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Fully Working 2023 UnBlocker for YouTube. Get rid of that pesky blocker, and return my vids!
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube DeBlock // @description Fully Working 2023 UnBlocker for YouTube. Get rid of that pesky blocker, and return my vids! // @author YelloNox // @version 1.1.8 // @created 2023-10-10 // @namespace // @homepage // @match *://* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict"; /* User Customization */ const disableTheaterToggle = false; const disableReloadToggle = false; const disableOptionsMenu = false; var forceEnableEmbed = false; /* Language INFO: */ const language = "en"; /* End User Customization */ // Any class the blocker uses const blockerClass = "ytd-enforcement-message-view-model"; // Any class on the broken video (e.x. yt-playability-error-supported-renderers) var ogVideoClass = "yt-playability-error-supported-renderers"; if (forceEnableEmbed) { // Any class of the official video for force replacing ogVideoClass = "html5-video-player"; } // Class of the parent for the custom content locaiton const customContentParentID = "end"; // Original Youtube URL const youtubeURL = ""; // Change to theater mode on load const changeTheaterOnStart = false; // Domains to redirect to. var domainList = [ "", "", "", "", "", // Disabled (for now) ]; // Does domain include www. (if not, need to remove later) var domainListUrlStat = [ true, //"", true, //"", false, //"", false, //"", false, //"", ]; // --- Do Not Touch --- // var newDomain = domainList[0]; var newDomainListUrlStat = domainListUrlStat[0]; // Temp Functions // const tempReplaceClass = "replaceme"; let isBlocked = false; let isSubChange = false; let isChangingFrame = false; var updatedURL = window.location.href; var previousDropdownValue; // --- Do Not Touch --- // // -------------- Main Loop Funcitons -------------- // // Function that checks if the page is even blocked var theaterStartRunOnce = false; function checkClass() { const blockerElement = document.querySelectorAll("." + blockerClass); const videoElement = document.querySelectorAll("." + ogVideoClass); if (blockerElement.length > 0) { isBlocked = true; console.log("blocked [checkClass]: yes"); } if (forceEnableEmbed && videoElement.length > 0) { isBlocked = true; forceEnableEmbed = false; console.log("Forcing Unblock"); } if (isBlocked) { console.log("Replacing Original [checkClass]"); replaceVideo(); addDomainToURLs(); isBlocked = false; } else { // console.log("[checkClass] #2") - Cogs Log urlTracker(); dropdownTracker(); } if (changeTheaterOnStart && !theaterStartRunOnce) { changeTheaterMode(true); theaterStartRunOnce = true; } } // -------------- Event Listeners -------------- // // Checks if the url has changed, if so, reload the iframe (thus reloading the video) function urlTracker() { var currentURL = window.location.href; // console.log("Test URL [urlTracker]"); - Cogs Log if (currentURL != updatedURL) { console.log("Found New URL"); updatedURL = window.location.href; if (isSubChange) { isBlocked = true; } } } // Checks if the dropdown has changed function dropdownTracker() { var dropdown = document.getElementById("dropdown"); if (dropdown) { changeSelection(dropdown); } } function changeSelection(dropdown) { try { dropdown.addEventListener("change", function () { checkDropdownChange(dropdown); }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error [changeSelection]: " + error); } } function checkDropdownChange(dropdown) { var newValue = dropdown.value; // Check if the value has actually changed if (newValue !== previousDropdownValue) { newDomain = domainList[newValue]; newDomainListUrlStat = domainListUrlStat[newValue]; console.log("Selection Changed [newDomain]: " + newDomain); console.log( "Selection Changed [newDomainListUrlStat]: " + newDomainListUrlStat ); reloadFrame(); // Update the previousValue variable previousDropdownValue = newValue; } } // Reload Frame when "Reload Frame" button is clicked function reloadFrame() { replaceVideo(); addDomainToURLs(); console.log("clicked [reloadFrame]"); } // -------------- Checks -------------- // function appendingFrame(isSet) { if (isSet == true) { isChangingFrame = true; } else { isChangingFrame = false; } console.log("ChangingFrames: " + changingFrame); } // -------------- Actions -------------- // // Remove the *blocker* from the