Better and Not-only User Synonyms
// ==UserScript== // @name WaniKani User Synonyms++ // @namespace // @version 0.2.5 // @description Better and Not-only User Synonyms // @author polv // @match* // @match* // @icon // @license MIT // @require // @require // @homepage // @supportURL // @source // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // @ts-check /// <reference path="./types/answer-checker.d.ts" /> (function () { 'use strict'; const entryClazz = 'synonyms-plus'; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // @ts-ignore const _Dexie = /** @type {typeof import('dexie').default} */ (Dexie); /** * @typedef {{ * id: string; * kunyomi?: string[]; * onyomi?: string[]; * nanori?: string[]; * aux: { questionType: string; text: string; type: AuxiliaryType; message: string }[]; * }} EntrySynonym */ class Database extends _Dexie { /** @type {import('dexie').Table<EntrySynonym, string>} */ synonym; constructor() { super(entryClazz); this.version(1).stores({ synonym: 'id', }); } } const db = new Database(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @type {EvaluationParam | null} */ let answerCheckerParam = null; const wkSynonyms = { add: { kunyomi(r, type = /** @type {AuxiliaryType} */ ('whitelist')) { return this.reading(r, type, 'kunyomi'); }, onyomi(r, type = /** @type {AuxiliaryType} */ ('whitelist')) { return this.reading(r, type, 'onyomi'); }, nanori(r, type = /** @type {AuxiliaryType} */ ('whitelist')) { return this.reading(r, type, 'nanori'); }, reading( r, type = /** @type {AuxiliaryType} */ ('whitelist'), questionType = 'reading', ) { if (! return; r = toHiragana(r).trim(); if (!/^\p{sc=Hiragana}+$/u.test(r)) return; wkSynonyms.remove.reading(r, type, questionType); if (type === 'whitelist') { if (['kunyomi', 'onyomi', 'nanori'].includes(questionType)) { wkSynonyms.entry[questionType] = [ ...(wkSynonyms.entry[questionType] || []), r, ]; } } wkSynonyms.entry.aux.push({ questionType, text: r, type, message: type === 'whitelist' ? '' : `Not the ${questionType} YOU are looking for`, }); db.synonym.put(wkSynonyms.entry,; return 'added'; }, meaning(r, type = /** @type {AuxiliaryType} */ ('whitelist')) { if (! return; r = r.trim(); if (!r) return; wkSynonyms.remove.meaning(r); const questionType = 'meaning'; wkSynonyms.entry.aux.push({ questionType, text: r, type, message: type === 'whitelist' ? '' : `Not the ${questionType} YOU are looking for`, }); db.synonym.put(wkSynonyms.entry,; return 'added'; }, }, remove: { kunyomi(r) { return this.reading(r, null, 'kunyomi'); }, onyomi(r) { return this.reading(r, null, 'onyomi'); }, nanori(r) { return this.reading(r, null, 'nanori'); }, reading(r, _type, questionType) { if (! return; r = toHiragana(r).trim(); if (!/^\p{sc=Hiragana}+$/u.test(r)) return; const newAux = wkSynonyms.entry.aux.filter( (a) => a.questionType !== 'meaning' && a.text !== r, ); let isChanged = false; if (['kunyomi', 'onyomi', 'nanori'].includes(questionType)) { if (wkSynonyms.entry[questionType]) { const newArr = wkSynonyms.entry[questionType].filter( (a) => a !== r, ); if (newArr.length < wkSynonyms.entry[questionType].length) { wkSynonyms.entry[questionType] = newArr; wkSynonyms.entry.aux = newAux; isChanged = true; } } } if (isChanged || newAux.length < wkSynonyms.entry.aux.length) { wkSynonyms.entry.aux = newAux; db.synonym.put(wkSynonyms.entry,; return 'removed'; } return 'not removed'; }, meaning(r) { if (! return; r = r.trim(); if (!r) return; const newAux = wkSynonyms.entry.aux.filter( (a) => a.questionType === 'meaning' && a.text !== r, ); if (newAux.length < wkSynonyms.entry.aux.length) { wkSynonyms.entry.aux = newAux; db.synonym.put(wkSynonyms.entry,; return 'removed'; } return 'not removed'; }, }, entry: /** @type {EntrySynonym} */ ({ id: '', aux: [], }), commit() { if (! return; db.synonym.put(this.entry,; }, }; Object.assign(window, { wkSynonyms }); let isFirstRender = false; window.modAnswerChecker.register((e, tryCheck) => { answerCheckerParam = e; e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e)); e.item.readings = e.item.readings || []; e.item.auxiliary_readings = e.item.auxiliary_readings || []; let aux = wkSynonyms.entry.aux; for (const kanjiReading of /** @type {('kunyomi' | 'onyomi' | 'nanori')[]} */ ([ 'kunyomi', 'onyomi', 'nanori', ])) { const rs = wkSynonyms.entry[kanjiReading]; if (rs) { e.item[kanjiReading] = [...(e.item[kanjiReading] || []),]; e.item.auxiliary_readings = e.item.auxiliary_readings.filter( (a) => !rs.includes(a.reading), ); } } for (const { questionType, } of aux) { if (questionType === 'meaning') { const text = normalize(it.text); e.item.meanings = e.item.meanings.filter((a) => normalize(a) !