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Automatically clicks the "I'm not a robot" checkbox on reCaptcha V2, reCaptcha V2 callback, reCaptcha V2 Enterprise, and hCaptcha captchas
- // ==UserScript==// @name Auto Click "I'm not a robot"// @namespace @version 0.9// @description Automatically clicks the "I'm not a robot" checkbox on reCaptcha V2, reCaptcha V2 callback, reCaptcha V2 Enterprise, and hCaptcha captchas// @author JJJ// @match *://*/*// @icon @grant none// @license MIT// ==/UserScript==(function () {'use strict';// Constants for selectors and attributesconst CHECKBOX = "#checkbox";const ARIA_CHECKED = "aria-checked";// Utility function to select a single elementfunction qSelector(selector) {return document.querySelector(selector);}// Utility function to check if an element is hiddenfunction isHidden(el) {return (el.offsetParent === null);}// Handler for reCaptcha V2const reCaptchaV2Handler = {// Find the checkbox element for reCaptcha V2findCheckboxElement() {return document.querySelector('.recaptcha-checkbox-border') ||document.querySelector('[role="checkbox"][aria-labelledby="recaptcha-anchor-label"]') ||qSelector(CHECKBOX);},// Solve the reCaptcha V2 by clicking the checkboxsolve() {const checkbox = this.findCheckboxElement();if (checkbox && !isHidden(checkbox) && checkbox.getAttribute(ARIA_CHECKED) !== "true") {;}}};// Handler for reCaptcha V2 callbackconst reCaptchaV2CallbackHandler = {// Find the callback function for reCaptcha V2findCallbackFunction() {if (typeof ___grecaptcha_cfg !== 'undefined') {const keys = Object.keys(___grecaptcha_cfg.clients).filter(key => key !== 'load');for (const key of keys) {const client = ___grecaptcha_cfg.clients[key];if (client && typeof client.hl?.l?.callback === 'function') {return client.hl.l.callback;}}}return null;},// Solve the reCaptcha V2 by invoking the callback functionsolve() {const callbackFn = this.findCallbackFunction();if (typeof callbackFn === 'function') {callbackFn();}}};// Handler for reCaptcha V2 Enterpriseconst reCaptchaV2EnterpriseHandler = {// Find the checkbox element for reCaptcha V2 EnterprisefindEnterpriseCheckboxElement() {return document.querySelector('.enterprise-checkbox') ||document.querySelector('[aria-labelledby="recaptcha-accessible-status"]');},// Solve the reCaptcha V2 Enterprise by clicking the checkboxsolve() {const checkbox = this.findEnterpriseCheckboxElement();if (checkbox && !isHidden(checkbox) && checkbox.getAttribute(ARIA_CHECKED) !== "true") {;}}};// Handler for hCaptchaconst hCaptchaHandler = {// Find the checkbox element for hCaptchafindCheckboxElement() {return document.querySelector('.hcaptcha-checkbox') ||document.querySelector('[aria-labelledby="hcaptcha-anchor-label"]');},// Solve the hCaptcha by clicking the checkboxsolve() {const checkbox = this.findCheckboxElement();if (checkbox && !isHidden(checkbox) && checkbox.getAttribute(ARIA_CHECKED) !== "true") {;}}};// Main captcha solver that tries to solve all types of captchasconst captchaSolver = {solve() {reCaptchaV2Handler.solve();reCaptchaV2CallbackHandler.solve();reCaptchaV2EnterpriseHandler.solve();hCaptchaHandler.solve();}};// Initialize a MutationObserver to detect changes in the DOMfunction initializeObserver() {const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {for (const mutation of mutations) {if (mutation.type === 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) {captchaSolver.solve();}}});observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });}// Initialize the scriptfunction init() {captchaSolver.solve();// Periodically try to solve captchassetInterval(() => {captchaSolver.solve();}, 1000);}// Check if the document is still loadingif (document.readyState === 'loading') {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {initializeObserver();init();});} else {initializeObserver();init();}// Compatibility check for supported browsersconst userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();const isCompatibleBrowser = ['chrome', 'edg', 'brave', 'firefox'].some(browser => userAgent.includes(browser));console.log(isCompatibleBrowser ? 'Running on a compatible browser' : 'Running on an unsupported browser');})();