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Виджет для главной страницы ГВД
// ==UserScript== // @name hwmWidget // @include /^https{0,1}:\/\/((www|qrator)\.heroeswm\.ru|178\.248\.235\.15)\/home\.php/ // @description Виджет для главной страницы ГВД // @version 5.8 // @author Tamozhnya1 // @namespace Tamozhnya1 // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const playerIdMatch = document.cookie.match(/pl_id=(\d+)/); const PlayerId = playerIdMatch ? playerIdMatch[1] : ""; const lang = document.documentElement.lang || (location.hostname == "" ? 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"Forum choosing" : "Выбор форума"}</p> ${Object.keys(forumNames).reduce((t, k) => t += `<div><input type="radio" id="${k}" name="forum" ${getValue("ForumId", "2") == k ? "checked" : ""}><label for="${k}">${forumNames[k]}</label></div>`, "")} <p>${isEn ? "Clan choosing" : "Выбор клана"}</p> <div id=widgetClansBlock></div> <label for="ShowItemsAmountInput">${isEn ? "Messages number" : "Количество отображаемых сообщений"}</label><input type="number" id="ShowItemsAmountInput" value="${getValue("ShowItemsAmount", 5)}" onfocus="; "/> <label for="widgetPositionCheckbox">${isEn ? "Widget position" : "Положение виджета (вверху (если отмечено) / внизу)"}</label><input type="checkbox" id="widgetPositionCheckbox" /> `}); fillClansList(hwmWidgetSettingsPanel); hwmWidgetSettingsPanel.querySelector("#widgetPositionCheckbox").checked = getBool("WidgetPosition"); [...hwmWidgetSettingsPanel.querySelectorAll("input[name=forum]")].forEach(x => x.addEventListener("click", function() { setValue("ForumId", hwmWidgetSettingsPanel.querySelector(`input[name='forum']:checked`).id); })); hwmWidgetSettingsPanel.querySelector("#widgetPositionCheckbox").addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("WidgetPosition", this.checked); }); hwmWidgetSettingsPanel.querySelector("#ShowItemsAmountInput").addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShowItemsAmount", this.value); }); fieldsMap.push([hwmWidgetSettingsPanel]); createPupupPanel(, getScriptReferenceHtml() + " " + getSendErrorMailReferenceHtml(), fieldsMap, databind); } function trimming(string, l) { //console.log(`string: ${string}, l: ${l}`); var s = string; if(string.length > l) { for(var i = l; i >= 0; i--) { if(string.charAt(i) == ' ') { s = string.substr(0, i) + '...'; } } s = string.substr(0, l) + '...'; } return s.replace(/&[^#]/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<"); } async function getElementLots() { const arts = []; for(const elementName of ElementNames) { const doc = await getRequest(`/auction.php?cat=elements&sort=0&art_type=${elementName}`); const firstLotRow = doc.querySelector("center > table:nth-child(2) > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2) > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3)"); let row = firstLotRow; while(row = row.nextElementSibling) { const art = parseLotRow(row); if(art) { arts.push(art); } } } setValue("LastElementsRequestTime",; const grouppedArts = groupBy(arts.filter(x => x.LotType == LotType.Purchase), "ArtId"); return grouppedArts; } function parseLotRow(row) { if(!row || row.nodeName != "TR") { return; } const goldImageElement = row.querySelector("img[src*='gold.png']"); if(!goldImageElement) { return; } const lotPrice = parseFloat(goldImageElement.parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, "")); let artId; let lotAmount = 1; const lotAmountExec = new RegExp(`(\\d+) ${isEn ? "pcs." : "шт."}`).exec(row.innerHTML); //console.log(lotAmountExec); if(lotAmountExec) { lotAmount = parseInt(lotAmountExec[1]); } const lotType = row.innerHTML.includes(LocalizedString.BuyNow) ? LotType.Purchase : LotType.Auction; const artImageRefElement = row.querySelector("a[href*='art_info.php']"); if(!artImageRefElement) { const elementsList = Object.values(ElementsTypes).join("|"); const elementParse = (new RegExp(`gn_res/(${elementsList}).png`)).exec(row.innerHTML); if(elementParse) { artId = elementParse[1]; } if(row.innerHTML.includes("house_cert")) { const locationsList = Object.values(locations).map(x => x[2]).join("|"); const sertParse = (new RegExp(`<br>(${locationsList}) <b>`)).exec(row.innerHTML); if(sertParse) { artId = getSertIdByLocationName(sertParse[1]); } } const resourcesList = Object.values(ResourcesTypes).map(x => x.ImageName).join("|"); const resourceParse = (new RegExp(`/(${resourcesList}).png`)).exec(row.innerHTML); if(resourceParse) { artId = "res_" + resourceParse[1]; } if(row.innerHTML.includes("auc_dom")) { const locationsList = Object.values(locations).map(x => x[2]).join("|"); const sertParse = (new RegExp(`<br>(${locationsList}) <b>`)).exec(row.innerHTML); if(sertParse) { artId = getHouseIdByLocationName(sertParse[1]); } } if(row.innerHTML.includes("obj_share_pic")) { const locationsList = Object.values(locations).map(x => x[2]).join("|"); const sertParse = (new RegExp(`<br>(${locationsList}) <b>`)).exec(row.innerHTML); if(sertParse) { artId = getShaIdByLocationName(sertParse[1]); } } } else { artId = getUrlParamValue(artImageRefElement.href, "id"); var artUid = getUrlParamValue(artImageRefElement.href, "uid");; const strengthData = row.innerText.match(/\d+\/\d+/); var restLotStrength = parseInt(strengthData[0].split("/")[0]); var lotStrength = parseInt(strengthData[0].split("/")[1]); } const lotRef = row.querySelector("a[href^='auction_lot_protocol.php']"); const lotId = getUrlParamValue(lotRef.href, "id"); const imgR = row.querySelector("td:nth-child(1) > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(1) > img"); return { ArtUid: artUid, ArtId: artId, LotStrength: lotStrength, RestLotStrength: restLotStrength, LotPrice: lotPrice, LotType: lotType, LotAmount: lotAmount, LotId: lotId, ImageUrl: imgR.getAttribute('src'), Title: imgR.getAttribute('title') }; } async function getResources(force = false) { const resourcesPanel = document.getElementById("hwmWidgetResourcesPanel"); let elementsData = []; if(parseInt(getValue("LastElementsRequestTime", 0)) + 5 * 60 * 1000 < || force) { resourcesPanel.innerHTML = getWheelImage(); const grouppedArts = await getElementLots(); for(const elementName of ElementNames) { const arts = grouppedArts[elementName] if(arts.length == 0) { continue; } const art = arts[0]; let price = art.LotPrice; let secondLotPrice = price; if(arts.length > 1) { secondLotPrice = arts[1].LotPrice; } elementsData.push({ ElementName: elementName, Price: price, ImageUrl: art.ImageUrl, Title: art.Title, Diffrence: secondLotPrice - price, AuctionUrl: `/auction.php?cat=elements&sort=0&art_type=${elementName}`, NewAuctionUrl: `/auction_new_lot.php?${elementName}=${(price - 1)}` }); } //console.log(elementsData); setValue("elementsData", JSON.stringify(elementsData)); } else { elementsData = JSON.parse(getValue("elementsData", "[]")); //console.log(elementsData); } let res = ""; for(const elementData of elementsData) { res += ` <div class='res-style__elem'> <div style='align-self: center;'> <a class='hover-link' href='${elementData.NewAuctionUrl}' target='_blank'> <img src='${elementData.ImageUrl}' width='20' heigth='20' border='0'> </a> </div> <a class='hover-link' target='_. blank' style='text-decoration: none; align-self: center; margin-left: 5px; font-size: 9px;' href='${elementData.AuctionUrl}' title='${isEn ? "First and second lot price difference" : "Разница первого и второго лотов"}: ${elementData.Diffrence}'>${elementData.Price}</a> <div style='${(elementData.Diffrence >= 150 ? 'display: inline-flex; background-color: #f33800; padding: 5px;margin-left: 5px; border: 0; border-radius: 4px; color: #fff;' : 'display: none;')}'> <span title='' style='font-size: 8px; font-weight: bold;'>${elementData.Diffrence}</span> </div> </div>`; } resourcesPanel.innerHTML = res + `<button id="refreshElementsButton" value="${isEn ? "Refresh" : "Обновить"}" title="${isEn ? "Refresh" : "Обновить"}" >↻</button>`; resourcesPanel.querySelector("#refreshElementsButton").addEventListener("click", function() { getResources(true); }); } async function getClanNews() { if(!getValue("ClanId")) { document.getElementById("hwmWidgetNewsPanel").innerHTML = "Вы не состоите в кланах"; return; } const doc = await getRequest(`/sms_clans.php?clan_id=${getValue("ClanId")}`); const letters = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("table.wbwhite a[href^='/sms_clans.php'][href*='read']")).map(x => { return { Title: x.innerHTML, Ref: x.href, DateText: x.parentNode.previousElementSibling.innerHTML, IsHot: ( - parseDate(x.parentNode.previousElementSibling.innerHTML, false, true).getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60) <= 12, }; }).slice(0, parseInt(getValue("ShowItemsAmount", 5))); //console.log(letters); //console.log(`letters: ${letters.length}`); let clanLetters = ""; for(const letter of letters) { clanLetters += ` <div class='text-title'> <a class='hover-link' style='text-decoration:none; ${letter.IsHot ? "font-weight: bold; color: red;" : ""}' target='_blank' href='${letter.Ref}' title='${letter.Title}'>${letter.IsHot ? "📣 " : "• "}${letter.Title}</a> <div class='clan-style'> <span title='Дата' style='font-size:9px'>${letter.DateText}</span> </div> </div> `; } document.getElementById("hwmWidgetNewsPanel").innerHTML = clanLetters; } async function getForumNews() { const forumId = getValue("ForumId", "2"); const doc = await getRequest(`/forum_thread.php?id=${forumId}`); const messages = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("tr > td:nth-child(1) > a[href^='forum_messages.php']")).map(x => { return { Fixed: getParent(x, "tr").querySelector("img[src*='skrepka.gif']") ? true : false, Title: x.innerHTML, Reference: x.href, LastCommentReference: getParent(x, "tr").querySelector("a[href^='forum_messages.php'][href*='page=last']"), CommentsAmount: parseInt(getParent(x, "tr").cells[2].innerHTML), IsHot: parseInt(getParent(x, "tr").cells[2].innerHTML) <= 20 };}).filter(x => !x.Fixed).slice(0, parseInt(getValue("ShowItemsAmount", 5))); let forumNews = ""; for(const message of messages) { forumNews += ` <div class='text-title'> <a class='hover-link' style='text-decoration: none;${(message.IsHot ? ' font-weight: bold; color: #ff4d00' : '')}' target='_blank' href='${message.Reference}' title='${message.Title}'>${(message.IsHot ? "🔥" : "•")} ${message.Title} </a> <div style='display: inline-flex; background-color: #adadad40;padding: 3px 7px; margin-left: 7px; border: 0; border-radius: 4px; color: #592C08;'> <a href="${message.LastCommentReference}" title='Количество комментариев. Перейти к последнему.' target='_blank' style='font-size: 9px'>${message.CommentsAmount}</a> </div> </div>`; } document.getElementById("hwmWidgetNewsPanel").innerHTML = forumNews; } async function getDailyNews() { const newsPanel = document.getElementById("hwmWidgetNewsPanel"); newsPanel.innerHTML = `${getWheelImage()} Загрузка списка новостей...`; let dailyNews = JSON.parse(getValue("DailyNews", "[]")).map(x => JSON.parse(x)); //console.log(dailyNews); dailyNews = distinctBy(dailyNews, x => x.href); if(parseInt(getValue("LastDailyNewsRequestTime", 0)) + 6 * 3600 * 1000 < getServerTime()) { const dailyNewsRefs = => x.href); setValue("LastDailyNewsRequestTime", getServerTime()); const doc = await getRequest(""); const allNewsRefs = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("a[href^='']")); const newsRefs = groupBy(allNewsRefs.filter(x => x.hash != "#last"), x => x.href); //console.log(newsRefs); dailyNews = dailyNews.filter(x => => x.href).includes(x.href)); dailyNews.forEach(x => x.isHot = false); const newNews = []; for(const newsRefKey in newsRefs) { const newsRef = newsRefs[newsRefKey][0]; if(dailyNewsRefs.includes(newsRef.href)) { continue; } const commentsRef = allNewsRefs.find(x => x.pathname == newsRef.pathname && x.hash == "#last"); // const commentsAmount = commentsRef ? parseInt(commentsRef.innerText) : 0; newNews.push({ href: newsRef.href, text: newsRef.innerText, commentsAmount: commentsAmount, isHot: true }); } dailyNews.unshift(...newNews); setValue("DailyNews", JSON.stringify( => JSON.stringify(x)))); } let newsText = ""; for(const dailyNewsItem of dailyNews) { let comments = ""; if(dailyNewsItem.commentsAmount > 0) { comments = ` (<a class='hover-link' style='text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; font-size: 10px;' target='_blank' href='${dailyNewsItem.href}?last#last'>${(isEn ? "Comments: " : "Комментариев: ") + dailyNewsItem.commentsAmount}</a>)`; } newsText += ` <div class='text-title'> <a class='hover-link' style='text-decoration: none;' target='_blank' href='${dailyNewsItem.href}'>${dailyNewsItem.isHot ? "⚡" : "•"} ${dailyNewsItem.text}</a>${comments} </div>`; } //console.log(newsText); newsPanel.innerHTML = newsText; } function getWheelImage() { return '<img border="0" align="absmiddle" height="11" src="">'; } function getSertIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber) { return "sec_" + (locationNumber.toString()).padStart(2, "0"); } function getSertIdByLocationName(locationName) { const locationNumber = Object.keys(locations).find(x => locations[x][2] == locationName); return getSertIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber); } function getHouseIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber) { return "dom_" + (locationNumber.toString()).padStart(2, "0"); } function getHouseIdByLocationName(locationName) { const locationNumber = Object.keys(locations).find(x => locations[x][2] == locationName); return getHouseIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber); } function distinctBy(arr, criteria) { return arr.filter((x, i) => arr.findIndex(y => criteria(y) == criteria(x)) == i); } // API function getURL(url) { window.location.href = url; } function createDataList(inputElement, dataListId, buttonsClass) { const datalist = addElement("datalist", { id: dataListId }); const valuesData = getValue("DataList" + dataListId); let values = []; if(valuesData) { values = valuesData.split(","); } for(const value of values) { addElement("option", { value: value }, datalist); } inputElement.parentNode.insertBefore(datalist, inputElement.nextSibling); inputElement.setAttribute("list", dataListId); const clearListButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: "x", title: LocalizedString.ClearList, class: buttonsClass, style: "min-width: 20px; width: 20px; text-align: center; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;" }); clearListButton.addEventListener("click", function() { if(window.confirm(LocalizedString.ClearList)) { deleteValue("DataList" + dataListId); datalist.innerHTML = ""; } }, false); inputElement.parentNode.insertBefore(clearListButton, datalist.nextSibling); return datalist; } function showCurrentNotification(html) { //setValue("CurrentNotification", `{"Type":"1","Message":"The next-sibling combinator is made of the code point that separates two compound selectors. The elements represented by the two compound selectors share the same parent in the document tree and the element represented by the first compound selector immediately precedes the element represented by the second one. Non-element nodes (e.g. text between elements) are ignored when considering the adjacency of elements."}`); if(!isHeartOnPage) { return; } let currentNotificationHolder = document.querySelector("div#currentNotificationHolder"); let currentNotificationContent = document.querySelector("div#currentNotificationContent"); if(!currentNotificationHolder) { currentNotificationHolder = addElement("div", { id: "currentNotificationHolder", style: "display: flex; position: fixed; transition-duration: 0.8s; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); bottom: -300px; width: 200px; border: 2px solid #000000; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #EAE0C8 0%, #DBD1B9 100%); font: 10pt sans-serif;" }, document.body); currentNotificationContent = addElement("div", { id: "currentNotificationContent", style: "text-align: center;" }, currentNotificationHolder); const divClose = addElement("div", { title: isEn ? "Close" : "Закрыть", innerText: "x", style: "border: 1px solid #abc; flex-basis: 15px; height: 15px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" }, currentNotificationHolder); divClose.addEventListener("click", function() { const rect = currentNotificationHolder.