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Bitbucket: copy commit reference

Adds a "Copy commit reference" link to every commit page on Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bitbucket: copy commit reference
// @namespace    https://github.com/rybak/atlassian-tweaks
// @version      16
// @description  Adds a "Copy commit reference" link to every commit page on Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Server.
// @license      AGPL-3.0-only
// @author       Andrei Rybak
// @homepageURL  https://github.com/rybak/atlassian-tweaks
// @include      https://*bitbucket*/*/commits/*
// @match        https://bitbucket.example.com/*/commits/*
// @match        https://bitbucket.org/*/commits/*
// @icon         https://bitbucket.org/favicon.ico
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/rybak/userscript-libs@e86c722f2c9cc2a96298c8511028f15c45180185/waitForElement.js
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/rybak/copy-commit-reference-userscript@4f71749bc0d302d4ff4a414b0f4a6eddcc6a56ad/copy-commit-reference-lib.js
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
* Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Andrei Rybak
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Public commits to test Bitbucket Cloud:
* - Regular commit with Jira issue
*   https://bitbucket.org/andreyrybak/atlassian-tweaks/commits/1e7277348eb3f7b1dc07b4cc035a6d82943a410f
* - Merge commit with PR mention
*   https://bitbucket.org/andreyrybak/atlassian-tweaks/commits/7dbe5402633c593021de6bf203278e2c6599c953
* - Merge commit with mentions of Jira issue and PR
*   https://bitbucket.org/andreyrybak/atlassian-tweaks/commits/19ca4f537e454e15f4e3bf1f88ebc43c0e9c559a
(function () {
'use strict';
const LOG_PREFIX = '[Bitbucket: copy commit reference]:';
const CONTAINER_ID = "BBCCR_container";
function error(...toLog) {
console.error(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);
function warn(...toLog) {
console.warn(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);
function info(...toLog) {
console.info(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);
function debug(...toLog) {
console.debug(LOG_PREFIX, ...toLog);
* Implementation for Bitbucket Cloud.
* Example URLs for testing:
*   - Regular commit with Jira issue
*     https://bitbucket.org/andreyrybak/atlassian-tweaks/commits/1e7277348eb3f7b1dc07b4cc035a6d82943a410f
*   - Merge commit with PR mention
*     https://bitbucket.org/andreyrybak/atlassian-tweaks/commits/7dbe5402633c593021de6bf203278e2c6599c953
*   - Merge commit with mentions of Jira issue and PR
*     https://bitbucket.org/andreyrybak/atlassian-tweaks/commits/19ca4f537e454e15f4e3bf1f88ebc43c0e9c559a
* Unfortunately, some of the minified/mangled selectors are prone to bit rot.
class BitbucketCloud extends GitHosting {
getLoadedSelector() {
return '[data-aui-version]';
isRecognized() {
// can add more selectors to distinguish from Bitbucket Server, if needed
return document.querySelector('meta[name="bb-view-name"]') != null;
getTargetSelector() {
* Box with "Jane Doe authored and John Doe committed deadbeef"
*          "YYYY-MM-DD"
return '[data-testid="profileCardTrigger"] + div';
getFullHash() {
* "View source" button on the right.
const a = document.querySelector('#root [data-testid="settingsButton"]')?.parentNode.querySelector('a');
const href = a.getAttribute('href');
debug("BitbucketCloud:", href);
return href.slice(-41, -1);
async getDateIso(hash) {
const json = await this.#downloadJson();
return json.date.slice(0, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);
getCommitMessage() {
const commitMsgContainer = document.querySelector('[data-testid="Content"] .e1tw8lnx1+div');
return commitMsgContainer.innerText;
async convertPlainSubjectToHtml(plainTextSubject) {
* The argument `plainTextSubject` is ignored, because
* we just use JSON from REST API.
const json = await this.#downloadJson();
return BitbucketCloud.#firstHtmlParagraph(json.summary.html);
wrapButtonContainer(container) {
container.style = 'margin-left: 1em;';
return container;
getButtonTagName() {
return 'button'; // like Bitbucket's buttons "Approve" and "Settings" on a commit's page
wrapButton(button) {
try {
const icon = document.querySelector('[aria-label="copy commit hash"] svg').cloneNode(true);
icon.classList.add('css-bwxjrz', 'css-snhnyn'); // same classes as <span>s inside "Approve" button
const buttonText = this.getButtonText();
button.replaceChildren(icon, document.createTextNode(` ${buttonText}`));
const settingsButton = document.querySelector('#root [data-testid="settingsButton"]');
} catch (e) {
warn('BitbucketCloud: cannot find icon of "copy commit hash"');
button.title = "Copy commit reference to clipboard";
return button;
* Adapted from native CSS class `.bqjuWQ`, as of 2023-09-02.
