t } function translatBaiduMobileWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { "accept": "*/*", "accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9", "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "user-agent": "MQQBrowser/26 Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.7; zh-cn; MB200 Build/GRJ22; CyanogenMod-7) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1", "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest", "origin": "https://fanyi.baidu.com", "Referer": "https://fanyi.baidu.com/" } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://fanyi.baidu.com/basetrans`, headers: header, data: `query=${encodeURIComponent(text)}&from=${from}&to=${lang}&token=${baidu_token}&sign=${getBaiduSign(text, baidu_gtk)}`, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //易翻通 function Qe() { return window.crypto || window.msCrypto } var Xe = function () { function e() { this.buffer = new Uint8Array(8), Qe().getRandomValues(this.buffer), this.buffer[0] = 127 & this.buffer[0] } return e.prototype.toString = function (e) { var t = this.readInt32(0) , n = this.readInt32(4) , r = ""; do { var a = t % e * 4294967296 + n; t = Math.floor(t / e), n = Math.floor(a / e), r = (a % e).toString(e) + r } while (t || n); return r } , e.prototype.toDecimalString = function () { return this.toString(10) } , e.prototype.toPaddedHexadecimalString = function () { var e = this.toString(16); return Array(17 - e.length).join("0") + e } , e.prototype.readInt32 = function (e) { return 16777216 * this.buffer[e] + (this.buffer[e + 1] << 16) + (this.buffer[e + 2] << 8) + this.buffer[e + 3] } , e }(); function translatFlittoWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let traceId = new Xe let spanId = new Xe const traceparent = "00-0000000000000000".concat(traceId.toPaddedHexadecimalString(), "-") .concat(spanId.toPaddedHexadecimalString(), "-0").concat(true ? "1" : "0") let header = { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9", "content-type": "application/json", "traceparent": traceparent, "origin": "https://www.flitto.com.cn", "Referer": "https://www.flitto.com.cn/language/translation/text" } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://www.flitto.com.cn/api/1.2/tr/recommends/text`, headers: header, data: JSON.stringify({ "src_lang_id": from, "dst_lang_id": lang, "content": text, "size": text.length }), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } // Yandex Web let yandex_reqid; let yandex_uid; let yandex_spravka; let yandex_index = 0; async function translatYandexWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } if (!yandex_reqid) { console.error("no yandex_reqid", yandex_reqid) return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { "accept": "*/*", "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "x-retpath-y": "https://translate.yandex.com", "origin": "https://translate.yandex.com", "Referer": "https://translate.yandex.com/", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "cross-site" } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", anonymous: true, url: `https://translate.yandex.net/api/v1/tr.json/translate?id=${yandex_reqid}-${yandex_index++}-0&srv=tr-text&source_lang=${from}&target_lang=${lang}&reason=type-end&format=text&ajax=1&yu=${yandex_uid}${yandex_spravka ? '&spravka=' + yandex_spravka : ''}`, headers: header, data: `text=${encodeURIComponent(text)}&options=4`, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //福昕翻译 async function translatFuxiWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { "accept": "*/*", "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "origin": "https://fanyi.pdf365.cn", "Referer": "https://fanyi.pdf365.cn/free", "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest" } let time = Date.parse(new Date); GM_fetch({ method: "POST", anonymous: true, url: `https://fanyi.pdf365.cn/api/wordTranslateR###lt`, headers: header, data: `plateform=web&orginL=${from}&targetL=${lang}&text=${encodeURIComponent(text)}×tamp=${time}&sign=${CryptoJS.MD5(time + "FOXIT_YEE_TRANSLATE").toString()}&userId=`, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //Worldlingo function translatWorldlingoAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: `https://www.worldlingo.com/Sg0NoecXVVBsQeWBZ7hb_1rhKD4jEN2ElsZbrxpDzkcM-/texttranslate?wl_srcenc=utf-8&wl_tp=&wl_srclang=${from}&wl_trglang=${lang}&wl_text=${encodeURIComponent(text)}`, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //CNKI function encryptCNKI(txt) { return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(txt), CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse("4e87183cfd3a45fe"), { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 }).toString().replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/\+/g, "-") } let CNKI_TOKEN; function translatCNKIWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (!CNKI_TOKEN) { console.error("no CNKI_TOKEN:", CNKI_TOKEN) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://dict.cnki.net/fyzs-front-api/translate/literaltranslation`, headers: { "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "cache-control": "no-cache", "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "token": CNKI_TOKEN, "Origin":"https://dict.cnki.net", "Referer":"https://dict.cnki.net/index" }, data: JSON.stringify({ "words": encryptCNKI(text), "translateType": lang }), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //#词霸 const AES_ECB = { encrypt: function(e, t) { return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(e), CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(t), { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 }).toString() }, decrypt: function(e, t) { return CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(e, CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(t), { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 }).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8) } }; function decodeICIBA(content) { return AES_ECB.decrypt(content,"aahc3TfyfCEmER33") } //讯飞 function getRfc1123Date(){ const date = new Date(); const options = { weekday: 'short', day: '2-digit', month: 'short', year: 'numeric', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit', timeZone: 'GMT', hour12: false, timeZoneName: 'short' }; const rfc1123Date = date.toLocaleString('en-US', options); //console.log(rfc1123Date);//Sun, Jul 09, 2023, 12:08:48 PM UTC let parts = rfc1123Date.split(",") let subparts = parts[1].split(" ") const ret = `${parts[0]}, ${subparts[2]} ${subparts[1]}${parts[2]}${parts[3].replace("UTC","GMT")}`; console.log(ret)//Mon, 30 Nov 2020 02:34:33 GMT return ret; } function hmacSha256(text,secretKey) { return CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(text, secretKey); } function base64WordArray(WordArray) { //var words = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(text); // WordArray object return CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(WordArray); } function base64Text(text) { return CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(text)); } function decodeBase64toString(base64Str) { return CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(base64Str).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); } function translatXunfeiAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } const today = getRfc1123Date() const signature_origin = "host: itrans.xf-yun.com\n" + "date: "+ today +"\n" + "POST /v1/its HTTP/1.1" const signature_sha= hmacSha256(signature_origin , APIConst.XunfeiAPI.APISecret) const signature = base64WordArray(signature_sha) //console.log("signature", signature) const authorization = base64Text(`api_key="${APIConst.XunfeiAPI.APIKey}", algorithm="hmac-sha256", headers="host date request-line", signature="${signature}"`) //console.log("authorization", authorization) GM_fetch({ url: `https://itrans.xf-yun.com/v1/its?authorization=${authorization}&host=itrans.xf-yun.com&date=${encodeURIComponent(today)}`, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type":"application/json", "Authentication": authorization, "date":today }, data: JSON.stringify({ "header": { "app_id": APIConst.XunfeiAPI.APPID, "status": 3, "res_id": generateRandomString(6) }, "parameter": { "its": { "from": from, "to": lang, "r###lt": {} } }, "payload": { "input_data": { "encoding": "utf8", "status": 3, "text": base64Text(text) } } }), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //wps web function getSignatureStr(obj) { const newkey = Object.keys(obj).sort() let signatureStr = '' newkey.forEach((item) => { // 空参数不参与签名 if (obj[item] === 0) { signatureStr += item + '=' + obj[item] } else if (obj[item] != 'undefined' && obj[item] != null && obj[item] != '' && typeof obj[item] != 'object') { signatureStr += item + '=' + obj[item] } }) return signatureStr } let wps_xcsrftoken ; function translatWPSKuaiyiWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (!wps_xcsrftoken) { console.error("no wps_xcsrftoken:", wps_xcsrftoken) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } // ***** 统一新增签名修堵 漏洞 ***** // const timestamp = new Date().getTime() //加入时间戳 const nonce = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000)}` const options = { "data": { "text": text, "from_lang": from, "to_lang": lang } } const needSortObj = Object.assign( { timestamp, nonce, }, options.params || options.data ) // // const needSortObj ={ // "timestamp": timestamp, // "nonce": nonce, // "text": text, // "from_lang": from, // "to_lang": lang // } const signatureStr = getSignatureStr(needSortObj) const sign_x = `appid=zxcde321456tgbvf&nonce=${nonce}×tamp=${timestamp}` const signature = CryptoJS.MD5(`/v1/mt/trans_text${signatureStr}d5cefewwheuasfd2c9ef83996fd0d82`).toString() GM_fetch({ url: `https://kuaiyi.wps.cn/v1/mt/trans_text`, method: "POST", headers:{ "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "content-type": "application/json", "origin": "https://kuaiyi.wps.cn", "Referer": "https://kuaiyi.wps.cn/txt-translate?banGetPreTxt=true", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "sign-x": sign_x, "signature": signature, "x-csrftoken": wps_xcsrftoken }, data: JSON.stringify(options.data), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //阿里翻译 let ali_uuid; let webFormBoundary = generateRandomString(16) function translatAlibabaWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let header = { "content-type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary${webFormBoundary}`, "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", 'Origin': 'https://translate.alibaba.com', 'Referer': 'https://translate.alibaba.com/', "x-xsrf-token_property_item": ali_uuid, "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://translate.alibaba.com/api/translate/text`, headers: header, data: `------WebKitFormBoundary${webFormBoundary}\r Content-Disposition: form-data; name="srcLang"\r \r auto\r ------WebKitFormBoundary${webFormBoundary}\r Content-Disposition: form-data; name="tgtLang"\r \r ${lang}\r ------WebKitFormBoundary${webFormBoundary}\r Content-Disposition: form-data; name="domain"\r \r general\r ------WebKitFormBoundary${webFormBoundary}\r Content-Disposition: form-data; name="query"\r \r ${text}\r ------WebKitFormBoundary${webFormBoundary}\r Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_csrf"\r \r ${ali_uuid}\r ------WebKitFormBoundary${webFormBoundary}--\r `, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } const generateRandomIP = () => { const ip = []; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ip.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * 256)); } console.log(ip.join('.')) return ip.join('.'); } function translatHujiangWebAPI(text, node, lang) { if (!text) { console.error("no text:", text) return } if (noTranslateWords.includes(text)) { return; } let from; if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang) { from = currentAPI.EnglishLang; } else { from = currentAPI.ChineseLang; } let header = { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest", "accept": "*/*", // "X-Forwarded-For": generateRandomIP(), "Referer": `https://dict.hjenglish.com/app/trans`, "origin": "https://dict.hjenglish.com" } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://dict.hjenglish.com/v10/dict/translation/${from}/${lang}`, headers: header, data: `content=${encodeURIComponent(text)}`, responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { renderPage(res, text, node, lang) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //API分流 function dispatchAPI(txt, node, lang) { if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Baidu) { translateBaiduApi(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Microsoft) { translateMicrosoft(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Google) { translateGoogle(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.SogouWeb) { translateSogouWeb(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.ICIBAWeb) { translateICIBAWeb(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.HujiangWeb) { translatHujiangWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Youdao) { translatYoudaoAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.CaiyunWeb) { translatCaiyunWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.TransmartWeb) { translatTransmartWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.AlibabaWeb) { translatAlibabaWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.PapagoWeb) { translatPapagoWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.YoudaoMobileWeb) { translatYoudaoMobileWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Worldlingo) { translatWorldlingoAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.DeepLWeb) { translatDeepLWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.BaiduMobileWeb) { translatBaiduMobileWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.FlittoWeb) { translatFlittoWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.YandexWeb) { translatYandexWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.FuxiWeb) { translatFuxiWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.CNKIWeb) { translatCNKIWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Xunfei) { translatXunfeiAPI(txt, node, lang) } else