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${-rect.height-1}px`; }); } currentNotificationContent.innerHTML = html; const rect = currentNotificationHolder.getBoundingClientRect(); = `${-rect.height-1}px`; = "0"; setTimeout(function() { = `${-rect.height-1}px`; }, 3000); } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } // Array and object function groupBy(list, keyFieldOrSelector) { return list.reduce(function(t, item) { const keyValue = typeof keyFieldOrSelector === 'function' ? keyFieldOrSelector(item) : item[keyFieldOrSelector]; (t[keyValue] = t[keyValue] || []).push(item); return t; }, {}); }; function getKeyByValue(object, value) { return Object.keys(object).find(key => object[key] === value); } function findKey(obj, selector) { return Object.keys(obj).find(selector); } function pushNew(array, newValue) { if(array.indexOf(newValue) == -1) { array.push(newValue); } } function sortBy(field, reverse, evaluator) { const key = evaluator ? function(x) { return evaluator(x[field]); } : function(x) { return x[field]; }; return function(a, b) { return a = key(a), b = key(b), (reverse ? -1 : 1) * ((a > b) - (b > a)); } } // HttpRequests function getRequest(url, overrideMimeType = "text/html; charset=windows-1251") { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, overrideMimeType: overrideMimeType, onload: function(response) { resolve((new DOMParser).parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html")); }, onerror: function(error) { reject(error); } }); }); } function getRequestText(url, overrideMimeType = "text/html; charset=windows-1251") { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, overrideMimeType: overrideMimeType, onload: function(response) { resolve(response.responseText); }, onerror: function(error) { reject(error); } }); }); } function postRequest(url, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: url, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, data: data, onload: function(response) { resolve(response); }, onerror: function(error) { reject(error); } }); }); } function fetch({ url, method = 'GET', type = 'document', body = null }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, url); xhr.responseType = type; xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status === 200) return resolve(xhr.response); throwError(`Error with status ${xhr.status}`); }; xhr.onerror = () => throwError(`HTTP error with status ${xhr.status}`); xhr.send(body); function throwError(msg) { const err = new Error(msg); err.status = xhr.status; reject(err); } }); } // Storage function getValue(key, defaultValue) { return GM_getValue(key, defaultValue); }; function setValue(key, value) { GM_setValue(key, value); }; function deleteValue(key) { return GM_deleteValue(key); }; function getPlayerValue(key, defaultValue) { return getValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`, defaultValue); }; function setPlayerValue(key, value) { setValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`, value); }; function deletePlayerValue(key) { return deleteValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`); }; function getPlayerBool(valueName, defaultValue = false) { return getBool(valueName + PlayerId, defaultValue); } function getBool(valueName, defaultValue = false) { const value = getValue(valueName); //console.log(`valueName: ${valueName}, value: ${value}, ${typeof(value)}`) if(value != undefined) { if(typeof(value) == "string") { return value == "true"; } if(typeof(value) == "boolean") { return value; } } return defaultValue; } function setOrDeleteNumberValue(key, value) { if(!value || value == "" || isNaN(Number(value))) { deleteValue(key); } else { setValue(key, value); } } function setOrDeleteNumberPlayerValue(key, value) { setOrDeleteNumberValue(key + PlayerId, value); } function getStorageKeys(filter) { return listValues().filter(filter); } // Html DOM function addElement(type, data = {}, parent = undefined, insertPosition = "beforeend") { const el = document.createElement(type); for(const key in data) { if(key == "innerText" || key == "innerHTML") { el[key] = data[key]; } else { el.setAttribute(key, data[key]); } } if(parent) { if(parent.insertAdjacentElement) { parent.insertAdjacentElement(insertPosition, el); } else if(parent.parentNode) { switch(insertPosition) { case "beforebegin": parent.parentNode.insertBefore(el, parent); break; case "afterend": parent.parentNode.insertBefore(el, parent.nextSibling); break; } } } return el; } function addStyle(css) { addElement("style", { type: "text/css", innerHTML: css }, document.head); } function getParent(element, parentType, number = 1) { if(!element) { return; } let r###lt = element; let foundNumber = 0; while(r###lt = r###lt.parentNode) { if(r###lt.nodeName.toLowerCase() == parentType.toLowerCase()) { foundNumber++; if(foundNumber == number) { return r###lt; } } } } function getNearestAncestorSibling(node) { let parentNode = node; while((parentNode = parentNode.parentNode)) { if(parentNode.nextSibling) { return parentNode.nextSibling; } } } function getNearestAncestorElementSibling(node) { let parentNode = node; while((parentNode = parentNode.parentNode)) { if(parentNode.nextElementSibling) { return parentNode.nextElementSibling; } } } function nextSequential(node) { return node.firstChild || node.nextSibling || getNearestAncestorSibling(node); } function nextSequentialElement(element) { return element.firstElementChild || element.nextElementSibling || getNearestAncestorElementSibling(element); } function getSequentialsUntil(firstElement, lastElementTagName) { let currentElement = firstElement; const r###ltElements = [currentElement]; while((currentElement = nextSequential(currentElement)) && currentElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() != lastElementTagName.toLowerCase()) { r###ltElements.push(currentElement); } if(currentElement) { r###ltElements.push(currentElement); } return r###ltElements; } function findChildrenTextContainsValue(selector, value) { return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).reduce((t, x) => { const match = Array.from(x.childNodes).filter(y => y.nodeName == "#text" && y.textContent.includes(value)); return [...t, ...match]; }, []); } // Popup panel function createPupupPanel(panelName, panelTitle, fieldsMap, panelToggleHandler) { const backgroundPopupPanel = addElement("div", { id: panelName, style: "position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; background-color: rgb(0,0,0); background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); z-index: 200;" }, document.body); backgroundPopupPanel.addEventListener("click", function(e) { if( == this) { hidePupupPanel(panelName, panelToggleHandler); }}); const topStyle = isMobileDevice ? "" : "top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%);"; const contentDiv = addElement("div", { style: `${topStyle} padding: 5px; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; position: relative; margin: auto; padding: 0; width: fit-content; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #eea2a2 0%, #bbc1bf 19%, #57c6e1 42%, #b49fda 79%, #7ac5d8 100%); border: 1mm ridge rgb(211, 220, 50);` }, backgroundPopupPanel); if(panelTitle) { addElement("b", { innerHTML: panelTitle, style: "text-align: center; margin: auto; width: 90%; display: block;" }, contentDiv); } const divClose = addElement("span", { id: panelName + "close", title: isEn ? "Close" : "Закрыть", innerHTML: "×", style: "cursor: pointer; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;" }, contentDiv); divClose.addEventListener("click", function() { hidePupupPanel(panelName, panelToggleHandler); }); addElement("div", { style: "flex-basis: 100%; height: 0;"}, contentDiv); if(fieldsMap) { let contentTable = addElement("table", { style: "flex-basis: 100%; width: min-content;"}, contentDiv); for(const rowData of fieldsMap) { if(rowData.length == 0) { // Спомощью передачи пустой стороки-массива, указываем, что надо начать новую таблицу после брейка addElement("div", { style: "flex-basis: 100%; height: 0;"}, contentDiv); contentTable = addElement("table", undefined, contentDiv); continue; } const row = addElement("tr", undefined, contentTable); for(const cellData of rowData) { const cell = addElement("td", undefined, row); if(cellData) { if(typeof(cellData) == "string") { cell.innerText = cellData; } else { cell.appendChild(cellData); } } } } } if(panelToggleHandler) { panelToggleHandler(true); } return contentDiv; } function showPupupPanel(panelName, panelToggleHandler) { const backgroundPopupPanel = document.getElementById(panelName); if(backgroundPopupPanel) { = ''; if(panelToggleHandler) { panelToggleHandler(true); } return true; } return false; } function hidePupupPanel(panelName, panelToggleHandler) { const backgroundPopupPanel = document.getElementById(panelName); = 'none'; if(panelToggleHandler) { panelToggleHandler(false); } } // Script autor and url function getScriptLastAuthor() { let authors =; if(!authors) { const authorsMatch = GM_info.scriptMetaStr.match(/@author(.