page by locating the class name. function removeElementsByClassName(removeClass) { console.log("Removing [removeElementsByClassName]: " + removeClass); const elements = document.querySelectorAll("." + removeClass); try { elements.forEach((element) => { element.remove(); }); } catch (error) { console.error( "Error removing elements [removeElementsByClassName]: " + error ); } } // Checks string and returns if contains matching text function checkText(string, text) { console.log("Checking string [checkText]"); return string.includes(text); } // Function to replace "" with selected domain function getNewURL(newDomain) { console.log("New URL [newDomain]: " + newDomain); const currentURL = window.location.href; try { if (currentURL.includes(youtubeURL)) { var newURL = currentURL.replace(youtubeURL, newDomain); if (newDomainListUrlStat == false) { newURL = newURL.replace(/www./g, ""); } return newURL; } } catch (error) { console.error("Error [newURL]: " + error); } } // Adds "" to all nameless urls on webpage function addDomainToURLs() { console.log("Adding [addDomainToURLs]"); const links = document.querySelectorAll("a"); try { links.forEach((link) => { let href = link.getAttribute("href"); if ( href && !href.startsWith("http") && !href.startsWith("www") ) { href = "https://www." + youtubeURL + href; link.setAttribute("href", href); } }); } catch (error) { console.error("[addDomainToURLs] #1", error); } } // Is it the first video change, or recurring? function replaceVideo() { if (!isSubChange) { console.log("replacing [replaceVideo]"); removeElementsByClassName(blockerClass); createJFrame(ogVideoClass); isSubChange = true; return; } if (isSubChange) { console.log("replacing subclick [replaceVideo]"); removeOgIframe(); createJFrame(tempReplaceClass); console.log("In with the new [replaceVideo]"); } isBlocked = false; } // Fixes unusable URL(s) function fixURL(URL) { const playlistCheck = "&list="; const watchStamp = "watch?v="; const timestamp = "&t="; const isURL = checkText(URL, youtubeURL); const isPlaylist = checkText(URL, playlistCheck); const isTimestamp = checkText(URL, timestamp); console.log( "isURL:" + isURL + " isPlaylist:" + isPlaylist + " isTimestamp:" + isTimestamp ); console.log("URL [fixURL]:" + URL); if (isURL) { URL = URL.replace(watchStamp, ""); console.log("Is Not Playlist [fixURL]: " + URL); } if (isURL && isTimestamp) { URL = URL.split(timestamp)[0]; console.log("\nURL Split Timestamp Fix [fixURL]: " + URL); } if (isPlaylist) { URL = URL.split(playlistCheck)[0]; console.log("\nURL Split Playlist Fix [fixURL]: " + URL); } return URL; } // Fixes webpage address function fixPage() { var tmpURL = window.location.href; const playlistCheck = "&list="; const isBrokePlaylist = checkText(tmpURL, playlistCheck); if (isBrokePlaylist) { printAlert(0); var regex = /(&list)\D+\d+/g; console.log("URL Fix Original: [fixPage]: " + tmpURL); tmpURL = tmpURL.replace(regex, ""); console.log("URL Fix New: [fixPage]: " + tmpURL); window.location.href = tmpURL; } } var theaterModeToggle = true; function toggleTheater() { if (theaterModeToggle) { console.log("Changing Mode [toggleTheater]: Off"); theaterModeToggle = false; } else { console.log("Changing Mode [toggleTheater]: On"); theaterModeToggle = true; } changeTheaterMode(theaterModeToggle); } // Thanx :> function changeTheaterMode(state) { try { const collection = document.getElementsByTagName("ytd-watch-flexy"); const ytd_watch_flexy = collection.item(0); if (!ytd_watch_flexy) { console.error("No ytd-watch-flexy Found[changeTheaterMode]"); return; } if (state) { = true; console.log("Theater On [changeTheaterMode]"); } else { = false; console.log("Theater Off [changeTheaterMode]"); } } catch (error) { console.error("Theater-Mode Error [changeTheaterMode]: " + error); } } // -------------- JFrame Control -------------- // // Create video embedding frame function createJFrame(classToOverturn) { var newURL = getNewURL(newDomain); const elements = document.querySelectorAll("." + classToOverturn); console.log("newURL Beginning [createJFrame]: " + newURL); fixPage(); newURL = fixURL(newURL); try { const firstElement = elements[0]; // Get the first element in the array -> trying to prevent duplicate videos if (firstElement) { const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.width = "100%"; iframe.height = "100%"; iframe.src = newURL; iframe.allow = "accelerometer; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"; // autoplay: ^ (autoplay removed after bug; also never worked anyhow) iframe.allowFullscreen = true; iframe.zIndex = "9999"; firstElement.