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GOG additional buttons and downloads

Add GOG DB, GOG Games links to free download

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  3. // @description Add GOG DB, GOG Games links to free download
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  5. // @author Wizzergod
  6. // @license MIT
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  30. Free Games Downloads
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  34. <div class="why-gog__item" style="background-color: #33333312; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box;">
  35. <i>These links lead to the search feature on specified websites, and remember piracy is bad if you downloaded, played and liked the game, then buy it, so you will thank the developers!</i>
  36. </div>
  37. `;
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  39. { url: "https://gog-games.to/?q=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "Gog-games.to", color: "#1ee83a12" },
  40. { url: "https://gogunlocked.com/?s=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "GoGUnlocked.com", color: "#1ee83a12" },
  41. { url: "https://freegogpcgames.com/?s=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "FreeGogPcGames.com", color: "#1ee83a12" },
  42. { url: "https://www.torrentdownloads.pro/search/?search=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "torrentdownloads.pro", color: "#1e7ee812" },
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  44. { url: "https://s1.thelastgame.club/?do=search&subaction=search&story=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "thelastgame.club", color: "#1e7ee812" },
  45. { url: "https://www.limetorrents.lol/search/games/" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "limetorrents.lol", color: "#1e7ee812" },
  46. { url: "https://thepiratebay.org/search.php?cat=401&q=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "thepiratebay.org", color: "#1e7ee812" },
  47. { url: "https://thelastgame.org/?do=search&subaction=search&story=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "thelastgame.org", color: "#1e7ee812" },
  48. { url: "https://thelastgame.ru/?s=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "thelastgame.ru", color: "#1e7ee812" },
  49. { url: "https://catorrent.org/index.php?do=search&story=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "catorrent.org", color: "#1e7ee812" },
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  54. { url: "https://1337x.to/search//1/?search=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "1337x.to", color: "#1e7ee812" },
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  57. { url: "https://www.gogdb.org/products?search=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "GOGDB", color: "#e8591e12" },
  58. { url: "https://steamdb.info/search/?a=app&q=" + encodeURIComponent(sanitized_title), text: "SteamDB", color: "#e8591e12" }
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