createCheckmark() {
const checkmark = super.createCheckmark();
checkmark.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(23, 43, 77)';
checkmark.style.borderRadius = '3px';
checkmark.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
checkmark.style.color = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
checkmark.style.fontSize = '12px';
checkmark.style.lineHeight = '1.3';
checkmark.style.padding = '2px 6px';
checkmark.style.top = '0'; // this puts the checkmark ~centered w.r.t. the button
return checkmark;
static #isABitbucketCommitPage() {
const p = document.location.pathname;
if (p.endsWith("commits") || p.endsWith("commits/")) {
info('BitbucketCloud: MutationObserver <title>: this URL does not need the copy button');
return false;
if (p.lastIndexOf('/') < 10) {
return false;
if (!p.includes('/commits/')) {
return false;
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/10671743/1083697
const numberOfSlashes = (p.match(/\//g) || []).length;
if (numberOfSlashes < 4) {
info('BitbucketCloud: This URL does not look like a commit page: not enough slashes');
return false;
info('BitbucketCloud: this URL needs a copy button');
return true;
#currentUrl = document.location.href;
#maybePageChanged(eventName, ensureButtonFn) {
info("BitbucketCloud: triggered", eventName);
const maybeNewUrl = document.location.href;
if (maybeNewUrl != this.#currentUrl) {
this.#currentUrl = maybeNewUrl;
info(`BitbucketCloud: ${eventName}: URL has changed:`, this.#currentUrl);
if (BitbucketCloud.#isABitbucketCommitPage()) {
} else {
info(`BitbucketCloud: ${eventName}: Same URL. Skipping...`);
setUpReadder(ensureButtonFn) {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
this.#maybePageChanged('MutationObserver <title>', ensureButtonFn);
info('BitbucketCloud: MutationObserver <title>: added');
observer.observe(document.querySelector('head'), { subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true });
* When user goes back or forward in browser's history.
* It seems that there is a bug on bitbucket.org
* with history navigation, so this listener is
* disabled
window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.#maybePageChanged('popstate', ensureButtonFn);
}, 100);
* Cache of JSON loaded from REST API.
* Caching is needed to avoid multiple REST API requests
* for various methods that need access to the JSON.
#commitJson = null;
#onPageChange() {
this.#commitJson = null;
* Downloads JSON object corresponding to the commit via REST API
* of Bitbucket Cloud.
async #downloadJson() {
if (this.#commitJson != null) {
return this.#commitJson;
try {
// TODO better way of getting projectKey and repositorySlug
const mainSelfLink = document.querySelector('#bitbucket-navigation a');
// slice(1, -1) is needed to cut off slashes
const projectKeyRepoSlug = mainSelfLink.getAttribute('href').slice(1, -1);
const commitHash = this.getFullHash();
* REST API reference documentation:
* https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/bitbucket/rest/api-group-commits/#api-repositories-workspace-repo-slug-commit-commit-get
const commitRestUrl = `/!api/2.0/repositories/${projectKeyRepoSlug}/commit/${commitHash}?fields=%2B%2A.rendered.%2A`;
info(`BitbucketCloud: Fetching "${commitRestUrl}"...`);
const commitResponse = await fetch(commitRestUrl);
this.#commitJson = await commitResponse.json();
return this.#commitJson;
} catch (e) {
error("BitbucketCloud: cannot fetch commit JSON from REST API", e);
* Extracts first <p> tag out of the provided `html`.
static #firstHtmlParagraph(html) {
const OPEN_P_TAG = '<p>';
const CLOSE_P_TAG = '</p>';
const startP = html.indexOf(OPEN_P_TAG);
const endP = html.indexOf(CLOSE_P_TAG);
if (startP < 0 || endP < 0) {
return html;
return html.slice(startP + OPEN_P_TAG.length, endP);
* Implementation for Bitbucket Server.