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, firstElement); console.log("Modified URL:", newURL); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error creating iframe [createJFrame]: " + error); } } // Removes the original video frame. function removeOgIframe() { const iframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe"); console.log("removing jFrame [removeOgIframe]"); try { iframes.forEach((iframe) => { const paragraph = document.createElement("p"); paragraph.className = tempReplaceClass; iframe.parentNode.insertBefore(paragraph, iframe); iframe.remove(); console.log("Out with the old [removeOgIframe]"); }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error [removeOgIframe]: " + error); } } // -------------- Experimental Features (unused) -------------- // // Save dropdown selection to local storage function dropdownStore() { try { rememberButton.addEventListener("click", function () { localStorage.setItem("selectedOption", dropdown.value); console.log("Selection Stored"); }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error [dropdownStore]: " + error); } } // -------------- Language Information -------------- // // xtxt is for the type of text needed (i.e. dropdown / theater mode button / ect...) for the main category of text. // vers is the item in the container (i.e. dropdown: youtube, yout-ube) for multiple subtexts. // top tier explination! function getText(xtxt, vers) { const translations = { en: { theaterMode: ["Theater"], reloadFrame: ["Reload Frame"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Embed]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, de: { theaterMode: ["Theater"], reloadFrame: ["Rahmen neu laden"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Einbetten]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, es: { theaterMode: ["Teatro"], reloadFrame: ["Recargar Marco"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Incrustar]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, fr: { theaterMode: ["Théâtre"], reloadFrame: ["Recharger le Cadre"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Intégrer]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, it: { theaterMode: ["Teatro"], reloadFrame: ["Ricarica Cornice"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Incorpora]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, jp: { theaterMode: ["劇場"], reloadFrame: ["フレームを再読み込み"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [埋め込み]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, ko: { theaterMode: ["극장"], reloadFrame: ["프레임 다시 로드"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [임베드]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, nl: { theaterMode: ["Theater"], reloadFrame: ["Frame Herladen"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Insluiten]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, pl: { theaterMode: ["Teatr"], reloadFrame: ["Przeładuj Ramkę"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Osadź]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, pt: { theaterMode: ["Teatro"], reloadFrame: ["Recarregar Quadro"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Embutir]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, ru: { theaterMode: ["Театр"], reloadFrame: ["Перезагрузить Рамку"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Вставить]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, ar: { theaterMode: ["مسرح"], reloadFrame: ["إعادة تحميل الإطار"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [تضمين]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, zh: { theaterMode: ["剧院"], reloadFrame: ["重新加载框架"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [嵌入]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, hi: { theaterMode: ["रंगमंच"], reloadFrame: ["फ्रेम पुनः लोड करें"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [एम्बेड करें]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, sv: { theaterMode: ["Teater"], reloadFrame: ["Ladda om Ramen"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Bädda in]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, no: { theaterMode: ["Teater"], reloadFrame: ["Last Inn Rammen på