This user script helps you
- skip ads' count-down or continue page
- block pop-up windows
If you do not need image-hosting site support, please see Lite edition.
Any feature request or bug report is welcome. (either in English, 中文 or 日本語)The source repository is on GitHub. You could use GitHub to report issues orsend pull requests, if you have an account.
You can configure some function in this page, please see [here] if youneed more information.
Supported Platforms
Please check this page to see if your browser/userscript manager issupported.
- fixed
- oni.vn
- lynk.my
- sh.st
- linkbucks.com
- added
- victly.com
- link.im
- boxcash.net
- removed
more ...
Supported Sites
- adf.ly
- linkbucks
- Mihalism Multi Host
- reklama
- imageporter
- CF Image Host
- imgrill.com
- picfox
- imgchili
- imgdino
- hanimes
- abload
- bc.vc
- coinurl
- lnxlu
- lnkco
- urlcash
- imagesnake
- imagetwist
- b4he
- emptypix
- fotoo
- freakimage
- imagevenue
- imgfantasy
- imgbabes
- imageheli.com
- cashfly
- 2i.cz
- pic2profit.com
- depic.me
- pic4you.ru
- buzurl.com
- easyurl.net
- sh.st
- seomafia.net
- imagescream.com
- upan.so
- imgpaying.com
- imgsure.com
- firedrive.com
- mantap.in
- moe.god.jp
- ethi.in
- shortenurl.tk
- safelink
- qrrro.com
- sylnk.net
- gca.sh (manual captcha)
- segmentnext.com
- awet.in
- gallerynova.se
more ... (506 sites)
Forked from RedirectionHelper writen by SuYS, and here are our nicecontributors. (sort by GitHub account)