Greasy Fork is available in English.
Скрипт для перехвата данных для игры Hero Wars и преобразования их в csv.
A script for intercepting data for the Hero Wars game and converting it to csv and copy in clipboard.
Guild-Stats-CSV - The main statistics of the guild's data for evaluating activity and distributing gifts. The data is intercepted and updated during the opening of the Guild members window and the Presents window.
Guild-Power-GW-CSV - Information about the selected defense forces in the Guild War. They are updated during the opening of the Defense Preparation window in the Guild War.
GW-Enemy-CSV - Data on enemy units in the Guild War. They are updated during the opening of an active Guild War.
GW-Guild-CSV - Data about your guild's units in the Guild War. They are updated during the opening of an active Guild War.