if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.WPSKuaiyiWeb) { translatWPSKuaiyiWebAPI(txt, node, lang) } else { //default microsoft translateMicrosoft(txt, node, lang) } } //遍历 async function traversePlus(node, lang) { if (!node) return; // 排除标签则跳过 if (/^(pre|script|code|#comment|iframe)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) { return; } //排除类名 if (/(translate-main|bbCodeCode|mathjax-tex|gpt-container|translate-span|highlight|translate-src|toast-|code|MyColorSelector)/i.test(node.className)) { //debugger //fix GitHub readme , issues.chromium.org if(/readme/i.test(node.id) || /B-ISSUE-DESCRIPTION/i.test(node.nodeName)){ //do nothing console.warn("special case:",node.id,node.nodeName) }else { //debugger //intercept return; } } //shadowRoot if (node.shadowRoot) { traversePlus(node.shadowRoot, lang) } // console.error("nodeType:", node.nodeType) // 如果节点没有子节点,则打印节点内容 if (node.childNodes.length === 0) { // 特殊标签文本处理 if (!/^(INPUT|textarea)$/i.test(node.nodeName)) { if(isSupportMultiLang()){ if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang && isAllChinese(node.textContent)) { //不含英文,外文 return; } }else { if (lang === currentAPI.EnglishLang && !hasChinese(node.textContent)) { //不含中文 return; } if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang && !hasEnglish(node.textContent)) { //if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang && isAllChinese(node.textContent)) { //不含英文,外文 return; } } } if (node.textContent) { //if(node.textContent.includes("checkCurrentAuth")) debugger const srcText = node.textContent.trim(); if (srcText) { //排除纯数字 if (/^\d+$/.test(srcText)) { return; } //排除长度大于1中只有一个英文 if (lang === currentAPI.ChineseLang && srcText.length > 1) { // debugger if (/^[a-zA-Z]$/.test(srcText.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '').trim())) { return; } } //取缓存 renderPage(res, text, node, lang) const txt = node.textContent.trim(); if (enableCache) { translateFromCache(txt, node, lang, `${currentAPI.name}wordCache`) .then(function (success) { //缓存成功 }, function (reason) { //缓存失败 //API分流 dispatchAPI(txt, node, lang) }); //return; } } }else if(/(input|textarea)/i.test(node.nodeName) && node.hasAttribute('placeholder')){ dispatchAPI(node.getAttribute('placeholder'), node, lang) } } else { // 如果有子节点,则递归遍历子节点 for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { traversePlus(node.childNodes[i], lang); } } } //鉴权 async function auth() { let res = await GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: "https://edge.microsoft.com/translate/auth", responseType: "text", }) if (res.status === 200) { authCode = res.responseText } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } } async function authSogou() { let res = await GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: "https://fanyi.sogou.com", responseType: "text", }) if (res.status === 200) { secretCode = secretCode || /secretCode\":(\d+)/i.exec(res.responseText)[1] sogou_uuid = /uuid\":\"(.*?)\"/i.exec(res.responseText)[1] console.warn("secretCode", secretCode) console.warn("sogou_uuid", sogou_uuid) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } } async function authWps() { wps_xcsrftoken = await GM_getValue("wps_xcsrftoken","") if(!wps_xcsrftoken){ Toast.error("wps_xcsrftoken为空,请打开到https://kuaiyi.wps.cn/获取") } } async function authYandex() { yandex_uid = await GM_getValue("yandexuid") || "" yandex_spravka = await GM_getValue("yandexspravka") || "" if (!yandex_uid || !yandex_spravka) { Toast.error("uid或speavka不存,可能存在错误,请前往https://translate.yandex.com 获取") } let res = await GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: "https://translate.yandex.com", responseType: "text", }) if (res.status === 200) { yandex_reqid = yandex_reqid || /reqid = '(.*?)'/i.exec(res.responseText)[1] console.warn("yandex_reqid", yandex_reqid) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } } async function authCNKI() { CNKI_TOKEN = await GM_getValue("CNKI_TOKEN","") if (!CNKI_TOKEN) { Toast.error("CNKI_TOKEN不存在,可能存在错误,请前往https://dict.cnki.net 获取") } } async function authAliBaba() { let res = await GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: "https://translate.alibaba.com/api/translate/csrftoken", responseType: "text", }) if (res.status === 200) { ali_uuid = JSON.parse(res.responseText).token console.warn("ali_uuid", ali_uuid) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } } async function authBaiduMobile() { let res = await GM_fetch({ method: "GET", headers:{ "user-agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/122.0.6261.95 Mobile Safari/537.36' }, url: "https://fanyi.baidu.com", responseType: "text", }) if (res.status === 200) { baidu_token = /token: ('|")(.*?)('|")/.exec(res.responseText)[2]; baidu_gtk = /('|")(\d{6}\.