Greasy Fork is available in English.
This extension simply calculates the required seeding time and displays it in the hours seeded box. Colors Ratio accordingly. Many other QOL features to come. - This is not affiliated with Avistaz. At all. -
// ==UserScript== // @name Avistaz Plus // @version 1.6 // @description This extension simply calculates the required seeding time and displays it in the hours seeded box. Colors Ratio accordingly. Many other QOL features to come. - This is not affiliated with Avistaz. At all. - // @author Improved Avistaz // @match*/history* // @match* // @match*/bonus // @match*/history* // @match* // @match*/bonus // @match*/history* // @match* // @match*/bonus // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @namespace // ==/UserScript== function AddedSeeding() { const table = document.getElementsByClassName('table table-condensed table-striped table-bordered')[0] const firstTorrent=table.children[1].children[0] const span = firstTorrent.children[8].querySelector('span') const addedTime = (span.dataset.originalTitle).substring(0, 10) const remainingDays = Math.ceil((new Date(addedTime).setDate(new Date(addedTime).getDate() + 89) - / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); const newDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "flex"; = "center"; = "center"; = "40px"; = "15px"; = "16px"; // Change this value to whatever size you prefer if (remainingDays>15){ newDiv.className = "badge-extra text-green"; }else{newDiv.className = "badge-extra text-red";} newDiv.textContent = ` Your Latest torrent has been added on ${addedTime} you have ${remainingDays} days to add a new torrent.`; table.parentNode.insertBefore(newDiv, table); document.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr').forEach(el => { const cells = el.querySelectorAll('td'); const Seededtimeraw = cells[10].querySelector('span').getAttribute('data-original-title'); const Seedingtimeraw = Seededtimeraw.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/g); const Seedingtime = Math.ceil(parseInt(Seedingtimeraw) / 60); const Ratio = cells[7].querySelector('.text-bold').textContent; const rawDownload = cells[6].querySelector('.text-red').textContent; var Match = rawDownload.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*(GB|MB|KB|TB|B)\b/i); if (Match) { var DownloadedGB = parseFloat(Match[1]); var unit = Match[3]; unit === "TB" ? DownloadedGB *= #### : unit === "MB" ? DownloadedGB /= #### : unit === "KB" ? DownloadedGB /= #### ** 2 : DownloadedGB = DownloadedGB } else Match = "0"; var r###lt = DownloadedGB <= 1 ? r###lt = 72 : DownloadedGB > 1 && DownloadedGB < 50 ? r###lt = Math.ceil(72 + 2 * DownloadedGB) : DownloadedGB > 50 ? r###lt = Math.ceil(100 * Math.log(DownloadedGB) - 219.2023) : 0 var difference = r###lt - Seedingtime const appendedValue = Seedingtime; const seedingCell = cells[10]; const textToDisplay = Seedingtime + 'h / ' + r###lt + 'h'; seedingCell.textContent = textToDisplay; Seedingtime > r###lt ? = 'green' : = 'red'; const ratioCell = cells[7]; ratioCell.textContent = Ratio; ratioCell.classList.add('badge-extra'); = '5px'; = '5px'; Ratio > 0.9 ? = 'green' : = 'lightcoral'; }); } function HitandRun() { const data = []; var table = document.querySelector("#content-area > div:nth-child(5) > div.table-responsive"); document.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr').forEach(el => { const cells = el.querySelectorAll('td'); var name = cells[0].innerText; console.log(name) if (name.includes('Size')) { const rawDownload = cells[1].textContent; console.log(rawDownload) var Match = rawDownload.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*(GB|MB|KB|TB|B)\b/i); if (Match) { var DownloadedGB = parseFloat(Match[1]); let torrentinfo = (DownloadedGB * 0.9).toFixed(3); var unit = Match[3]; unit === "TB" ? DownloadedGB *= #### : unit === "MB" ? DownloadedGB /= #### : unit === "KB" ? DownloadedGB /= #### ** 2 : DownloadedGB = DownloadedGB } var r###lt = DownloadedGB <= 1 ? r###lt = 72 : DownloadedGB > 1 && DownloadedGB < 50 ? r###lt = Math.ceil(72 + 2 * DownloadedGB) : DownloadedGB > 50 ? r###lt = Math.ceil(100 * Math.log(DownloadedGB) - 219.2023) : 0 var days = Math.floor(r###lt / 24); var hours = r###lt % 24; console.log(days + ' days and ' + hours + ' hours'); const size = cells[1].textContent; var clone = el.cloneNode(true); var cloneCells = clone.querySelectorAll('td'); cloneCells[0].textContent = "Hit and Run"; cloneCells[0].style.fontWeight = 'bold'; let torrentinfo = (DownloadedGB * 0.9).toFixed(2); console.log(torrentinfo,DownloadedGB) console.log(torrentinfo,rawDownload) cloneCells[1].textContent = `If you download this torrent you will need to upload ${torrentinfo} GB or seed for ${days} days and ${hours} hours.`; el.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, el.nextSibling); return; } }) } function addedBonus(){var showNext = true; var showEach = true; var tbl = document.getElementsByTagName('table')[1]; var perHour = parseFloat(document.documentElement.innerHTML.match(/<strong>(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)<\/strong> points per hour/)[1]); perHour = perHour == 0 ? -1 : perHour; var total = parseFloat(document.documentElement.innerHTML.match(/<strong>Total:<\/strong> (\d+\.\d{2})/)[1]); var th = document.createElement("th"); th.appendChild(document.createTextNode("ETA " + ((showNext || showEach) ? (" (" + (showNext ? "next" : "") + ((showNext && showEach) ? "/" : "") + (showEach ? "each" : "") + ")") : ""))); var header = tbl.getElementsByTagName('thead')[0].rows[0]; header.insertCell(2); header.cells[2].appendChild(th); for(var i = 1; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) { var row = tbl.rows[i]; var cost = parseInt(row.cells[1].innerHTML.match(/\d+(?:,\d+)?/)[0].replace(',', '')); var total_mod = total % cost; var duration = (Math.max(0, cost - total) / perHour)/24; var next_duration = (Math.max(0, cost - total_mod) / perHour)/24; var each_duration = (cost/perHour)/24; if(perHour == -1) { duration = 0; next_duration = 0; each_duration = 0; } var content = duration.toFixed(2) + ((showNext || showEach) ? (" (" + (showNext ? next_duration.toFixed(2) : "") + ((showNext && showEach) ? "/" : "") + (showEach ? each_duration.toFixed(2) : "") + ")") : "") + " days" var content_right = Math.floor(total/cost); createCell(row.insertCell(2), content, "float:left;"); createCell(row.cells[2], content_right, "float:right;font-weight:bold;"); } function createCell(cell, text, style) { var div = document.createElement('div'), txt = document.createTextNode(text); div.setAttribute('style', style); div.appendChild(txt); cell.appendChild(div); }} // This checks the URL and picks which function to run. var currentURL = window.location.href; console.log(currentURL) // Check the URL and decide which function to execute if (currentURL.includes("/history")) { AddedSeeding(); // Execute function for Type 1 URL } else if (currentURL.includes("/torrent")) { HitandRun(); // Execute function for Type 2 URL } else if (currentURL.includes("/bonus")) { addedBonus(); // Execute function for Type 2 URL } else { // Handle other URLs or provide a default action console.log("This URL doesn't match any known types"); } // Many thanks to the kind person that showed interest in this code! // Thank you GlassHoney2354 for the addedBonus function!