Greasy Fork is available in English.
// ==UserScript== // @name YT快速鍵hotkeys // @namespace // @version 1.3.0 // @license AGPLv3 // @author jcunews // @description YT快速鍵控制功能,說明鍵:[?] // @match https://** // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @icon // ==/UserScript== //感謝原作者 /* *[?](shift+/)打開說明欄 *快速鍵可代碼內自行修改 *本腳本無法突破YT限制(1.速度上限2x;2.LIVE直播若關閉回放則無法跳秒) *因此可同時使用html5腳本 */ //速度提示框 const SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS = true; const NOTIFICATION_DURATION_MILLIS = 350; var lastToastElement = null; function showNotification(message) { if (!SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS) {return;} if (lastToastElement !== null) {lastToastElement.remove();lastToastElement = null;} const toast = document.createElement('tp-yt-paper-toast'); toast.innerText = message; toast.classList.add('toast-open'); "font:normal 16pt/normal sans-serif;background:#444;color:#fff"; const styleProps = {position: 'fixed',left: '0%',bottom: '2%',opacity: '1',};//outline: 'none',zIndex: '2202', for (const prop in styleProps) {[prop] = styleProps[prop];} document.body.appendChild(toast); lastToastElement = toast; setTimeout(() => { = 'block'; = 'none';}, 0); setTimeout(() => { = 'none';}, Math.max(0, NOTIFICATION_DURATION_MILLIS)); } (ch => { /* `key` 必須輸入大寫。 `mods`是零或最多3個修飾符鍵以任何順序): `A`=Alt, `C`=Control, `S`=Shift. 例如 “”(無修飾符鍵), "s" (Shift), "Cs" (Control+Shift), "aSc" (Control+Shift+Alt). */ var hotkeys = [ {key: "S", mods: "", desc: "截圖(jpg)Screenshot >腳本", func: a => eleClick('#yt-ss-btn')}, //{key: "S", mods: "", desc: "截圖到剪貼簿(停頓)clipboard Screenshot >腳本", func: a => eleClick('#ytp-screenshot-button')}, {key: "S", mods: "", desc: "截圖到剪貼簿clipboard Screenshot >腳本", func: a => eleClick('#screenshotButton')}, //{key: "S", mods: "", desc: "截圖腳本(png)TesterTV Screenshots >搭配腳本", func: a => eleClick('#ScreenshotButton')}, {key: "W", mods: "", desc: "Tabview資訊 >搭配腳本", func: a => eleClick('#tab-btn1')}, {key: "E", mods: "", desc: "Tabview留言 >搭配腳本", func: a => eleClick('#tab-btn3')}, {key: "W", mods: "S", desc: "Tabview播放清單 >搭配腳本", func: a => eleClick('#tab-btn5')}, {key: "E", mods: "S", desc: "Tabview影片 >搭配腳本", func: a => eleClick('#tab-btn4')}, {key: "R", mods: "S", desc: "已儲存進度 >搭配腳本", func: a => eleClick('.ysrp-settings-button')}, {key: "ESCAPE", mods: "", desc: "[關閉YouTubeLiveClock筆記] >搭配擴充YouTubeLiveClock", func: a => eleClick('#ytlctn-close')}, {key: "/", mods: "", desc: "焦點頻道搜尋框", func: a => eleClick('#tabs-container :is(ytd-expandable-tab-renderer,.ytd-expandable-tab-renderer):has(form[action*="/search"])')}, {key: "'", mods: "", desc: "焦點評論輸入框", func: a => eleClick('#simplebox-placeholder')}, {key: "/",mods: "", desc: "焦點聊天室輸入框", func: a => focusChatFrame('div#input')}, {key: "N", mods: "", desc: "聊天室跳到最底↓", func: a => eleClick('#show-more')}, {key: "B",mods: "", desc: "焦點即時聊天訊息列表+刷新", func: a => (focusChatFrame('tp-yt-paper-button') ,eleClick('tp-yt-paper-button'), eleClick(''))}, //{key: "\\", mods: "", desc: "聊天室輸入框Focus live chat input box", func: (a, b) => (a = document.querySelector('#chatframe')) && (b = a.contentDocument.querySelector('div#input')) && (a.focus(), b.focus())}, //{key: "B", mods: "", desc: "Focus聚焦聊天室", func: a => (a = document.querySelector('#chatframe')) && (a.focus())}, //{key: "B", mods: "", desc: "聊天室更新1+2", func: a => eleClick('')}, //{key: "B", mods: "", desc: "聊天室下拉按鈕3", func: a => eleClick('tp-yt-paper-button')}, //{key: "B", mods: "", desc: "聊天室更新3", func: a => eleClick('tp-yt-paper-item')}, {key: "G", mods: "", desc: "倒退 1 秒Rewind video by 1 seconds", func: a => videoSeekBy(-1)}, {key: "H", mods: "", desc: "前進 1 秒forward video by 1 seconds", func: a => videoSeekBy(1)}, {key: "G", mods: "S", desc: "前進 30 秒Rewind video by 30 seconds", func: a => videoSeekBy(-30)}, {key: "H", mods: "S", desc: "倒退 30 秒forward video by 30 seconds", func: a => videoSeekBy(30)}, {key: "G", mods: "SA", desc: "跳至開始go video 0%", func: a => videoSeekTo(0.00)}, {key: "H", mods: "SA", desc: "跳至最後go video 100%", func: a => videoSeekTo(1.00)}, {key: "F", mods: "S", desc: "跳至直播最新進度live current time", func: a => eleClick('.ytp-live-badge')}, {key: "J", mods: "A", func: a => videoSeekChapter(-1), desc: "上一章節Seek to previous chapter"}, {key: "L", mods: "A", func: a => videoSeekChapter(1), desc: "下一章節Seek to next chapter"}, {key: "`", mods: "", desc: "指南/側邊欄Toggle guide / sidebar", func: a => eleClick('#guide-button')}, {key: "V", mods: "S", desc: "隱藏控制列Toggle YouTube video controls", func: toggleYtVideoControls}, {key: "B", mods: "S", desc: "個人中心Go to feed you page", func: a => ("/feed/you"))}, {key: "R", mods: "S", desc: "首頁Go to homepage", func: a => ("/"))}, {key: "R", mods: "", desc: "聊天室/章節Toggle replay chat or chapter list", func: toggleChatChap}, {key: "Y", mods: "", desc: "按喜歡Toggle like video", func: a => eleClick(['#segmented-like-button button', ':is(#info, #description-and-actions, #actions) #menu ytd-toggle-button-renderer:nth-of-type(1) button#button', '#info #menu #top-level-buttons-computed ytd-toggle-button-renderer:nth-of-type(1) button#button', 'like-button-view-model button'])}, //{key: "~", mods: "S", desc: "首頁Go to YouTube home page", func: a => eleClick('a#logo')}, {key: "G", mods: "A", desc: "提高解析度Decrease video quality", func: selectQuality}, {key: "H", mods: "A", desc: "降低解析度Increase video quality", func: selectQuality}, //{key: "Y", mods: "A", desc: "自動解析度Set video quality to auto", func: selectQuality}, {key: "<", mods: "S", desc: "加速(上限 2X )Decrease video playback speed by 0.25", func: a => adjustSpeed(-1)}, {key: ">", mods: "S", desc: "減速(下限0.25X)Increase video playback speed by 0.25", func: a => adjustSpeed(1)}, {key: "M", mods: "S", desc: "恢復原速Increase video playback speed by 1", func: a => adjustSpeed2()}, //禁用0-9的跳進度% {key: "0", mods: "",desc: "說明:已經禁用 0 - 9 跳進度 N %", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "1", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "2", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "3", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "4", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "5", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "6", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "7", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "8", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, {key: "9", mods: "", func: a => videoSeekTo(none)}, ]; var baseKeys = {}; ("~`!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0_-+={[}]:;\"'|\\<,>.?