Nytt"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Bygg inn]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, da: { theaterMode: ["Teater"], reloadFrame: ["Genindlæs Rammen"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Vložit]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, cs: { theaterMode: ["Divadlo"], reloadFrame: ["Rámeček znovu načíst"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Vložit]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, hu: { theaterMode: ["Színház"], reloadFrame: ["Keret Újratöltése"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Beágyazás]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, tr: { theaterMode: ["Tiyatro"], reloadFrame: ["Çerçeveyi Yeniden Yükle"], dropdown: [ "YouTube™ [Gömme]", "yout-ube", "", "", ], }, }; const languageTranslations = translations[language]; return languageTranslations && languageTranslations[xtxt] ? languageTranslations[xtxt][vers] : undefined; } // alertT is the alert type (i.e. invalid page...) function printAlert(alertT) { const translations = { en: { 0: [ "Oops! Something went wrong.\n\n- Issue: The playlist feature is currently not working.\n- Action: You will be redirected to a static page shortly.\n\nI am looking for a fix.", ], }, de: { 0: [ "Hoppla! Etwas ist schief gelaufen.\n\n- Problem: Die Playlist-Funktion funktioniert derzeit nicht.\n- Aktion: Sie werden in Kürze auf eine Standardseite umgeleitet.\n\nIch suche nach einer Lösung.", ], }, es: { 0: [ "¡Vaya! Algo salió mal.\n\n- Problema: La función de lista de reproducción no está funcionando actualmente.\n- Acción: Serás redirigido a una página estándar en breve.\n\nEstoy buscando una solución.", ], }, fr: { 0: [ "Oups ! Un problème est survenu.\n\n- Problème : La fonction de playlist ne fonctionne pas actuellement.\n- Action : Vous serez redirigé vers une page standard sous peu.\n\nJe cherche une solution.", ], }, it: { 0: [ "Ops! Qualcosa è andato storto.\n\n- Problema: La funzione playlist non sta funzionando al momento.\n- Azione: Sarai reindirizzato a una pagina standard a breve.\n\nSto cercando una soluzione.", ], }, jp: { 0: [ "おっと!何かが間違っていました。\n\n- 問題:プレイリスト機能は現在動作していません。\n- 処置:間もなく標準ページにリダイレクトされます。\n\n修正を探しています。", ], }, ko: { 0: [ "이런! 문제가 발생했습니다.\n\n- 문제: 플레이리스트 기능이 현재 작동하지 않습니다.\n- 조치: 곧 표준 페이지로 리디렉션됩니다.\n\n해결책을 찾고 있습니다.", ], }, nl: { 0: [ "Oeps! Er is iets misgegaan.\n\n- Probleem: De afspeellijstfunctie werkt momenteel niet.\n- Actie: Je wordt binnenkort omgeleid naar een standaardpagina.\n\nIk ben op zoek naar een oplossing.", ], }, pl: { 0: [ "Ups! Coś poszło nie tak.\n\n- Problem: Funkcja listy odtwarzania obecnie nie działa.\n- Działanie: Wkrótce zostaniesz przekierowany na standardową stronę.\n\nSzukam rozwiązania.", ], }, pt: { 0: [ "Ops! Algo deu errado.\n\n- Problema: A função de playlist atualmente não está funcionando.\n- Ação: Você será redirecionado para uma página padrão em breve.\n\nEstou procurando uma solução.", ], }, ru: { 0: [ "Ой! Что-то пошло не так.\n\n- Проблема: В настоящее время функция плейлиста не работает.\n- Действие: Скоро вы будете перенаправлены на стандартную страницу.\n\nЯ ищу решение.", ], }, ar: { 0: [ "عفوًا! هناك خطأ ما.\n\n- المشكلة: ميزة قائمة التشغيل لا تعمل حاليًا.\n- الإجراء: ستتم إعادتك إلى صفحة قياسية قريبًا.\n\nأبحث عن حل.", ], }, zh: { 0: [ "哎呀!出了点问题。\n\n- 问题:播放列表功能目前无法使用。\n- 操作:您将很快被重定向到标准页面。\n\n我正在寻找解决方案。", ], }, hi: { 0: [ "उफ! कुछ गलत हो गया।\n\n- समस्या: प्लेलिस्ट सुविधा वर्तमान में काम नहीं कर रही है।\n- कार्रवाई: आपको जल्द ही एक मानक पृष्ठ पर अनुप्रेषित किया जाएगा।\n\nमैं एक समाधान ढूँढ रहा हूँ।", ], }, sv: { 0: [ "Oops! Något gick fel.\n\n- Problem: Spellistefunktionen fungerar inte för närvarande.\n- Åtgärd: Du kommer att omdirigeras till en standard sida inom kort.\n\nJag letar efter en lösning.", ], }, no: { 0: [ "Oisann! Noe gikk galt.\n\n- Problem: Spillelistefunksjonen virker ikke for øyeblikket.\n- Handling: Du vil bli omdirigert til en standardside snart.\n\nJeg ser etter en løsning.", ], }, da: { 0: [ "Ups! Noget gik galt.\n\n- Problem: Afspilningsliste funktionen virker ikke i øjeblikket.\n- Handling: Du vil snart blive omdirigeret til en standard side.\n\nJeg leder efter en løsning.", ], }, cs: { 0: [ "Jejda! Něco se pokazilo.\n\n- Problém: Funkce playlistu momentálně nefunguje.\n- Akce: Brzy budete přesměrováni na standardní stránku.\n\nHledám řešení.", ], }, hu: { 0: [ "Hoppá! Valami hiba történt.