
Greasy Fork is available in English.

8591 15秒刷新並禁止頁面休眠


  1. // ==UserScript==// @name 8591 15秒刷新並禁止頁面休眠// @name:zh-TW 8591 15秒刷新並禁止頁面休眠// @name:zh-CN 8591 15秒刷新并禁止页面休眠// @name:en 8591 Automatically refreshes// @namespace https://www.youtube.com/c/ScottDoha// @version 1.3// @description 15秒刷新並禁止頁面休眠// @description:zh-cn 15秒刷新并禁止页面休眠// @description:en Automatically refreshes the page every 15 seconds and prevents the page from entering sleep mode.// @author Scott// @match *://www.8591.com.tw/*// @grant none// @license Proprietary// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';// Refresh interval in milliseconds (15 seconds)const refreshInterval = 15000;// Function to reload the pagefunction reloadPage() {location.reload();}// Function to prevent the page from entering sleep modefunction preventSleep() {if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {const preventSleepFrame = document.createElement('iframe');preventSleepFrame.style.width = '0';preventSleepFrame.style.height = '0';preventSleepFrame.style.border = 'none';document.body.appendChild(preventSleepFrame);}}// Reload the page every refreshInterval millisecondssetInterval(reloadPage, refreshInterval);// Prevent the page from entering sleep modesetInterval(preventSleep, 5000); // Execute every 5 seconds})();