class BitbucketServer extends GitHosting {
* This selector is used for {@link isRecognized}.  It is fine to
* use a selector specific to commit pages for recognition of
* BitbucketServer, because it does full page reloads when
* clicking to a commit page.
static #SHA_LINK_SELECTOR = '.commit-badge-oneline .commit-details .commitid';
static #BITBUCKET_SERVER_8_COMMIT_HASH = '#commit-details-container .commit-hash a';
getLoadedSelector() {
* Same as in BitbucketCloud, but that's fine.  Their
* implementations of `isRecognized` are different and
* that will allow the script to distinguish them.
return '[data-aui-version]';
isRecognized() {
return document.querySelector(BitbucketServer.#SHA_LINK_SELECTOR) != null ||
document.querySelector(BitbucketServer.#BITBUCKET_SERVER_8_COMMIT_HASH != null) ||
document.querySelector('html.cm-s-stash-default') != null;
getTargetSelector() {
return '.plugin-section-secondary, .commit-details-summary-panel';
wrapButtonContainer(container) {
return container;
wrapButton(button) {
const icon = document.createElement('span');
icon.classList.add('aui-icon', 'aui-icon-small', 'aui-iconfont-copy',
'css-1ujqpe8' // BitbucketServer 8.9.*
const buttonText = this.getButtonText();
const buttonTextSpan = document.createElement('span');
buttonTextSpan.classList.add('css-19r5em7'); // BitbucketServer 8.9.*
buttonTextSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(` ${buttonText}`));
button.classList.add('css-9bherd'); // BitbucketServer 8.9.*
button.replaceChildren(icon, buttonTextSpan);
button.title = "Copy commit reference to clipboard";
return button;
createCheckmark() {
const checkmark = super.createCheckmark();
// positioning
checkmark.style.left = 'unset';
checkmark.style.right = 'calc(100% + 24px + 0.5rem)';
* Layout for CSS selectors for classes .typsy and .tipsy-inner
* are too annoying to replicate here, so just copy-paste the
* look and feel bits.
checkmark.style.fontSize = '12px'; // taken from class .tipsy
// the rest -- from .tipsy-inner
checkmark.style.backgroundColor = "#172B4D";
checkmark.style.color = "#FFFFFF";
checkmark.style.padding = "5px 8px 4px 8px";
checkmark.style.borderRadius = "3px";
return checkmark;
getFullHash() {
return this.onAuiVersion(
() => {
const commitAnchor = document.querySelector(BitbucketServer.#SHA_LINK_SELECTOR);
const commitHash = commitAnchor.getAttribute('data-commitid');
return commitHash;
}, () => {
const commitAnchor = document.querySelector(BitbucketServer.#BITBUCKET_SERVER_8_COMMIT_HASH);
return commitAnchor.href.slice(-40, -1);
async getDateIso(commitHash) {
return this.#getApiDateIso(commitHash);
getCommitMessage(hash) {
return this.onAuiVersion(
() => {
const commitAnchor = document.querySelector(BitbucketServer.#SHA_LINK_SELECTOR);
const commitMessage = commitAnchor.getAttribute('data-commit-message');
return commitMessage;
() => {
return document.querySelector('#commit-details-container .commit-message').innerText;
async convertPlainSubjectToHtml(plainTextSubject, commitHash) {
const escapedHtml = await super.convertPlainSubjectToHtml(plainTextSubject, commitHash);
return await this.#insertPrLinks(await this.#insertJiraLinks(escapedHtml), commitHash);
* Extracts Jira issue keys from the Bitbucket UI.
* Works only in Bitbucket Server so far.
* Not needed for Bitbucket Cloud, which uses a separate REST API
* request to provide the HTML content for the clipboard.
#getIssueKeys() {
const issuesElem = document.querySelector('.plugin-section-primary .commit-issues-trigger');
if (!issuesElem) {
if (!issuesElem) {
info("Newer version of Bitbucket Server with mangled CSS classes. Hold onto your butt.");
const keys = new Set();
document.querySelectorAll('[data-issuekey]').forEach(a => keys.add(a.dataset.issuekey));
const array = Array.from(keys);
if (array.length === 0) {
warn("Cannot find issues elements for Jira integration.");
return array;
return [];
const issueKeys = issuesElem.getAttribute('data-issue-keys').split(',');
return issueKeys;
* Returns the URL to a Jira issue for given key of the Jira issue.