+)\n/); authors = authorsMatch ? authorsMatch[1] : ""; } const authorsArr = authors.split(",").map(x => x.trim()).filter(x => x); return authorsArr[authorsArr.length - 1]; } function getDownloadUrl() { let r###lt = GM_info.script.downloadURL; if(!r###lt) { const downloadURLMatch = GM_info.scriptMetaStr.match(/@downloadURL(.+)\n/); r###lt = downloadURLMatch ? downloadURLMatch[1] : ""; r###lt = r###lt.trim(); } return r###lt; } function getScriptReferenceHtml() { return `<a href="${getDownloadUrl()}" title="${isEn ? "Check for update" : "Проверить обновление скрипта"}" target=_blanc>${} ${GM_info.script.version}</a>`; } function getSendErrorMailReferenceHtml() { return `<a href="sms-create.php?mailto=${getScriptLastAuthor()}&subject=${isEn ? "Error in" : "Ошибка в"} ${} ${GM_info.script.version} (${GM_info.scriptHandler} ${GM_info.version})" target=_blanc>${isEn ? "Bug report" : "Сообщить об ошибке"}</a>`; } // Server time function getServerTime() { return - parseInt(getValue("ClientServerTimeDifference", 0)); } function getGameDate() { return new Date(getServerTime() + 10800000); } // Игра в интерфейсе всегда показывает московское время // Это та дата, которая в toUTCString покажет время по москве function toServerTime(clientTime) { return clientTime - parseInt(GM_getValue("ClientServerTimeDifference", 0)); } function toClientTime(serverTime) { return serverTime + parseInt(GM_getValue("ClientServerTimeDifference", 0)); } function truncToFiveMinutes(time) { return Math.floor(time / 300000) * 300000; } function today() { const now = new Date(getServerTime()); now.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return now; } function tomorrow() { const today1 = today(); today1.setDate(today1.getDate() + 1); return today1; } async function requestServerTime() { if(parseInt(getValue("LastClientServerTimeDifferenceRequestDate", 0)) + 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000 < { setValue("LastClientServerTimeDifferenceRequestDate",; const responseText = await getRequestText("/time.php"); const responseParcing = /now (\d+)/.exec(responseText); //responseText: now 1681711364 17-04-23 09:02 if(responseParcing) { setValue("ClientServerTimeDifference", - parseInt(responseParcing[1]) * 1000); } } else { setTimeout(requestServerTime, 60 * 60 * 1000); } } // dateString - игровое время, взятое со страниц игры. Оно всегда московское // Как результат возвращаем серверную дату function parseDate(dateString, isFuture = false, isPast = false) { //console.log(dateString) if(!dateString) { return; } const dateStrings = dateString.split(" "); let hours = 0; let minutes = 0; let seconds = 0; const gameDate = getGameDate(); let year = gameDate.getUTCFullYear(); let month = gameDate.getUTCMonth(); let day = gameDate.getUTCDate(); const timePart = dateStrings.find(x => x.includes(":")); if(timePart) { var time = timePart.split(":"); hours = parseInt(time[0]); minutes = parseInt(time[1]); if(time.length > 2) { seconds = parseInt(time[2]); } if(dateStrings.length == 1) { let r###lt = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)); if(isPast && r###lt > gameDate) { r###lt.setUTCDate(r###lt.getUTCDate() - 1); } if(isFuture && r###lt < gameDate) { r###lt.setUTCDate(r###lt.getUTCDate() + 1); } //console.log(`r###lt: ${r###lt}, gameDate: ${gameDate}`) r###lt.setUTCHours(r###lt.getUTCHours() - 3); return r###lt; } } const datePart = dateStrings.find(x => x.includes("-")); if(datePart) { const date = datePart.split("-"); month = parseInt(date[isEn ? (date.length == 3 ? 1 : 0) : 1]) - 1; day = parseInt(date[isEn ? (date.length == 3 ? 