
Greasy Fork is available in English.

📘Быстрая перелистывание страниц

👍Игнорируйте анимацию прокрутки, быстро переключайте страницы, можно управлять с помощью клавиатуры или плавающего окна и настраивать темный режим, размер плавающего окна и сохраненное соотношение прокрутки.

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147,3 КБ
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✨ 描述

  • 通过此脚本,用户可以忽略滑动动画,快速切换页面。用户可以到脚本菜单中进行进一步修改,以满足个性化需求。

🚀 功能

  • 使用 PgUp 和 PgDn 键进行翻页,或者使用自定义热键进行翻页。
  • 可以通过悬浮窗口脚本菜单选择翻页方式。
  • 支持自动检测并切换黑色模式,以适应不同的网页背景。
  • 设置保留页面高度的百分比,以适应不同的显示器或阅读偏好。
  • 自定义悬浮窗口大小、透明度、布局和颜色。

🛠️ 使用方法

  1. 安装浏览器扩展管理器,如 Tampermonkey 或 Greasemonkey。
  2. 将此脚本复制粘贴到扩展管理器中。
  3. 刷新任意网页,即可开始使用翻页功能。
  4. 可以通过脚本菜单选择翻页方式和保留高度。

⚙️ 自定义选项

  • 热键设置:可以在脚本菜单中自定义上翻页和下翻页的热键。
  • 保留页面百分比:可以在脚本菜单中调整保留页面的高度百分比。
  • 悬浮窗设置:可以自定义悬浮窗口的大小、透明度、布局和颜色。
  • 黑色模式:可以选择自动检测并切换黑色模式,或手动设置。

💖 请求打赏

  • 如果您觉得这个用户脚本对您有所帮助,并且您愿意支持我的工作,我将不胜感激。
  • 如果您愿意打赏,请扫描下方的赞赏码。
  • 再次感谢您的支持!

📘 Fast Page Turning丨No Animation Full Screen Switching丨Custom Floating Window丨Dark Mode

This user script adds fast, no animation full-screen page-turning functionality to the browser, allowing users to quickly switch pages with key presses and further customize settings in the script menu.

✨ Description

  • With this script, users can ignore scrolling animations and quickly switch pages. Users can further modify settings in the script menu to meet their personalized needs.

🚀 Features

  • Use the PgUp and PgDn keys for page turning, or use custom hotkeys for page turning.
  • Choose the page-turning method through the floating window or the script menu.
  • Automatically detect and switch to dark mode to adapt to different web page backgrounds.
  • Set the percentage of retained page height to suit different monitors or reading preferences.
  • Customize the size, transparency, layout, and color of the floating window.

🛠️ Usage

  1. Install a browser extension manager, such as Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey.
  2. Copy and paste this script into the extension manager.
  3. Refresh any webpage to start using the page-turning feature.
  4. Choose the page-turning method and retained height through the script menu.

⚙️ Customization Options

  • Hotkey settings: Customize the hotkeys for page up and page down in the script menu.
  • Retained page percentage: Adjust the percentage of retained page height in the script menu.
  • Floating window settings: Customize the size, transparency, layout, and color of the floating window.
  • Dark mode: Choose to automatically detect and switch to dark mode, or set it manually.

💖 Donations

  • If you find this user script helpful and would like to support my work, I would be very grateful.
  • If you would like to donate, please scan the reward code below (WeChat) or send via USDT-TRC20 to: TX8mSThSirP1dUKeM4k2qSnv1sbTuYHwF4.
  • Thank you again for your support!