== text); e.item.auxiliary_meanings = e.item.auxiliary_meanings.filter( (a) => normalize(a.meaning) !== text, ); e.userSynonyms = e.userSynonyms.filter((s) => normalize(s) !== text); e.item.auxiliary_meanings.push({, meaning: it.text }); } else { if (e.item.readings) { e.item.readings = e.item.readings.filter((a) => a !== it.text); } if (!(e.item.type === 'Kanji' && it.type === 'whitelist')) { for (const kanjiReading of /** @type {('kunyomi' | 'onyomi' | 'nanori')[]} */ ([ 'kunyomi', 'onyomi', 'nanori', ])) { const rs = e.item[kanjiReading]; if (rs) { e.item[kanjiReading] = rs.filter((a) => a !== it.text); } } let { auxiliary_readings = [] } = e.item; auxiliary_readings = auxiliary_readings.filter( (a) => a.reading !== it.text, ); auxiliary_readings.push({, reading: it.text }); e.item.auxiliary_readings = auxiliary_readings; } } } return tryCheck(e); }); addEventListener('willShowNextQuestion', (ev) => { document.querySelectorAll(`.${entryClazz}`).forEach((el) => el.remove()); answerCheckerParam = null; wkSynonyms.entry = { id: String(/** @type {any} */ (ev), aux: [], }; isFirstRender = true; db.synonym.get( => { if (it) { wkSynonyms.entry = it; } }); }); addEventListener('turbo:load', (ev) => { // @ts-ignore const url = ev.detail.url; if (!url) return; if (/wanikani\.com\/(radicals?|kanji|vocabulary)/.test(url)) { answerCheckerParam = null; } }); const updateListing = () => { const frame = document.querySelector( 'turbo-frame.user-synonyms', )?.parentElement; if (!frame?.parentElement) return; let divList = frame.parentElement.querySelector(`.${entryClazz}`); if (!divList) { divList = document.createElement('div'); divList.className = entryClazz; frame.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', divList); } divList.textContent = ''; const listing = {}; => { const t = capitalize(a.type); listing[t] = listing[t] || []; listing[t].push(a); }); for (const [k, auxs] of Object.entries(listing)) { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'subject-section__meanings'; divList.append(div); const h = document.createElement('h2'); h.className = 'subject-section__meanings-title'; h.innerText = k; div.append(h); const ul = document.createElement('ul'); ul.className = 'user-synonyms__items'; div.append(ul); for (const a of auxs) { const li = document.createElement('li'); li.className = 'user-synonyms_item'; ul.append(li); const span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'user-synonym'; span.innerText = a.text; if (a.questionType !== 'meaning') { span.innerText += ` (${a.questionType})`; } li.append(span); } } }; let updateAux = () => {}; addEventListener('didUpdateUserSynonyms', (ev) => { updateAux(); }); addEventListener('turbo:frame-render', (ev) => { // @ts-ignore const { fetchResponse } = ev.detail; if (/wanikani\.com\/subject_info\/(\d+)/.test(fetchResponse.response.url)) { updateListing(); return; } const [, subject_id] = /wanikani\.com\/user_synonyms.*\?.*subject_id=(\d+)/.exec( fetchResponse.response.url, ) || []; if (!subject_id) return; db.synonym.get(subject_id).then((it) => { if (it) { wkSynonyms.entry = it; updateAux(); } }); updateAux = () => { updateListing(); const elContainer = document.querySelector( '.user-synonyms__form_container', ); if (!elContainer) return; const elForm = elContainer.querySelector('form.user-synonyms__form'); if (!(elForm instanceof HTMLFormElement)) return; const elInput = elContainer.querySelector('input[type="text"]'); if (!(elInput instanceof HTMLInputElement)) return; if (isFirstRender && answerCheckerParam?.questionType === 'meaning') { elInput.value = answerCheckerParam?.response || ''; } elInput.autocomplete = 'off'; elInput.onkeydown = (ev) => { if (ev.key === 'Escape' || ev.code === 'Escape') { if (elInput.value) { elInput.value = ''; } else { return; } } ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); ev.stopPropagation(); }; elForm.onsubmit = (ev) => { isFirstRender = false; if (elInput.value.length < 2) return; const signs = ['-', '*', '?', '+', '']; let sign = ''; let str = elInput.value.trim(); for (sign of signs) { if (str.startsWith(sign)) { str = str.substring(sign.length); break; } if (str.endsWith(sign)) { str = str.substring(0, str.length - sign.length); break; } } /** @type {AuxiliaryType | null} */ let type = null; if (['-', '*'].includes(sign)) { type = 'blacklist'; } else if (['?'].includes(sign)) { type = 'warn'; } else if (['+'].includes(sign)) { type = 'whitelist'; } let questionType = 'meaning'; const [, readingType, reading] = /^(kunyomi|onyomi|nanori|reading):([\p{sc=Hiragana}\p{sc=Katakana}]+)$/iu.exec( str, ) || []; if (reading) { str = reading; questionType = readingType; type = type || 'whitelist'; } if (!type) return; ev.preventDefault(); setTimeout(() => { updateAux(); elInput.value = ''; }); if (questionType === 'meaning') { wkSynonyms.add.meaning(str, type); } else { wkSynonyms.add.reading(str, type, readingType); } }; let elExtraContainer = elContainer.querySelector(`.