2 : 1) : 0]); if(date.length == 3) { const yearText = isEn ? date[0] : date[2]; year = parseInt(yearText); if(yearText.length < 4) { year += Math.floor(gameDate.getUTCFullYear() / 1000) * 1000; } } else { if(isFuture && month == 0 && gameDate.getUTCMonth() == 11) { year += 1; } } } if(dateStrings.length > 2) { const letterDateExec = /(\d{2}):(\d{2}) (\d{2}) (.{3,4})/.exec(dateString); if(letterDateExec) { //console.log(letterDateExec) day = parseInt(letterDateExec[3]); //const monthNames = ['января', 'февраля', 'марта', 'апреля', 'мая', 'июня', 'июля', 'августа', 'сентября', 'октября', 'ноября', 'декабря']; const monthShortNames = ['янв', 'фев', 'март', 'апр', 'май', 'июнь', 'июль', 'авг', 'сент', 'окт', 'ноя', 'дек']; month = monthShortNames.findIndex(x => x.toLowerCase() == letterDateExec[4].toLowerCase()); if(isPast && Date.UTC(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) > gameDate.getTime()) { year -= 1; } } } //console.log(`year: ${year}, month: ${month}, day: ${day}, time[0]: ${time[0]}, time[1]: ${time[1]}, ${new Date(year, month, day, parseInt(time[0]), parseInt(time[1]))}`); let r###lt = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds)); r###lt.setUTCHours(r###lt.getUTCHours() - 3); return r###lt; } // Misc async function initUserName() { if(location.pathname == "/pl_info.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) { //console.log(document.querySelector("h1").innerText) setPlayerValue("UserName", document.querySelector("h1").innerText); } if(location.pathname == "/home.php") { //console.log(document.querySelector(`a[href='pl_info.php?id=${PlayerId}'] > b`).innerText) setPlayerValue("UserName", document.querySelector(`a[href='pl_info.php?id=${PlayerId}'] > b`).innerText); } if(!getPlayerValue("UserName")) { const doc = await getRequest(`/pl_info.php?id=${PlayerId}`); setPlayerValue("UserName", doc.querySelector("h1").innerText); } } function getUrlParamValue(url, paramName) { return (new URLSearchParams(url.split("?")[1])).get(paramName); } function showBigData(data) { console.log(data); /*addElement("TEXTAREA", { innerText: data }, document.body);*/ } function round0(value) { return Math.round(value * 10) / 10; } function round00(value) { return Math.round(value * 100) / 100; } function mobileCheck() { let check = false; (function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4))) check = true;})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); return check; }; // MutationObserver function observe(targets, handler, config = { childList: true, subtree: true }) { targets = Array.isArray(targets) ? targets : [targets]; targets = => { if(typeof x === 'function') { return x(document); } return x; }); // Можем передавать не элементы, а их селекторы const ob = new MutationObserver(async function(mut, observer) { //console.log(`Mutation start`); observer.disconnect(); if( === 'AsyncFunction') { await handler(); } else { handler(); } for(const target of targets) { if(target) { observer.observe(target, config); } } }); for(const target of targets) { if(target) { ob.observe(target, config); } } } // UpdatePanels // Если используется url, то это должна быть та же локация с другими параметрами async function refreshUpdatePanels(panelSelectors, postProcessor, url = location.href) { panelSelectors = Array.isArray(panelSelectors) ? panelSelectors : [panelSelectors]; let freshDocument; for(const panelSelector of panelSelectors) { const updatePanel = panelSelector(document); //console.log(panelSelector.toString()) //console.log(updatePanel) if(updatePanel) { freshDocument = freshDocument || await getRequest(url); const freshUpdatePanel = panelSelector(freshDocument); if(!freshUpdatePanel) { console.log(updatePanel) continue; } if(postProcessor) { postProcessor(freshUpdatePanel); } updatePanel.innerHTML = freshUpdatePanel.innerHTML; Array.from(updatePanel.querySelectorAll("script")).forEach(x => { x.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", addElement("script", { innerHTML: x.innerHTML })); // Передобавляем скрипты, как элементы, что они сработали x.remove(); }); } } if(typeof win.hwm_hints_init === 'function') win.hwm_hints_init(); return freshDocument; }