\d{9})('|")/.exec(res.responseText)[2]; console.warn("baidu_token", baidu_token) console.warn("baidu_gtk", baidu_gtk) } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) } } async function authHujiang() { let res = await GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: "https://dict.hjenglish.com/app/trans", responseType: "text", }) } function generateRandomString(length) { let r###lt = ''; let characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; let charactersLength = characters.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { r###lt += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); } return r###lt; } //彩云鉴权 let caiyun_Token; let caiyun_JWT; let caiyun_deviceID = generateRandomString(32); let caiyun_browser_id = caiyun_deviceID; async function authCaiyun() { if (caiyun_JWT && caiyun_Token) return; let res = await GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: "https://fanyi.caiyunapp.com/", responseType: "text", }) if (res.status === 200) { const tkjs = /\/assets\/index.(.*?).js/i.exec(res.responseText)[0]; //debugger let res1 = await GM_fetch({ method: "GET", url: `https://fanyi.caiyunapp.com/dist/${tkjs}`, responseType: "text", }) if (res1.status === 200) { caiyun_Token = /token:.{20}/i.exec(res1.responseText)[0] || caiyun_Token; console.warn("caiyun_Token", caiyun_Token) if (caiyun_Token) await generateCaiyunJWT() } else { console.error('caiyun_Token 失败了', res1) return } } else { console.error('访问失败了', res) return } } async function generateCaiyunJWT() { let header = { "Referer": `https://fanyi.caiyunapp.com/`, "origin": "https://fanyi.caiyunapp.com", "accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*", "app-name": "xy", "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8", "device-id": caiyun_deviceID, "os-type": "web", "os-version": "", "x-authorization": caiyun_Token } GM_fetch({ method: "POST", url: `https://api.interpreter.caiyunai.com/v1/user/jwt/generate`, headers: header, data: JSON.stringify({ "browser_id": caiyun_browser_id }), responseType: "text", }).then(function (res) { if (res.status === 200) { caiyun_JWT = JSON.parse(res.responseText).jwt || caiyun_JWT; console.warn("caiyun_JWT", caiyun_JWT) } else { console.error('caiyun_JWT 失败了', res) } }, function (reason) { console.error(`出错了`, reason) }); } //翻译 async function translateTo(lang, rootNode, noclear) { if (!noclear) { clearSpan(lang) } //微软鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.Microsoft) { await auth() } //搜狗鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.SogouWeb && !secretCode) { await authSogou() } //沪江鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.HujiangWeb) { await authHujiang() } //彩云鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.CaiyunWeb) { await authCaiyun() if (!caiyun_JWT) return; } //阿里鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.AlibabaWeb && !ali_uuid) { await authAliBaba() if (!ali_uuid) return; } //百度鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.BaiduMobileWeb && (!baidu_token || !baidu_gtk)) { await authBaiduMobile() if (!baidu_token || !baidu_gtk) return; } //Yandex 鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.YandexWeb && !yandex_reqid) { await authYandex() if (!yandex_reqid) return; } //CNKI 鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.CNKIWeb && !CNKI_TOKEN) { await authCNKI() if (!CNKI_TOKEN) return; } //wps 鉴权 if (currentAPI.name === APIConst.WPSKuaiyiWeb && !wps_xcsrftoken) { await authWps() if (!wps_xcsrftoken) return; } console.log(`translate to....${lang} : ${currentAPI.name}`) let root = document.body; if(location.host.includes("twitter.com") || location.host.includes("x.com")){ root = document.querySelector('div[data-testid="primaryColumn"]') || root } traversePlus(rootNode || root, lang) } //add event console.log("=========中英双显互译======="); const translatemainDom = document.querySelector(".translate-main") const translatearrow = document.querySelector(".translate-arrow") //展开 if(!isMobile()){ translatemainDom.addEventListener("mouseover", () => { console.log("--2-") translatemainDom.classList.add("unfold") }) }else { translatemainDom.addEventListener("click", () => { console.log("--1-") translatemainDom.classList.add("unfold") }) } //收起 if(!isMobile()){ translatearrow.addEventListener("mouseout", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() console.log("--4-") translatemainDom.classList.remove("unfold") }) translatemainDom.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { console.log("--5-") translatemainDom.classList.remove('unfold'); }); }else { translatearrow.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() console.log("--3-") translatemainDom.classList.remove("unfold") }) } //英转中 document.querySelector("#en2zh").addEventListener("click", async (event) => { event.stopPropagation() try { Toast.info(`正在翻译。。。。