/").split("").forEach((c, i, a) => { if ((i & 1) === 0) baseKeys[c] = a[i + 1]; }); function focusChatFrame(sel, a, b) { (a = document.querySelector('#chatframe')) && (b = a.contentDocument.querySelector(sel)) && (a.focus(), b.focus()) } function isHidden(e) { while (e && { if (getComputedStyle(e).display === "none") { return true; } e = e.parentNode } return false } function eleClick(s, l, e) { if (s.some) { s.some(a => { if (e = document.querySelector(a)) { if (e.disabled || isHidden(e)) e = null } if (e) return true }); } else if (l) { e = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(s)).find(f => !f.disabled && !isHidden(f)) } else if (e = document.querySelector(s)) { if (e.disabled || isHidden(e)) e = null } if (e) {; return true } } function videoSeekBy(t, v) { (v = document.querySelector('.html5-video-player')) && v.seekBy(t); } function videoSeekTo(p, v) { (v = document.querySelector('.html5-video-player')) && v.seekTo(v.getDuration() * p); } function videoSeekChapter(d, v, s, t) { if ( (v = document.querySelector('.html5-video-player')) && (s = v.getPlayerResponse().videoDetails) && (s = s.shortDescription) ) { t = v.getCurrentTime(); if (s = s.match(/^(?:\s*\d+\.)?\s*(\d{1,2}:)?\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}\s+\S+.*/gm)) { s = => { s = s.match(/^(?:\s*\d+\.)?\s*(\d{1,2}:)?(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})/); s[1] = s[1] ? parseInt(s[1]) : 0; s[2] = s[2] ? parseInt(s[2]) : 0; s[3] = s[3] ? parseInt(s[3]) : 0; return (s[1] * 3600) + (s[2] * 60) + s[3] }) } } if ( (!s || !s.some || !s.length) && (s = window["page-manager"]) && (s = s.getCurrentData()) && (s = s.response) && (s = s.playerOverlays) && (s = s.playerOverlayRenderer) && (s = s.decoratedPlayerBarRenderer) && (s = s.decoratedPlayerBarRenderer) && (s = s.playerBar) && (s = s.multiMarkersPlayerBarRenderer) && (s = s.markersMap) ) { s.some(m => { if (m.key === "AUTO_CHAPTERS") { if ((m = m.value) && (m = m.chapters) && m.length && m[0] && m[0].chapterRenderer && m[0].chapterRenderer) { s = => Math.floor(a.chapterRenderer.timeRangeStartMillis / 1000)) } return true } }) } if (s && s.some) { if (s.length && (s[0] > 1)) s.unshift(0); s.some((c, i) => { if ((d < 0) && (c <= t) && (!s[i + 1] || (s[i + 1] > t))) { if ((c + 1) >= t) { v.seekTo(s[i - 1]); } else v.seekTo(c); return true } else if ((d > 0) && (c > t) && i) { v.seekTo(c); return true } }) } } //解析度修改 function selectQuality(i, v, e, c) { if ((v = document.querySelector('.html5-video-player')) && (v.getAvailableQualityLabels().length > 1)) { if (i.key === "Y") { v.setPlaybackQualityRange("auto", "auto"); } else { (e = v.getAvailableQualityLevels()).pop(); c = e.indexOf(v.getPlaybackQuality()); i = i.key === "G" ? 1 : -1; if (e = e[c + i]) v.setPlaybackQualityRange(e, e); } } } //速度修改 function adjustSpeed(d, s) { if (s = Math.floor((movie_player.getPlaybackRate() * 4) + d) / 4) movie_player.setPlaybackRate(s) showNotification('Speed : ' + movie_player.getPlaybackRate(s) + ' X') } //速度復原1x function adjustSpeed2(d, s) { if (s = 1) movie_player.setPlaybackRate(s) showNotification('Speed : ' + movie_player.getPlaybackRate(s) + ' X') } //顯示隱藏聊天室/章節按鈕 function toggleChatChap(a) { if (!eleClick([ '#chat-messages #close-button button', '#show-hide-button.ytd-live-chat-frame button', '#show-hide-button.ytd-live-chat-frame > ytd-toggle-button-renderer.ytd-live-chat-frame', 'ytd-engagement-panel-section-list-renderer:is([target-id="engagement-panel-macro-markers-auto-chapters"],[target-id="engagement-panel-macro-markers-description-chapters"])[visibility="ENGAGEMENT_PANEL_VISIBILITY_EXPANDED"] #visibility-button