\n\n- Probléma: A lejátszási lista funkció jelenleg nem működik.\n- Teendő: Hamarosan egy szabványos oldalra lesz átirányítva.\n\nMegoldást keresek.", ], }, tr: { 0: [ "Oops! Bir şeyler yanlış gitti.\n\n- Sorun: Oynatma listesi özelliği şu anda çalışmıyor.\n- Eylem: Yakında standart bir say", ], }, }; const languageTranslations = translations[language]; alert(languageTranslations[alertT]); } // -------------- Custom HTML Start -------------- // // Custom CSS var css = ` .btn-style { position: relative; display: inline-block; padding: 9px; height: 40px; color: white; background-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; text-shadow: none; border: 1px solid white; border-radius: 0px; z-index: 9999; opacity: 100%; transition: transform 0.3s ease; user-select: none; } .btn-style:hover { opacity: 80%; } .main-btn { margin-right: 16px; transition: transform 0.1s ease; } .main-btn:active { border: 1px solid transparent !important; transform: scale(0.9); } .dropdown-content { position: relative; background-color: black; } .custom-container { border: none; display: inline-block; margin-right: 16px; margin-left: 16px; transition: transform 0.3s ease; } `; var ranCustomContentOnce = false; function customContent() { // Create Container var customContainer = document.createElement("div"); customContainer.classList.add("custom-container"); /* Not Complete */ // Create Button Theater Mode var theaterButton = document.createElement("button"); theaterButton.textContent = getText("theaterMode", 0); theaterButton.classList.add("btn-style", "main-btn"); /**/ // Create Button Reload var reloadButton = document.createElement("button"); reloadButton.textContent = getText("reloadFrame", 0); reloadButton.classList.add("btn-style", "main-btn"); // Create Dropdown Menu var dropdownButton = document.createElement("select"); = "dropdown"; dropdownButton.classList.add("btn-style"); const options = [ { value: "0", text: getText("dropdown", 0) }, { value: "1", text: getText("dropdown", 1) }, { value: "2", text: getText("dropdown", 2) }, { value: "3", text: getText("dropdown", 3) }, //{ value: "4", text: "NSFW YouTube [Broken!]" } Fix later? ]; var htmlContent = options .map( (option) => `<option class="dropdown-content" value="${option.value}">${option.text}</option>` ) .join(""); dropdownButton.innerHTML = htmlContent; // -------------- Custom HTML End -------------- // // ----- Appending custom content to page ----- // // Add items to Container if (!disableTheaterToggle) { customContainer.appendChild(theaterButton); } if (!disableReloadToggle) { customContainer.appendChild(reloadButton); } if (!disableOptionsMenu) { customContainer.appendChild(dropdownButton); } // Append CSS to page var style = document.createElement("style"); style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); document.head.appendChild(style); // Find ID Location var exsistingParent = document.getElementById(customContentParentID); console.log("Found exsistingParent: " + exsistingParent); // Add Container to Page if (exsistingParent != null) { exsistingParent.insertBefore( customContainer, exsistingParent.firstChild ); console.log("Added customContainer to page"); } else { console.error("Error [customContent]: No exsistingParent found"); } theaterButton.addEventListener("click", toggleTheaterStingyWorkaround); reloadButton.addEventListener("click", reloadFrame); ranCustomContentOnce = true; } try { if (!ranCustomContentOnce) { customContent(); console.log("Loaded [customContent]"); } else { console.log( "Tried to load, but was allready loaded [customContent]" ); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error [customContent]: " + error); } // -------------- Active Listeners -------------- // // Run every second to check for updates on page (Will not ping any server till a new page is clicked) try { window.setInterval(checkClass, 1000); } catch (error) { console.error("Error Running [window.setInterval]: " + error); } try { document.addEventListener("click", checkClass, 1000); } catch (error) { console.error("Error Running [document.addEventListener]: " + error); } // ------------- Passive Listeners ------------- // // Fullscreen Toggle function toggleTheaterStingyWorkaround() { const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { key: "t", keyCode: 84, }); document.dispatchEvent(event); location.reload(); } })();