Greasy Fork is available in English.
Auto Walk, Walk+Jump, and Walk Left+Right script triggered by numpad keys (1, 2, and 3), initially disabled.
// ==UserScript==// @name Auto Walk[NumPad 1], Walk+Jump[NumPad 2], and Walk Left+Right[NumPad 3] Mod For Shell Shockers// @namespace @version 1.3// @description Auto Walk, Walk+Jump, and Walk Left+Right script triggered by numpad keys (1, 2, and 3), initially disabled.// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @grant none// @icon -// @run-at document-start// @require[email protected]/babylon.min.js// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';let autoWalkActive = false;let autoWalkJumpInterval;let autoWalkLeftRightInterval;let walkingLeft = true;function triggerKeyDown(key) {document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { 'key': key }));}function triggerKeyUp(key) {document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keyup', { 'key': key }));}function autoWalk() {if (autoWalkActive) {triggerKeyDown('w');} else {triggerKeyUp('w');}}function autoWalkJump() {triggerKeyDown('w');triggerKeyDownUp(' ');}function triggerKeyDownUp(key) {document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { 'key': key }));setTimeout(() => {document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keyup', { 'key': key }));}, 100);}function walkLeftRight() {if (walkingLeft) {triggerKeyDown('a');triggerKeyUp('d');} else {triggerKeyDown('d');triggerKeyUp('a');}walkingLeft = !walkingLeft;}document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {// Toggle auto walk on Numpad1if (event.code === 'Numpad1' && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) {autoWalkActive = !autoWalkActive;autoWalk();}// Toggle auto walk+jump on Numpad2else if (event.code === 'Numpad2' && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) {if (!autoWalkJumpInterval) {triggerKeyDown('w');autoWalkJumpInterval = setInterval(autoWalkJump, 500);} else {clearInterval(autoWalkJumpInterval);triggerKeyUp('w');autoWalkJumpInterval = null;}}// Toggle walk left and right on Numpad3else if (event.code === 'Numpad3' && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.metaKey) {if (!autoWalkLeftRightInterval) {autoWalkLeftRightInterval = setInterval(walkLeftRight, 3000);} else {clearInterval(autoWalkLeftRightInterval);triggerKeyUp('a');triggerKeyUp('d');autoWalkLeftRightInterval = null;}}});})();