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Hide videos that are in playlist

When you are adding videos to your playlists Sometimes you don't remember if you've already added that video. This script puts an H button next to the search bar to Hide videos you've already added to your playlists, so there are no duplicate videos in your playlists.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Hide videos that are in playlist
// @name:es       Ocultar vídeos que estan en la lista de reproduccion
// @namespace   https://greasyfork.org/es/users/758165-AlÉxito
// @match           https://www.youtube.com/*
// @version         1.2
// @author           AlExito
// @description   When you are adding videos to your playlists Sometimes you don't remember if you've already added that video. This script puts an H button next to the search bar to Hide videos you've already added to your playlists, so there are no duplicate videos in your playlists.
// @description:es   Cuando estas agregando videos a tus listas de reproduccion a veces no recuerdas si ya has agregado ese video. Este script pone un  botón H  junto a la barra de busqueda  para Ocultar videos que ya agregaste a tus listas de reproducción, para que no haya videos duplicados en tus listas.
// @license          MIT   feel free to modify improve and share
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
function action1(head) {
var hvipbut = document.createElement("button");
var aEtiquetc = document.createElement("p");
hvipbut.id = "hvip";
hvipbut.setAttribute("style", "z-index: 9999;padding: 6px 10px;background-color: #0f0f0f;cursor: pointer;border: 1px solid #2b3465;");
aEtiquetc.setAttribute("style", "color: #7af;font-size: 20px !important;line-height: 25px;height: 25px;text-transform: capitalize;");
aEtiquetc.setAttribute("title", "Hide videos that are in playlist");
aEtiquetc.textContent = "H";
document.querySelector("#masthead > #container > #center").appendChild(hvipbut);
hvipbut.onclick = function () {
var count = 0;
var urlist = [];
var array1 = [];
actiona(count, urlist);
function actiona(count, urlist, array1){
var index = ["WL", "PLo29ME-MyPlAyLiSt-0vukQAqlG6R"];  // Add your playlist ID in this line
var canti = index.length;
if(count < canti){
var url = "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=" + index[count];
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.open('GET', url)
xhr.onload = function()
var pleylistvidylistvid = xhr.responseText.toString().replace(/webCommandMetadata":{"url":"/g, '\n').replace(/\\u0026list=/g, '\n');
var itemsa = pleylistvidylistvid.match(/watch\?v=...........+?/g);
let array2 = [].concat(array1, itemsa);
actiona(count, urlist, array2);
} else if(count == canti){
function actionb(array2){
var elementos = document.querySelectorAll(["ytd-grid-video-renderer", "ytd-rich-item-renderer", "ytd-compact-video-renderer", "ytd-video-renderer"]);
for (let i = elementos.length-1; 0 <= i ; i--){
let video=elementos[i];
let video_url = video.querySelector("a").href.replace("https://www.youtube.com/", "").replace(/&.+/g, "");
video.setAttribute("style", "display: none !important;");
setTimeout(action1, 5000);