当前API:${currentAPI.name}`) } catch (e) { } translateTo(currentAPI.ChineseLang) }) //中转英 document.querySelector("#zh2en").addEventListener("click", async (event) => { event.stopPropagation() try { Toast.info(`正在翻译。。。。当前API:${currentAPI.name}`) } catch (e) { } translateTo(currentAPI.EnglishLang) }) //原文 const sourceText = document.querySelector("#sourceText") sourceText.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() if (sourceText.querySelector("span").innerText === '原文') { document.querySelectorAll(".translate-span").forEach((node) => { node.classList.add("hide") //hide dest text }); document.querySelectorAll(".translate-src").forEach((node) => { node.classList.remove("hide")//show src text }); sourceText.querySelector("span").innerText = '译文' } else { document.querySelectorAll(".translate-span").forEach((node) => { node.classList.remove("hide") //show dest text }); document.querySelectorAll(".translate-src").forEach((node) => { node.classList.add("hide") //hide src text }); sourceText.querySelector("span").innerText = '原文' } }) //双显 const doubleShow = document.querySelector("#doubleShow") doubleShow.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() if (isDoubleShow) { isDoubleShow = false; Toast.error("双显已关") } else { isDoubleShow = true; Toast.success("双显已开") } GM_setValue("isDoubleShow", isDoubleShow) }) //高亮 const hlBtn = document.querySelector("#highlightTranslateText") hlBtn.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() if (isHighlight) { isHighlight = false; Toast.error("高亮已关") } else { isHighlight = true; Toast.success("高亮已开") } GM_setValue("isDoubleShow", isHighlight) }) //选词 const leftSelectModeBtn = document.querySelector("#leftSelectMode") leftSelectModeBtn.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() leftSelect() }) //切换api const switchAPIBtn = document.querySelector("#switchAPI") switchAPIBtn.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() //switchAPI() colorSelectAndSettings() }) //自动翻译 const autoTranslateSwitchBtn = document.querySelector("#autoTranslateSwitch") autoTranslateSwitchBtn.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() autoTranslateSwitch() }) //切换选词语言 const changeSelectLangBtn = document.querySelector("#changeSelectLang") changeSelectLangBtn.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() changeSelectLang() }) //切换右击选词语言 const rightSelectModeBtn = document.querySelector("#rightSelectMode") rightSelectModeBtn.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() rightSelectMode() }) //更新 const updateScriptBtn = document.querySelector("#updateScript") updateScriptBtn.addEventListener("click", (event) => { event.stopPropagation() if(isMobile()){ location.href = "https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/469073" }else { GM_openInTab("https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/469073") } }) // 判断是不是中文网页 function isChinesePage() { const lang = document.documentElement.lang const mainLang = document.characterSet.toLowerCase() const pageTitle = document.title return lang.substring(0, 2) === 'zh' || mainLang.substring(0, 2) === 'gb' || /[\u4E00-\u9FFF]/.test(pageTitle); } //英语自动翻译 setTimeout(async () => { if (englishAutoTranslate && !isChinesePage()) { console.log('自动翻译') Toast.success('检测到外文, 正在自动翻译...', '', {timeOut: 600}) translateTo(currentAPI.ChineseLang) } }, 2000) //输入框连击三下空格翻译 setTimeout( () => { let spaceCount = 0; let lastKeyPressTime = 0; let timeThreshold = 300; // 时间阈值,单位为毫秒 document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === ' ' || event.keyCode === 32) { // 按下空格键 let currentTime = new Date().getTime(); console.log(currentTime - lastKeyPressTime) if (currentTime - lastKeyPressTime < timeThreshold) { spaceCount++; } else { spaceCount = 1; } lastKeyPressTime = currentTime; if (spaceCount === 3) { console.log('连续三次按下空格键事件已触发!',event.target.nodeName); const node = event.target; Toast.success(`正在翻译,如需要切换请点击"语言"..=>${selectTolang}`) if(/(input|textarea)/i.test(node.nodeName)){ node.setAttribute("triple","triple") dispatchAPI(node.innerText || node.value.trim(), node, selectTolang) } spaceCount = 0; // 重置空格键计数 } } }); }, 2000) //window滚动事件 let documentHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; function handleScroll() { const currentDocumentHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; if(currentDocumentHeight > documentHeight){ console.log("滚动事件:页面变长。", currentDocumentHeight, documentHeight) documentHeight = currentDocumentHeight; translateTo(selectTolang) } console.log('总文档距离:', documentHeight); } setTimeout(()=>{ if(scrollTranslate){ window.addEventListener('scroll', handleScroll); } }) })();