${entryClazz}`); if (!elExtraContainer) { elExtraContainer = document.createElement('div'); elExtraContainer.className = entryClazz; elContainer.append(elExtraContainer); } elExtraContainer.textContent = ''; for (const a of wkSynonyms.entry.aux) { let elAux = elExtraContainer.querySelector( `[data-${entryClazz}="${a.type}"]`, ); if (!elAux) { elAux = document.createElement('div'); elAux.className = 'user-synonyms__synonym-buttons'; elAux.setAttribute(`data-${entryClazz}`, a.type); const h = document.createElement('h2'); h.className = 'wk-title wk-title--medium wk-title--underlined wk-title-custom'; h.innerText = capitalize(a.type); elExtraContainer.append(h); elExtraContainer.append(elAux); } const btn = document.createElement('a'); elAux.append(btn); btn.className = 'user-synonyms__synonym-button'; btn.addEventListener('click', () => { if (a.questionType === 'meaning') { wkSynonyms.remove.meaning(a.text); } else { wkSynonyms.remove.reading(a.text, null, a.questionType); } updateAux(); }); const icon = document.createElement('i'); btn.append(icon); icon.className = 'wk-icon fa-regular fa-times'; const span = document.createElement('span'); btn.append(span); span.className = 'user-synonym__button-text'; span.innerText = a.text; if (a.questionType !== 'meaning') { span.innerText += ` (${a.questionType})`; } } if (!answerCheckerParam) return; const { item } = answerCheckerParam; const aux = [{ meaning, ...t }) => ({ text: meaning, questionType: 'meaning', ...t, })), ]; if (item.auxiliary_readings) { aux.push({ reading, ...t }) => ({ text: reading, questionType: 'reading', ...t, })), ); } if (aux.length) { elExtraContainer.append( (() => { const elDetails = document.createElement('details'); const title = document.createElement('summary'); elDetails.append(title); title.innerText = `WaniKani auxiliaries`; const elButtonSet = document.createElement('div'); elDetails.append(elButtonSet); elButtonSet.className = 'user-synonyms__synonym-buttons'; for (const a of aux) { let elAux = elDetails.querySelector( `[data-${entryClazz}="wk-${a.type}"]`, ); if (!elAux) { elAux = document.createElement('div'); elAux.className = 'user-synonyms__synonym-buttons'; elAux.setAttribute(`data-${entryClazz}`, `wk-${a.type}`); const h = document.createElement('h2'); h.className = 'wk-title wk-title--medium wk-title--underlined wk-title-custom'; h.innerText = capitalize(a.type); elDetails.append(h); elDetails.append(elAux); } const span = document.createElement('span'); elAux.append(span); span.className = 'user-synonym__button-text'; span.innerText = a.text; if (a.questionType !== 'meaning') { span.innerText += ` (${a.questionType})`; } } return elDetails; })(), ); } }; updateAux(); }); /** @param {string} s */ function capitalize(s) { return s.replace( /[a-z]+/gi, (p) => p[0].toLocaleUpperCase() + p.substring(1), ); } /** @param {string} s */ function normalize(s) { return s.toLocaleLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, ' ').trim(); } const CP_KATA_A = 'ア'.charCodeAt(0); const CP_HIRA_A = 'あ'.charCodeAt(0); /** @param {string} s */ function toHiragana(s) { return s.replace(/\p{sc=Katakana}/gu, (c) => String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) - CP_KATA_A + CP_HIRA_A), ); } (function add_css() { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.append( document.createTextNode(/* css */ ` :root { --color-modal-mask: unset; } .wk-modal__content { /* top: unset; bottom: 0; */ border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 0 4px 2px gray; } .subject-section__meanings-title { min-width: 6em; } .user-synonyms__form_container::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } .${entryClazz} .user-synonym__button-text { line-height: 1.5em; } .${entryClazz} .user-synonym__button-text:not(:last-child)::after, .${entryClazz} .user-synonyms_item:not(:last-child)::after { content: ','; margin-right: 0.5em; } .${entryClazz} details, .${entryClazz} .wk-title-custom { margin-top: 1em; } .${entryClazz} summary { cursor: pointer; } `), ); document.head.append(style); })(); })();