Hook most functions on runtime via the function name
Этот скрипт недоступен для установки пользователем. Он является библиотекой, которая подключается к другим скриптам мета-ключом // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/469993/1214452/FunctionHookerjs.js
// ==UserScript== // @name FunctionHooker.js // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description Hook most functions on runtime via the function name // @author You // @match *://*.* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== class FunctionHooker { constructor() { this.hooks = new Map(); this.originalName = ""; } getOriginal(functionName) { return this.hooks.get(functionName); } hook(targetFunction, hookFunction) { const isString = typeof targetFunction == "string"; // TODO: isString is used to eventually distinct a target function passed as a direct reference // to a function from the user passing a function name as a string // problem is there is no way to go from a function reference to a proper function name string const isFullyQualifiedName = targetFunction.indexOf('.') != -1; this.originalName = targetFunction; if (isFullyQualifiedName) { this.hookFullyQualified(targetFunction, hookFunction); return; } const originalFunction = window[targetFunction]; if (originalFunction) { this.hooks.set(targetFunction, originalFunction); window[targetFunction] = hookFunction; } else { throw new Error(`Function '${targetFunction}' does not exist in the 'window' object.`); } } unhook(functionName) { const isFullyQualifiedName = functionName.indexOf('.') != -1; if (isFullyQualifiedName) { this.unhookFullyQualified(functionName); return; } const originalFunction = this.hooks.get(functionName); if (originalFunction) { window[functionName] = originalFunction; this.hooks.delete(functionName); } else { throw new Error(`Function '${functionName}' is not hooked.`); } } resolveFullyQualifiedFunctionName(functionName) { const functionNames = functionName.split('.'); let resolvedFunction = window; for (const name of functionNames) { resolvedFunction = resolvedFunction[name]; if (!resolvedFunction) { throw new Error(`Function '${functionName}' does not exist.`); } } return resolvedFunction; } hookFullyQualified(functionName, hookFunction) { const resolvedFunction = this.resolveFullyQualifiedFunctionName(functionName); const originalFunction = resolvedFunction; this.hooks.set(functionName, originalFunction); const parentObject = functionName .split('.') .slice(0, -1) .reduce((obj, prop) => (obj[prop] ? obj[prop] : obj), window); const functionNameLeaf = functionName.split('.').pop(); if (typeof parentObject[functionNameLeaf] != 'function') { debugger; throw new Error(`Function '${this.originalName}' is not hooked.`); } parentObject[functionNameLeaf] = hookFunction; } unhookFullyQualified(functionName) { const resolvedFunction = this.resolveFullyQualifiedFunctionName(functionName); const originalFunction = this.hooks.get(functionName); if (originalFunction) { const parentObject = functionName .split('.') .slice(0, -1) .reduce((obj, prop) => (obj[prop] ? obj[prop] : obj), window); const functionNameLeaf = functionName.split('.').pop(); parentObject[functionNameLeaf] = originalFunction; this.hooks.delete(functionName); } else { throw new Error(`Function '${functionName}' is not hooked.`); } } }