* Uses Bitbucket's REST API for Jira integration (not Jira API).
* A Bitbucket instance may be connected to several Jira instances
* and Bitbucket doesn't know for which Jira instance a particular
* issue mentioned in the commit belongs.
async #getIssueUrl(issueKey) {
const projectKey = document.querySelector('[data-projectkey]').getAttribute('data-projectkey');
* This URL for REST API doesn't seem to be documented.
* For example, `jira-integration` isn't mentioned in
* https://docs.atlassian.com/bitbucket-server/rest/7.21.0/bitbucket-jira-rest.html
* I've found out about it by checking what Bitbucket
* Server's web UI does when clicking on the Jira
* integration link on a commit's page.
const response = await fetch(`${document.location.origin}/rest/jira-integration/latest/issues?issueKey=${issueKey}&entityKey=${projectKey}&fields=url&minimum=10`);
const data = await response.json();
return data[0].url;
async #insertJiraLinks(text) {
const issueKeys = this.#getIssueKeys();
if (issueKeys.length == 0) {
debug("Found zero issue keys.");
return text;
debug("issueKeys:", issueKeys);
for (const issueKey of issueKeys) {
if (text.includes(issueKey)) {
try {
const issueUrl = await this.#getIssueUrl(issueKey);
text = text.replace(issueKey, `<a href="${issueUrl}">${issueKey}</a>`);
} catch (e) {
warn(`Cannot load Jira URL from REST API for issue ${issueKey}`, e);
return text;
#getProjectKey() {
return document.querySelector('[data-project-key]').getAttribute('data-project-key');
#getRepositorySlug() {
return document.querySelector('[data-repository-slug]').getAttribute('data-repository-slug');
* Loads from REST API the pull requests, which involve the given commit.
* Tested only on Bitbucket Server.
* Shouldn't be used on Bitbucket Cloud, because of the extra request
* for HTML of the commit message.
async #getPullRequests(commitHash) {
const projectKey = this.#getProjectKey();
const repoSlug = this.#getRepositorySlug();
const url = `/rest/api/latest/projects/${projectKey}/repos/${repoSlug}/commits/${commitHash}/pull-requests?start=0&limit=25`;
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
const obj = await response.json();
return obj.values;
} catch (e) {
error(`Cannot getPullRequests url="${url}"`, e);
return [];
* Inserts an HTML anchor to link to the pull requests, which are
* mentioned in the provided `text` in the format that is used by
* Bitbucket's default automatic merge commit messages.
* Tested only on Bitbucket Server.
* Shouldn't be used on Bitbucket Cloud, because of the extra request
* for HTML of the commit message.
async #insertPrLinks(text, commitHash) {
if (!text.toLowerCase().includes('pull request')) {
return text;
try {
const prs = await this.#getPullRequests(commitHash);
* Find the PR ID in the text.
* Assume that there should be only one.
const m = new RegExp('pull request [#](\\d+)', 'gmi').exec(text);
if (m.length != 2) {
return text;
const linkText = m[0];
const id = parseInt(m[1]);
for (const pr of prs) {
if (pr.id == id) {
const prUrl = pr.links.self[0].href;
text = text.replace(linkText, `<a href="${prUrl}">${linkText}</a>`);
return text;
} catch (e) {
error("Cannot insert pull request links", e);
return text;
async #getApiDateIso(commitHash) {
const t = await this.#getApiTimestamp(commitHash);
const d = new Date(t);
return d.toISOString().slice(0, 'YYYY-MM-DD'.length);
async #getApiTimestamp(commitHash) {
const projectKey = this.#getProjectKey();
const repoSlug = this.#getRepositorySlug();
const url = `/rest/api/latest/projects/${projectKey}/repos/${repoSlug}/commits/${commitHash}`;
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
const obj = await response.json();
return obj.authorTimestamp;
} catch (e) {
error(`Cannot getApiTimestamp url="${url}"`, e);
return NaN;
onAuiVersion(eight, nine) {
if (parseInt(document.body.dataset.auiVersion.split('.')[0]) > 8) {
return nine();
} else {
return eight();
CopyCommitReference.runForGitHostings(new BitbucketCloud(), new BitbucketServer());