button', '.ytp-chapter-title' ]) && (a = document.querySelector('ytd-live-chat-frame:not([collapsed]) #chatframe'))) a.contentWindow.postMessage("myhujs_toggleChatChap") } //影片控制列隱藏顯示 function toggleYtVideoControls(v) { if (v = document.querySelector('.html5-video-player')) { if (v.classList.contains("ytp-autohide-active")) { v.classList.remove("ytp-autohide-active") } else if (v.classList.contains("ytp-autohide")) { v.classList.remove("ytp-autohide") } else v.classList.add("ytp-autohide") } } function navUser(tn, tp, a, b, d) { if ((new RegExp(`^/(channel|user)/[^/]+/${tp}$`)).test(location.pathname)) { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.paper-tab')).some(e => { if (e.textContent.trim() === tn) {; return true; } }); } else if ( (a = document.querySelector(':is(.ytd-video-secondary-info-renderer,ytd-watch-metadata) yt-formatted-string.ytd-channel-name')) && (d = a.__data) && (d = d.text) && (d = d.runs) && (d = d[0]) && (d = d.navigationEndpoint) ) { if (b = document.querySelector(".yt-page-navigation-progress")) { = "scaleX(.5)"; b.parentNode.hidden = false } fetch(d.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url, {credentials: "omit"}).then(r => r.text().then((h, x, ep, e, t, m) => { if ((h = h.match(/var ytInitialData = (\{.*?\});/)) && (h = JSON.parse(h[1]).contents.twoColumnBrowseR###ltsRenderer.tabs)) { x = new RegExp(`^\\/[^\\/]+(?:\\/[^\\/]+)?\\/${tp}$`); if (h.some((v, i, b) => { if ((b = v.tabRenderer) && !b.content && x.test((b = b.endpoint).commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url)) { e = (ep = d).browseEndpoint; t = d.clickTrackingParams; m = d.commandMetadata; d.browseEndpoint = b.browseEndpoint; d.clickTrackingParams = b.clickTrackingParams; d.commandMetadata = b.commandMetadata; return true } })) {; setTimeout(() => { ep.browseEndpoint = e; ep.clickTrackingParams = t; ep.commandMetadata = m; }, 20) } } })) } } function checkHotkeyPopup(a, b, c, d, e) { if ((a = document.querySelector("#sections.ytd-hotkey-dialog-content")) && !a.querySelector(".more-hotkeys")) { a.__shady_native_appendChild(b = (d = 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"SHIFT+" : "") + (h.shift ? baseKeys[h.key] || h.key.toLowerCase() : h.key) + ")"; } else f = h.key.toLowerCase(); } e.__shady_native_lastElementChild.textContent = f; } }); } else if (--ch) setTimeout(checkHotkeyPopup, 100); } function editable(e) { var r = false; while (e) { if (e.contentEditable === "true") return true; e = e.parentNode; } return r; } if (top !== self) { addEventListener("message", ev => ( === "myhujs_toggleChatChap") && toggleChatChap()) } hotkeys.forEach(h => { var a = h.mods.toUpperCase().split(""); h.shift = a.includes("S"); h.ctrl = a.includes("C"); h.alt = a.includes("A"); }); addEventListener("keydown", (ev, a) => { if ((a = document.activeElement) && (editable(a) || (a.tagName === "INPUT") || (a.tagName === "TEXTAREA"))) return; if ((ev.key === "?") && ev.shiftKey && !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.altKey) { ch = 10; setTimeout(checkHotkeyPopup, 100); } hotkeys.forEach(h => { if ((ev.key.toUpperCase() === h.key) && (ev.shiftKey === h.shift) && (ev.ctrlKey === h.ctrl) && (ev.altKey === h.alt)) { ev.preventDefault(); ("function" === typeof h.func) && h.func(h); } }); }, true); })();